Jeff Bezos(亞馬遜):
基業長青 Built To Last
時間的皺摺 A Wrinkle in Time
長日將盡 The Remains of The Day
Steve Jobs(蘋果):
李爾王 King Lear
理想國 The Republic
白鯨記 Moby-Dick
創新的兩難 The Innovator's Dilemma
一個瑜伽行者的自傳 Autobiography of a Yogi
Tim Cook(蘋果):
與時間賽跑 Competing Against Time
Larry Ellison(甲骨文):
拿破崙 Napoleon
Bill Gates(微軟):
麥田捕手 The Catcher in the Rye
The Better Angels of Our Nature
Mark Zuckerburg(Facebook):
戰爭遊戲 Ender's Game
The Aeneid
Marissa Mayer(雅虎):
設計日常生活 The Design of Everyday Things
innovator's dilemma 中文 在 Lead and Disrupt: How to Solve the Innovator's Dilemma 的美食出口停車場
Stanford GSB Professor Charles O'Reilly shares his recent findings and insights on Leading Change. A recommended reading to accompany these ... ... <看更多>