很高興與歐陽乃沾、沈平和劉啟舜一起展出,請大家支持【#仍然記得佢哋嗎? 藝術家筆下的香港老行業】特展 @Artspace K
士多、人力車、舞廳、海上酒家…這些大家還記得嗎? 2021年3月11日至6月27日,Artspace K 將舉辦「仍然記得佢哋嗎?—藝術家筆下的香港老行業」特展,邀請四位跨越四個世代的香港知名藝術家—歐陽乃沾、沈平、劉啟舜及慧惠,展出70件以上畫作,包含油畫、水彩、鋼筆、水墨等,以60、70年代至今的傳統行業作為聚點,帶領觀眾重窺昔日香港老行業風貌。
【#RememberThem? Old Businesses in Hong Kong through Eyes of Artists】 Exhibition
Traditional grocery stores, rickshaws, nightlife dance halls and floating restaurants. Do you still remember? Artspace K is pleased to announce its latest exhibition, “Remember Them?—Old Businesses in Hong Kong through Eyes of Artists” from 11 March till 27 June 2021, featuring the city’s traditional businesses. Four renowned Hong Kong artists - Au Yeung Nai Chim, Shen Ping, Cassian Lau and Wai Wai spanning four generations have been invited to present over 70 artworks in various techniques and media, including oils, watercolour, Chinese ink and ink, to provide audiences with a fascinating glimpse of disappearing businesses in Hong Kong from the 1960s and 1970s.
📆 11.03 - 27.06.2021
⏰ 11am - 7pm 周一休息Closed Mon
📍 Artspace K, G105-106 The Repulse Bay, 109 Repulse Bay Road
🎫 免費入場 Free Admission
🔍 系列活動及報名 Event Series and Enrollment https://artspacek.org/exhibition/
P.S. 我將會於3月10日(三)下午在展場,如果大家有興趣來的話請PM我喔!感謝Artspace K ❤
#老行業 #香港老行業 #ArtspaceK #OldBusinesses #OldBusinessesHK #ArtExhibition #MiniMuseum
oldbusinesseshk 在 Artspace K - 【#仍然記得佢哋嗎? 藝術家筆下的香港老行業 ... 的美食出口停車場
... and Enrollment https://artspacek.org/exhibition/ #老行業#香港老行業#ArtspaceK #OldBusinesses #OldBusinessesHK #ArtExhibition #MiniMuseum | Facebook ... ... <看更多>