Its OUTTTT!! Korang pls tengok ye! And pls pls pls bagi komen korang tau! For future brides out there, this video is very important for you! Click link kat profile ig @duckcosmetics okay! Thanks @norianathefacedesigner & @duckcosmetics for having me! 😍😘 #wishlist2018checked #makeupbybeeramza #sisramshare
#Repost @duckcosmetics
I’m sure the launch tomorrow has got you dUCkies all excited, but first let's take a short break 'cause it's time for #MakeUpTalkMonday! In conjunction with dUCk Cosmetics being the official make-up sponsor for the most awaited wedding event of the year, The Wedding KL 2018, we have a special episode for you this week as we talk about the Do's and Don'ts for all those future Mrs out there with the ever so talented miss @ramzamode. Watch as this cutie dishes out some of the best advices for future brides together with our Beauty Expert, @norianathefacedesigner. If you're a dUCkie bride-to-be, then you'll definitely want to tune into this one! - D. #duckcosmetics #MakeUpTalkMonday #theWeddingKL2018