Taiwan Can Achieve More,
But It Takes Bilingualism
台灣可成就更高 但需要「雙語國力」
Among all sustaining forces, what Taiwan lacks most is the force of language. When people talk about a country’s competitiveness, most likely the main benchmarks are the military force, wealth force, technology force or even cultural force. The concept of“Force of Language”rarely came into mind. But in fact, linguistic capability is one of the key factors that can make or break a country in the long run , if not in the short.
Examples are plenty. Take the tiny country of Singapore as a sample. Its existence and survival rests upon its capacity in applying and managing multi-lingual resources. Without that force of language, it can’t possibly thrive in a geographical setting as complex as this – with Malaysia on the north, Indonesia on the South-West, India to the West, and, particularly, the landmass of China up north. Geography is both a blessing and a curse to the country of Singapore, but its multi-linguistic capacity is a pure blessing. Without it, Singapore would still have been a trading center in that region and there is no way for it to have become one of the worldwide financial centers as today.
例子不勝枚舉,小小的新加坡就是一個樣本。它的生存,基於它運用、管理多重語言資源的氣度和能力。若缺少了這種「語言國力」,新加坡不可能在如此複雜的地理環境下茁壯 – 北有馬來西亞,西南有印度尼西亞,西有印度,尤其遠遠的北方還有中國這樣一塊大陸。地緣對新加坡這個國家既是祝福也是詛咒,但其多語能量則是百分之百的祝福。若非掌握語言國力,新加坡或許還能成為區域的貿易中心,但沒有可能變成今日的世界金融中心之一。
Hong Kong, in the past tense, also benefited tremendously from its bilingualism. By comparison, the mighty city of Shanghai in China will never replace the economic role Hong Kong used to play for China. I remember a sharp comment made by the past Premier of Singapore, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew. Many years ago when visiting Taiwan, he was asked this question by a reporter : “Can you foresee Shanghai replacing Hong Kong one day“? “Never!”was Lee’s reply. “Why?” Here comes the issue of the force of language, “Because I simply can’t see that the Shanghainese can speak better English than the Hong Kong people”. End of discussion.
Taiwan is good at technology as well as in many other aspects. It produces over 50% of the high-end semiconductor chips for the world’s high-end industrial and military uses, and it also designs at least 25% of the chips for world’s daily electronic devices. Which means, should Taiwan’s economic activities be disrupted by a hostile party , or even worse, should the island country fall under a hostile party’s control, as a consequence, the entire world would be affected severely, even to the point of functionally inoperative.
On top of that, Taiwan is ingenious in meeting unconventional demands for outlandish components. The most apparent case would be that of the birth of Tesla. When Elon Musk couldn’t get designers and factories from other parts of the world to risk making his non-heard-of components, he came to Taiwan and found willing and capable suppliers. Without the ingenuity of Taiwan’s able engineers, Tesla’s EV could have been delayed for many more years and might even have missed its first-to-market timing.
In the political arena, Taiwan has been firmly placed in the first tier among countries of democracy. To be fair, Taiwanese citizens still stand eager for eliminating the residual, inherited authoritarian elements in its political system; however, from a global standpoint, the mere presence of this remaining endeavor, by itself, proves that Taiwan has already passed the point of no return of an evolving democratic country.
In any aspect, Taiwan should have received a much higher level of acknowledgement from the international community than what it gets now. It makes people wonder why it didn’t.
Sure, one can blame the “Cut-Taiwan-off-the-World” program that the neighboring CCP (Chinese Communist Party) exercised. But blaming is not productive, not in everyday life nor in politics. We need self-assertive solutions much more than airing complaints.
Citizens in Taiwan need to be able to speak out for Taiwan, not waiting for others to speak for it. To speak out to the world, you need languages! Presently, over 90% of the citizens on this island write and speak in just one language : the written Mandarin Character and the spoken Mandarin plus dialects.
This causes consequences in two-folds. On the political side, when Taiwan citizens shout in Mandarin, only people who understand Mandarin in other parts of the world can know what Taiwan is shouting for. Sadly, 96% of those who understand are under the firewall enclosure in China. Furthermore, Taiwanese messages are being censored, twisted and manipulated by the CCP in order to prevent its subjects from hearing it.
On the economy side, although the top-layer of the academics, businessmen and technical elites are all quite proficient with a second language, mostly English or Japanese, the majority of the able engineers and middle managers in Taiwan cannot communicate efficiently enough to bring out their personal or organizational potentials.
It’s such an obvious yet ignored national issue : Taiwan needs bilingualism for its political sustainability and economic prosperity. A thriving bilingualism in Taiwan can be achieved by flipping its mentality towards education, or by changing its attitudes towards “outsiders” and installing a more open-minded immigration policy.
Either way, Taiwan must implement a bold and innovative approach to this “force of language” challenge. And that approach can start today. Are you ready? Yes, I meant YOU!
* 更多有關台灣之未來,請往 《范疇 前哨預策網》InsightFan.com
* 註冊為免費會員,瀏覽部份熱點議題電子書、觀點及預先的對策
* 註冊為追蹤會員,支持一個永遠獨立、終身不受任何政治體制管
innovative technology examples 在 BioMed Talent Training 生醫人才培育計畫 Facebook 的精選貼文
在4/7的「台灣生技原創力」系列講座,我們榮幸邀請到邀請第二十場活動講者,引發熱烈討論的工研院生醫醫材所副所長蔡秀娟博士擔任客座主持人。當天的重量級講者是Dr. Gerald J. Kost。Dr. Kost來自美國UC Davis ,是在Point-of-Care Testing (POCT)領域國際級的Key Opinion Leader。當天的團隊為剛榮獲第十二屆國家新創獎的iXensor安盛生科,安盛將介紹他們創新的手機血糖量測系統。
因為各位產業先進和醫療專家的熱心投注,目前Taiwan POCT問卷已經超過60筆data,歡迎尚未填寫的夥伴繼續上網填寫,活動當天將由Dr. Kost為大家報告問卷調查結果。
Dr. Kost在Stanford University 取得電機學士和Engineering-Economic System碩士學位後,在MD-PhD雙學位訓練期間於UC San Diego取得Bioengineering 博士學位,並且分別在UCLA完成神經內科和UW完成實驗室醫學的訓練取得UC SF的醫學博士學位。
Dr. Kost 於2001年獲選為National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry (NACB) 的理監事,擔任FDA和NIH於血液學和病理醫學的諮詢委員,也是 Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) 制定Emergency and Disaster POC Testing 準則的共同主持人。在UC Davis服務和教學長達三十年期間曾擔任UCD Health System的Point-of-Care Testing (POCT) and Clinical Chemistry 中心主任,致力於POCT相關創新和推廣,現為UC Davis 醫學院名譽教授。
Dr. Kost 協助制定包含美國、中國和許多國家POCT guidelines,著作有Principles and Practice of Point-of-Care Testing (Lippincott, Williams, and Wilkins)、POCT for Thailand、Global Point of Care: Strategies for Emergencies, Disasters, and Public Health Resilience (AACC Press)等,並且為科學期刊Point of Care: The Journal of Near-Patient Testing and Technology的共同創辦人。
Dr. Kost在POCT領域的成就遍及世界,在UC Pacific Rim and UC Outreach的研究經費支持下,他協助泰國和ASEAN各成員國從國家政策層級使用POCT最佳化國家醫療照護。Dr. Kost剛獲頒American Association for Clinical Chemistry (AACC) 2016 Award for Outstanding Contributions to Clinical Chemistry through Science and Technology,標榜他將POCT用在緊急災難醫療和Ebola這類致命性高疾病的創新應用。Dr. Kost將以『How POCT Improves Care and Educates Physicians: Exciting Contemporary Examples and Innovative Opportunities』為題和我們分享他在POCT領域的國際經驗。
當天分享的創業團隊是安盛生科股份有限公司的醫療長暨共同創辦人陳階曉醫師,iXensor安盛生科致力于整合體外診斷醫療器材在行動裝置上,第一項產品PixoTest Blood Glucose Monitoring System,已經取得歐洲醫療器材販賣准証(CE mark)。iXensor安盛生科創新的血糖量測系統榮獲第十二屆國家新創獎,此項產品簡化傳統血糖機繁複而令人困窘的量測流程,為糖尿病患者帶來更人性化的健康照護體驗;只要一顆PixoTest健康膠囊,結合智慧行動裝置,即可在20秒內掌握個人健康資訊。所搭配的PixoTest App更能自動登入量測數值、圖表分析、同步資料到雲端,進而與家人或醫護人員分享量測數據與近期趨勢。目前也正在開發其他檢測項目,如A1C、Ketone等,未來將可提供一Meter-free之全方面糖尿病居家檢測組。陳醫師將以『The Evolution of Mobile Health, Test Anything, Anywhere, and Anytime』為題和我們分享iXensor的研發技術如何改善未來的醫療照護。
innovative technology examples 在 BioMed Talent Training 生醫人才培育計畫 Facebook 的最佳貼文
在4/7的「台灣生技原創力」系列講座,我們很榮幸邀請到在Point-of-Care Testing (POCT)領域跨國的Key Opinion Leader,來自美國UC Davis 的Dr. Gerald J. Kost。
團隊為剛榮獲第十二屆國家新創獎的iXensor安盛生科介紹創新的血糖量測系統。結合Mobile Device的POCT有助於慢性疾病管理。
有興趣的論壇夥伴,請您撥冗10分鐘協助上網填寫問卷,一起參與制訂台灣POCT guidelines,4/7活動當天Dr. Kost 將報告問卷調查結果。https://zh.surveymonkey.com/r/3VDG6CH
感謝參與和支持論壇的每一位夥伴:)Your opinion matters!
Dr. Kost在Stanford University 取得電機學士和Engineering-Economic System碩士學位後,在MD-PhD雙學位訓練期間於UC San Diego取得Bioengineering 博士學位,並且分別在UCLA完成神經內科和UW完成實驗室醫學的訓練取得UC SF的醫學博士學位。
Dr. Kost 於2001年獲選為National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry (NACB) 的理監事,擔任FDA和NIH於血液學和病理醫學的諮詢委員,也是 Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) 制定Emergency and Disaster POC Testing 準則的共同主持人。在UC Davis服務和教學長達三十年期間曾擔任UCD Health System的Point-of-Care Testing (POCT) and Clinical Chemistry 中心主任,致力於POCT相關創新和推廣,現為UC Davis 醫學院名譽教授。
Dr. Kost 協助制定包含美國、中國和許多國家POCT guidelines,著作有Principles and Practice of Point-of-Care Testing (Lippincott, Williams, and Wilkins)、POCT for Thailand、Global Point of Care:
Strategies for Emergencies, Disasters, and Public Health Resilience (AACC Press)等,並且為科學期刊Point of Care: The Journal of Near-Patient Testing and Technology的共同創辦人。
Dr. Kost在POCT領域的成就遍及世界,在UC Pacific Rim and UC Outreach的研究經費支持下,他協助泰國和ASEAN各成員國從國家政策層級使用POCT最佳化國家醫療照護。Dr. Kost剛獲頒American Association for Clinical Chemistry (AACC) 2016 Award for Outstanding Contributions to Clinical Chemistry through Science and Technology,標榜他將POCT用在緊急災難醫療和Ebola這類致命性高疾病的創新應用。Dr. Kost將以『How POCT Improves Care and Educates Physicians: Exciting Contemporary Examples and Innovative Opportunities』為題和我們分享他在POCT領域的國際經驗。
分享的創業團隊是安盛生科股份有限公司的醫療長暨共同創辦人陳階曉醫師,iXensor安盛生科致力于整合體外診斷醫療器材在行動裝置上,第一項產品PixoTest Blood Glucose Monitoring System,已經取得歐洲醫療器材販賣准証(CE mark)。iXensor安盛生科創新的血糖量測系統榮獲第十二屆國家新創獎,此項產品簡化傳統血糖機繁複而令人困窘的量測流程,為糖尿病患者帶來更人性化的健康照護體驗;只要一顆PixoTest健康膠囊,結合智慧行動裝置,即可在20秒內掌握個人健康資訊。所搭配的PixoTest App更能自動登入量測數值、圖表分析、同步資料到雲端,進而與家人或醫護人員分享量測數據與近期趨勢。目前也正在開發其他檢測項目,如A1C、Ketone等,未來將可提供一Meter-free之全方面糖尿病居家檢測組。陳醫師將以『The Evolution of Mobile Health, Test Anything, Anywhere, and Anytime』為題和我們分享iXensor的研發技術如何改善未來的醫療照護。
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