多謝大家支持第16集 「#晚吹 - #有酒今晚吹」!有 #游學修 做嘉賓!多謝好拍擋 #強尼 同 #娟娟。今集介紹 #亞洲葡萄酒 ,包括有來自泰國嘅GranMonte Heritage Syrah 2014年、來自日本亦係木村拓栽套劇Grand Maison Tokyo 入面去過嘅酒莊Grace Gris de Koshu 2019年及來自中國寧夏嘅Silver Heights Family Reserve 2014年!多謝支持!🍷🥂🥳仲有3款來自 #米芝蓮 推介韓國小食店Kelly’s cape-bop嘅地道美食,包括 Tuna Kimbop、
Chicken salad without rice kimbop及韓式炸雞!#Yummy! #Cheers! 🍷😋🥰下星期一23:30 ViuTV見!
Thanks all for your support on my 16th TV episode in “Night Talk - Chit Chat Drink”! Cheers! It’s a bit uncontrollable but fun! 😆Thanks my partners Johnny Hui & Florica Lin! Happy to have artist 游學修 Neo Yau as the guest. Asian wines are being featured in this episode, including GranMonte Heritage Syrah 2014 from Thailand, Grace Gris de Koshu 2019 from Japan and Silver Heights Family Reserve 2014 from China! Pairing with Michelin-recommenced Korean delicacies from Kelly's cape bop including Tuna Kimbop,
Chicken salad without rice Kimbop & chicken bites! Yummy! #cheers! 🥰🍷🥂😋See u all on next Monday 23:30 at ViuTV!
#spirits #wine #viutv #talkshow #ccwinevoyage #詩詩酒樂園 #winepairing GranMonte Vineyard and Winery #GranMonte #GraceWine @grace wine Silver Heights #SilverHeights #KellysCapeBop 公啟行 Kung Kai Hong & Co. Northeast Wines & Spirits Ltd #NortheastWine #AsianWine
northeastwine 在 Northeast Wine Company - Facebook 的美食出口停車場
Sharing our #northeastwine with the @unhhospitality wine course. A lecture and tasting of the delicious wines of @millbrookwinery @boundarybreaks ... <看更多>