Signet Ring of Authority
“Pharaoh said to Joseph, “Because God has shown you all of this, there is no one so discreet and wise as you. You shall be over my house, and according to your word will all my people be ruled. Only in the throne I will be greater than you.” Pharaoh said to Joseph, “Behold, I have set you over all the land of Egypt.” Pharaoh took off his signet ring from his hand, and put it on Joseph’s hand, and arrayed him in robes of fine linen, and put a gold chain about his neck, and he made him to ride in the second chariot which he had. They cried before him, “Bow the knee!” He set him over all the land of Egypt. Pharaoh said to Joseph, “I am Pharaoh, and without you shall no man lift up his hand or his foot in all the land of Egypt.”” (Genesis 41:39-44 WEB)
Before Pharaoh put on the signet ring on Joseph’s hand, he spoke, giving Joseph authority over the nation of Egypt. The ring therefore represents the authority of the King. Whoever wears the ring has been authorized to act on the King’s behalf, and the Kingdom’s resources are at this person’s disposal.
In the story of Joseph, Joseph is a picture of Jesus, who was accused of committing a crime that He did not commit, and then subsequently raised to the right hand of God, having all authority and power, as well as the name above every other name.
Jesus endured the greatest humiliation in order to purchase the greatest salvation for mankind. That is why Abba God gave Jesus the “signet ring”—all authority, glory, honor, and power.
We don’t really find any significant thing about rings until Jesus mentions it in His parable of the prodigal son. I believe He was drawing a reference to the story of Joseph because the “best robe” also parallels with the “robes of fine linen” that Pharaoh gave to Joseph.
““But the father said to his servants, ‘Bring out the best robe, and put it on him. Put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet. Bring the fattened calf, kill it, and let us eat, and celebrate; for this, my son, was dead, and is alive again. He was lost, and is found.’ They began to celebrate.” (Luke 15:22-24 WEB)
In the parable, we find that the ring is given to the prodigal son who is a picture of us who are saved by Grace through faith. We did not do anything to deserve forgiveness, but God forgave and restored us to sonship because of His love and Grace.
So Jesus was the original recipient of the ring, and then Jesus said that Abba God gave the ring to us.
In the context of the parable, a family ring like that would have an insignia of the rich family, and when buying things, the prodigal son could just show the signet, meaning to say, “Charge the bill to my father’s tab.”
The ring being given to us tells us that we have received authority from God to act in His name, and to receive good things because of being in His family. We enjoy all these benefits at God’s expense, and He is most willing to provide what we need.
“The glory which you have given me, I have given to them; that they may be one, even as we are one; I in them, and you in me, that they may be perfected into one; that the world may know that you sent me, and loved them, even as you loved me.” (John 17:22-23 WEB)
Before Jesus was arrested and eventually crucified, He prayed to the Father that the glory which belonged to Him (Jesus) should be given to us as well. This is like giving the signet ring which was His, to us.
See yourself as one with God, and make no distinction between what is His and what is yours. We have been joined to Christ through the new birth and the New Covenant of Grace.
““He said to him, ‘Son, you are always with me, and all that is mine is yours.” (Luke 15:31 WEB)
Do you believe this, that everything that belongs to God also belongs to you? You are so wealthy because God gave you every spiritual blessing so that you lack nothing.
Whenever you feel like you have nothing, use the signet ring as a visual aid. Imagine Abba God placing it on your finger and reminding you that all authority that belongs to Jesus has also been given to you. In Christ, you have everything that you need!
The four gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John contain many powerful truths that will help you in life. Understand them through the lens of Grace:
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Praise the Lord that Jacob renamed his son from “Ben-Oni” meaning “son of my sorrow” to “Benjamin” which means “son of the right hand”.
Today, Jesus is no longer a Man of Sorrows suffering humiliation. Instead He has been raised up to the highest glory and honor, seated at the right hand of the Father in heaven!
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(請廣傳!!) 媽媽,我做錯了什麼?
看完整篇的文章後,更讓我省思、檢視自己!期許自己以更謙卑的心在這地球上呼吸著! 愛護著所有的生命....
「媽媽,為什麼人類要這樣對待我們?他們把我身上的毛剝了下來...我真的受不了這痛楚...媽媽,我做錯了什麼?」這是小狼在離世前最後的為什麼... "Mom, why humans do that to us? They stripped down my gross ... I really cannot stand this pain ... Mom, what did I do wrong?" This is the last word before the little fox died...
十二月,一個普世歡騰的日子,為的原是記念耶穌基督的誕生,因祂為人類犧牲,用自己的寶血,救贖了我們。In December, a day of Joy to the World, as originally remembrance of the birth of Jesus Christ. His sacrifice for mankind, with his own blood, redeemed us.
可是,我們卻早已忘了這節日的真正意義,而在世上的另一角,有一群生命,正等待著人類用牠們的皮,肉,來點綴這節日的氣氛。牠們的誕生與犧牲,不正是像基督一樣,都是為我們獻上無條件的愛嗎?However, we have already forgotten the true meaning of this holiday season. While in the corner of the world, a group of life is being locked up by humans and are waiting to have their skin or meat to decorate our festival. Their birth and sacrifice, isn't this Christ-like, offering us the unconditional love?
基督來到凡間,也被人類賜予十字架酷刑,臨死前亦是受盡折磨...我們對待動物,不正是一樣嗎?還是,原來人類數千年以來,卻一直未曾進化?Jesus Christ came down to Earth and was tortured and crucified... Similarly, isn't it exactly how we treated the animals? Or, does that mean humans have never been evolved during thousands of years?
我們在慶祝節日的同時,又可否對動物有多份尊重,多份感恩?While we are celebrating the festival, can we treat our animals with more respect and grateful?
今年的冬天看似特別寒冷,在店鋪的櫥窗已掛上一件又一件名貴的皮草,看來的確很溫暖,但你們有否看到溫暖背後的殘暴?和動物所受的痛苦?這是上天賜給牠們的身體,為何人類要剝奪牠們生存的權利?更甚是要生剝牠們的皮毛,令牠們飽受十級痛苦而死,為的只是加潻你們多一點溫暖...而重要的是,這是不必要的,沒有了牠們的毛,我們也有其他替代品,不是嗎?It seems particularly cold this winter, the window display has already been filled with many expensive fur coats. It does seem to be very warm, but have you seen the brutal behind the warmth? And pain that the animals suffered? God gave them the fur and body, how could humans deprive the right of their survival? Worse ever, why would humans skin their fur while they are alive? Can you imagine the pain that have caused to these animals? For all this pain, it will only to serve you a little warmer, but it was never for necessity. Without their fur, we have plenty alternatives, aren't we?
我常覺得,為何上天要對人類如此厚待?這是一個大同世界,萬事萬物都是祂創造出來,祂賜予了人類智慧,思想,卻忘了給我們一顆溫暖的心?I often wonder why God is so generous to humans? This is one world, and everything is from his creation, He gave humans wisdom and thought, but has he forgotten to give us a warm heart?
生命是同等的,我們要對大自然尊重,也就是懂得尊重一切眾生。我時常在想,牠們出生,來到世上,用自己的生命使人類延續生命,我們是否應該好好愛惜牠們?善待牠們?Life is equal, we should also respect the nature and all living beings. I always think that they are born into the world for human's continuity. Shouldn't we take good care of them? And respect them?
現在,情況剛好相反,牠們受盡一切折磨,沒有適當的生存環境,商人只為賺錢而妄固生命應有的基本尊嚴,殘暴如皮草,鵝肝,熊膽汁,活魚刺身,動物實驗,繁殖場...等等,都是令牠們受盡屈辱,痛苦,而只為你們提供優越的生活,或享受一刻的口福。Now, the situation is just the opposite, they suffered by torture, there is no suitable living environment, the businessman only makes money and forgot to respect the basic dignity of their lives, the brutality such as fur, foie gras, bear bile, live fish sashimi, animal experiments, breeding farms etc.... All kinds of these humiliation tortures, just to provide you with additional living pleasure, or enjoy a moment of gastronomy.
如果,地球是圓的,生命是迴轉的,就像佛家有云,因果循環。我們要珍惜宇宙的一切,用一份感恩的心對待弱小,便正如神愛你們一樣。As the Buddhist say, "karma - cycle of cause and effect", the earth is round, life is turning. We should cherish everything on this universe, with grateful heart to treat all weak and small, just how God loves you.
那個寧靜的晚上,天上有顆星星在夜空中閃爍,彷彿是天父向我們說:That quiet night, filled with flashes of stars in the sky, as if the Father said to us:
「人類在小動物身上所得到的溫飽,都是小動物奉獻出來的愛,所以人類必須要有感恩的心對待牠們。牠們亦是宇宙的一份子,神創造萬物,使萬物生生不息,但人類自以為是萬物之靈,隨便殺害小動物,用牠們的皮毛用來賺取金錢,侮辱了牠們生存的權利,這是種自私的行為,可知小動物被生剝皮毛時所受的痛苦,如果上天要這樣對待你們,你們又感覺如何呢?為什麼要將自己不情願的去轉移在小動物身上?難道你們沒有聽到牠們的哭聲嗎?牠們要忍受極大的痛苦去令你身上加潻一些裝飾,這是你們所願意看見的嗎?在你穿著起時你有否尊重生命本身有其尊嚴?這是牠們與生俱來的毛髮,是牠們所擁有的,是神賜給牠們的!你們穿起牠與搶掠沒有分別,這不是你的東西,是牠們的!是神所賜予牠們的衣服,不是給人類的!人類必須要明白尊重動物,就是愛一切萬物,亦即是愛神,因為你們都是來自同一宇宙,必須互相有愛,這世界才能和平共處。小動物是神派下凡間的天使,牠們有著神聖的任務去幫助人類,但人類要緊記,要尊重其他生命,那人才能被尊重,不能殘暴對待弱小的生命,要愛惜牠們的一切,那麼神也會愛惜你們,宇宙才會被珍惜,反之,這宇宙已一歩步地步向滅亡,你們還不儆醒嗎?小動物所受的苦,將來人類也會受回的,這是一個回向的過程,所有事物都是一樣,你拋出什麼,收回便是什麼,只要心存有愛,一切在你身邊的也是愛,你們明白這真理嗎?」"All food and clothing, show how small animals devoted their love to humans, so humans must have a heart to be grateful to them. They are also part of the universe. God created everything on Earth with eternity, but 'humans' as the soul of the universe, casually kill small animals, striping their fur to make money, deprive their right to live. This is an extremely selfish behavior, especially without knowing the pain they suffered. If this is how God treats you, how do you feel? Why would humans put your own pleasure in others' suffering? Have you ever heard their cries? This endure pain ends up making a little décor to be put on your body, is that what you want to see? When you are wearing them, do you ever think about the dignity of life? The natural hair is their clothes given by God, not to humans! Humans must respect animals, that is to love everything on Earth, and that shows the love to God. Since we share the same universe, we must love each other. Humans and small animals should coexist peacefully. Small animals are the little angels sent by God, they have a divine mission to help humans. Please bear in mind, you will only be respected if you respect other's life. We shall never be cruel to the weak and small, but to cherish them. You shall then be cherished by God. The universal shall then be also cherished. To the contrary, the universe will be moving closer and closer to perish, do you still not aware? Today's sufferings of small animals will be your suffering tomorrow. As the theory of Karma, everything shall belong to the cycle of cause and effect. What you do today, you shall receive in return. As long as we have the heart of love, love shall be around, do you understand this truth? "
小狼,願你的離去能溫暖人類的心,那就不用再穿你的皮毛了。Little Fox, may your death warm the human's heart, then they will no longer need to wear your fur. (Lolita Yiu)
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