My latest work for HSBC
Model One Ltd.
智能電話與大家生活息息相關,你可能會用手機發短訊、訂機票甚至訂外賣,但講到理財方面,你又有冇好好善用你部手機呢?滙豐四大Mobile Apps使用簡單方便,全面配合你生活上嘅不同理財需要,只要好好運用,你嘅生活其實可以更輕鬆。
由而家至2018年9月23日,你可以參加大抽獎,只要完成任何一個Mobile App嘅指定步驟,就可以有一次抽獎機會,有機會贏取Samsung Galaxy S9+(黑色256GB)一部,立即行動,親身體驗更輕鬆方便咁理財啦!
#識得用生活更輕鬆 #HSBCMobileApp #HSBCApp #HSBCHKMobileBanking #EasyInvest #Reward+ #PayMe
【Do you make the most of your smartphone? 】
Whether you use it to message friends, book flights or order delivery, smartphones are now an integral part of our daily lives. However, do you make full use of your phone in managing your banking needs? HSBC HK offers you four easy-to-use mobile apps that cater to your different financial needs. Live smartly with HSBC HK Mobile Apps, and enjoy how the digital convenience can make your life simpler and smarter!
From now until 23 September 2018, you can get one lucky draw chance by performing any of the designated actions on the apps to win a Samsung Galaxy S9+ (black & 256GB). Act now!
Learn more, click:
Terms and conditions apply.
SVF license number: SVFB002