<2809 Days Around The World>
#Vientiane #Laos #LaiHeuaFai #LanternFestival
"Lai Heua Fai” 是寮國人為了感念湄公河的恩澤而興起結合菩薩、燈籠、將香蕉葉作的花船放水流來寓意放逐惡事壞習並同時有盛大的划船賽典;一起被我遇上根本就健達出奇蛋啊😍😍
Lucky enough to experience the lantern Festival/ Boat Racing Festival in Vientiane.
People release small banana trunk boats lit with candles down the river for good luck, in Laos it's called the "Lai Heua Fai” which is to show respect to the mighty Mekong.
Never mind to manage things too many in your life, things always happens in right time.
#永珍 #寮國 #燈籠節
#3600天在路上 #有故事的女人
黃色的旅行者 Yellow Tremper