✨今天美國在台協會處長酈英傑參加了Fulbright Taiwan 學術交流基金會舉辦的2021春季表揚晚宴,他在致詞中歡迎208位美國傅爾布萊特受獎人來台從事交流計畫,並特別表揚其中143位傅爾布萊特英語教學助理,謝謝他們在台灣的雙語教育上貢獻一己之力。在晚宴中,學術交流基金會執行長那原道也頒發獎牌予酈處長,答謝他在擔任基金會董事會榮譽主席期間,對於傅爾布萊特計畫持續不墜的支持。 #FulbrightTaiwan #Fulbrighters #USTaiwanEducationInitiative
✨AIT Director Brent Christensen welcomed 208 U.S. Fulbright grantees to Taiwan at the 2021 Spring Recognition Banquet hosted by the Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (FSE). At the event, FSE Executive Director Randall Nadeau presented a plaque to Director Christensen as Honorary Chair of the Board, for his constant support of the Fulbright Program. In his remarks, Director Christensen recognized the efforts of the 143 Fulbright English Teaching Assistants (ETAs) for supporting Taiwan’s bilingual education.
fulbrighttaiwan 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最讚貼文
💖感恩節在美國是與家人相聚、享用大餐的重要節日。今晚酈英傑處長和夫人布蘭達女士很高興能與將近150位傅爾布萊特成員和支持者,一同享用經典的感恩節盛宴—火雞和豐盛的配料!美國在台協會特別感謝學術交流基金會,以及今年所有的傅爾布萊特學人,基金會董事會成員和台灣的合作夥伴,一起共同推動國際教育。#Thanksgiving #FulbrightTaiwan #IEW2020
💖Everybody knows that Thanksgiving is centered around food and family. Tonight, AIT Director Brent Christensen and his wife, Brenda, had the pleasure of having a classic Thanksgiving feast —turkey and all the fixings. Nearly 150 diverse members and supporters of the Fulbright family shared this meal together. AIT thanks the Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (FSE), this year’s Fulbright grantees, the FSE board, and Taiwan partners for their work to promote international education.
fulbrighttaiwan 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最佳解答
Fulbright Taiwan 學術交流基金會昨晚舉辦了一場歡迎餐會,美國在台協會處長酈英傑也到場致詞,一同歡迎剛抵台並結束兩周防疫隔離的新生們。「傅爾布萊特來台碩士學位獎助金計畫」是疫情衝擊下少數還能進行的傅爾布萊特計畫之一。此項獎學金計畫之所以能克服疫情的影響,全仰賴學術交流基金會和台灣政府的共同合作與努力。恭喜台灣又多了一項新冠肺炎防疫的成功案例!#台灣模式 #FulbrightTaiwan #TaiwanModel
Last night, AIT Director Christensen delivered remarks at the welcome reception hosted by the Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (FSE) and met with a cohort of the Fulbright students who recently started their program after their two-week quarantine. Taiwan’s Fulbright M.A. Program is one of the few that are taking place in the world after the outbreak of the pandemic. This is by all mean a joint effort by FSE and Taiwan authorities that make the Taiwan Fulbright Program possible! Congratulations on another great example of Taiwan’s success in combating COVID-19!