" You can't judge #Art ". Art comes in many forms, and everyone has their own opinions of how it should be represented, because we all see things differently. 藝術...點行?點睇?
Sadly, those who can't see/judge things with an open mind will always be stuck in their own small #HerdMentality world. ( You might feel like a lonely Patriot in this world of small minded ppl at times, but hey, I'm just another of you Patriots out there, who are constantly working hard to defend individuality and creavity, don't quit ! )
每個人看藝術角度都不一樣。不過如果用正常,一般態度,狹窄視野去評的話,只能說這批人是 #羊群 裡面的羊,悲! ( 不要為一些狹窄視野的人而放棄自我的獨特創意思想噢!藝術同事實一樣難判決,可笑的是我放一張拖手的相會有人當真,#全民造星 係一個比大台製作的真人秀更真實的比賽,反被人誤以為假, 笑了!)
I'd like to believe that both me and Chagall have something in common....You do you, and I'll do me. Don't tell me what to do !
Creativity can beat the status quo 💪🙌🤘we need that ! 敢於嘗試才可以打敗停滯不前的現狀 我成日都講嘎 #我鍾意就乜都得 😝
#MarcChagall #DreamLike #Modernist #Surrealism #Macao #MacauMuseumOfArt . @ 澳門藝術博物館 Macao Museum of Art