Today's vlog is a little more serious (nervous for me), thought I'd bring you on this journey of my FIRST DAY OF TEACHING! 1 teaching practice down, 8 more to go haha.
Year 2, Sem 2, Week 5, Day 1.5 (not a mistake, its really one point five)
"Counting my days and making it count. These are days that I'll never be able to get back. It isn't the easiest and the kind of days that I would say 'memorable', but it's what I got. Maybe sometimes, we just gotta make the most out of what we have."
? Hi there! If you're new here, welcome!! I'm Shawn, a 2nd Year English and Media student at Swansea University, Wales! I'm studying remotely from home, Malaysia which explains the weird hours for all my uni vlogs. If you're from Swansea University too, drop a hello down below! And for all the CELTA peeps out there, hang in there! They say the struggle is worth it, I'm not there yet so I can't say that to you...
Not my links but if you're interested,
How to write a Lesson Plan:
Stage plan template:
0:00 - 1:02 Intro
1:03 - 1:53 Preparation before Teaching Practice
1:54 - 2:32 What Supervisors will tell you before Teaching
2:33 - 3:00 Preparation before the Class
3:01 - 3:27 My Stage Plan
3:28 - 3:54 My Runsheet / Teaching Slides
3:55 - 4:52 The Calm before the Storm
4:53 - 6:33 The TP Session Starts & My Multiple Countdowns.
6:35 - 6:48 Snippet of my teaching
7:10 - 7:47 Short feedback for my part!
7:49 - 9:04 Wrap & Conclusion.

lesson plan template 在 Common Core Aligned Intro. Middle and Conclusion RL 2.5 的美食出口停車場
Free Printable Lesson Plan Template. Let class-templates help to organise your lessons. Download this free printable lesson plan template in PDF format. ... <看更多>