[181511] 48311. 足球小將翼:大空へはばたけ"Captain Tsubasa" The New Soccer Star (1983)★★★
[181512] 48312. 足球小將翼:燃えろサッカー小僧"Captain Tsubasa" A Career Begins (1983)★★★
[181513] 48313. 足球小將翼:明日に向って、キック・オフ"Captain Tsubasa" Kick-Off for the Future (1983)★★
[181514] 48314. 足球小將翼:ボールは友だち"Captain Tsubasa" The Football Is My Best Friend (1983)★★
[181515] 48315. 足球小將翼:ライバルはどこだ"Captain Tsubasa" Where Is the Rival? (1983)★★
[181516] 48316. 足球小將翼:ゴールをかためろ"Captain Tsubasa" Blocked Off (1983)★★★
[181517] 48317. 足球小將翼:運命のロングシュート"Captain Tsubasa" The Show Must Go On (1983)★★★
[181518] 48318. 足球小將翼:さわやかコンビ誕生"Captain Tsubasa" A Perfect Duo (1983)★★
[181519] 48319. 足球小將翼:ラストチャンスにかけろ"Captain Tsubasa" The Last Chance (1983)★★★
[181520] 48320. 足球小將翼:夢はブラジルへ"Captain Tsubasa" A Long Way to Brazil (1983)★★
[181521] 48321. 足球小將翼:はぐれ狼小次郎あらわる"Captain Tsubasa" The Provocation (1983)★★
[181522] 48322. 足球小將翼:めざせ!日本一"Captain Tsubasa" No Easy Way (1983)★★
[181523] 48323. 足球小將翼:泥まみれの熱戦"Captain Tsubasa" Fast Game in the Mud (1984)★★✚
[181524] 48324. 足球小將翼:フィールドの貴公子"Captain Tsubasa" Tsubasa Is Sieged (1984)★★
[181525] 48325. 足球小將翼:傷だらけのキーパー"Captain Tsubasa" An Unfair Enemy (1984)★★★
[181526] 48326. 足球小將翼:夢はひとつ燃えろイレブン"Captain Tsubasa" The Verification Test (1984)★★
[181527] 48327. 足球小將翼:開幕!全国大会"Captain Tsubasa" The Youth National Championship (1984)★★
[181528] 48328. 足球小將翼:宿命の対決!翼VS小次郎"Captain Tsubasa" Fatal Confrontation (1984)★★★
[181529] 48329. 足球小將翼:恐怖の弾丸シュート"Captain Tsubasa" The Mighty Shot (1984)★★★
[181530] 48330. 足球小將翼:サッカーは俺の夢だ!"Captain Tsubasa" Soccer Is My Dream (1984)★★★
[181531] 48331. 足球小將翼:泣くな!翼"Captain Tsubasa" No Victory in Semi Final (1984)★★
[181532] 48332. 足球小將翼:双子のストライカー"Captain Tsubasa" The Brothers Tachibana (1984)★★★
[181533] 48333. 足球小將翼:石崎の大チョンボ"Captain Tsubasa" Ryo Shoots an Own Goal (1984)★★★
[181534] 48334. 足球小將翼:空中大決戦"Captain Tsubasa" The Fight for the Final (1984)★★
[181535] 48335. 足球小將翼:俺が大会一のキーパーだ!"Captain Tsubasa" The Best Keeper of the Tournament (1984)★★★
[181536] 48336. 足球小將翼:ガラスのエース"Captain Tsubasa" The End of a Career (1984)★★
[181537] 48337. 足球小將翼:ベスト4!激突"Captain Tsubasa" Encounters in Semi-Final (1984)★★
[181538] 48338. 足球小將翼:北国の熱きイレブン"Captain Tsubasa" The Brave Fighters from the North (1984)★★∿
[181539] 48339. 足球小將翼:血みどろの対決"Captain Tsubasa" Hard Confrontations (1984)★★
[181540] 48340. 足球小將翼:傷だらけの貴公子"Captain Tsubasa" A Wounded Prince (1984)★★
[181541] 48341. 足球小將翼:華麗なる対決"Captain Tsubasa" A Brilliant Fight (1984)★★
[181542] 48342. 足球小將翼:翼をワナにかけろ"Captain Tsubasa" Tsubasa in the Trap (1984)★★
[181543] 48343. 足球小將翼:とべない翼"Captain Tsubasa" I Can't Play (1984)★★★
[181544] 48344. 足球小將翼:よみがえれ翼"Captain Tsubasa" Tsubasa's Resurrection (1984)★★★
[181545] 48345. 足球小將翼:淳死なないで"Captain Tsubasa" Misogi, Don't Die (1984)★★★
[181546] 48346. 足球小將翼:ボクの心臓まだ動いている"Captain Tsubasa" My Heart Still Beats (1984)★★★
[181547] 48347. 足球小將翼:奇跡の超ロングシュート"Captain Tsubasa" Mega-Shot (1984)★★
[181548] 48348. 足球小將翼:眠れる猛虎・小次郎"Captain Tsubasa" A Wise Decision (1984)★★
[181549] 48349. 足球小將翼:復活!天才キーパー若林"Captain Tsubasa" The Finale (1984)★★
[181550] 48350. 足球小將翼:出た!先制のツインシュート"Captain Tsubasa" The Shoting Secret (1984)★★✚
[181551] 48351. 足球小將翼:激突!若林対小次郎"Captain Tsubasa" The Duel (1984)★★★
[181552] 48352. 足球小將翼:猛虎よ牙をむけ!"Captain Tsubasa" Roar, Lion (1984)★★★
[181553] 48353. 足球小將翼:危うし!ゴールデンコンビ"Captain Tsubasa" Nankatsu in Crisis (1984)★★★
[181554] 48354. 足球小將翼:炎のダイビングヘッド"Captain Tsubasa" The Equalizer (1984)★★✚
[181555] 48355. 足球小將翼:ピンチ!エースなき戦い"Captain Tsubasa" The Game Without Aces (1984)★★
[181556] 48356. 足球小將翼:やった!石崎得意の顔面ブロック"Captain Tsubasa" Against Better Knowledge (1984)★★★
[181557] 48357. 足球小將翼:小次郎のVサイン"Captain Tsubasa" Kojiro's Sign of Winning (1984)★★
[181558] 48358. 足球小將翼:奇跡を呼ぶトリプルシュート"Captain Tsubasa" Unsuccessful Overhead Kick (1984)★★
[181559] 48359. 足球小將翼:灼熱の延長戦"Captain Tsubasa" The Fight Continues (1984)★★
[181560] 48360. 足球小將翼:ああ幻のゴール!?"Captain Tsubasa" The Extra Time (1984)★★
[181561] 48361. 足球小將翼:オレたちは負けない!"Captain Tsubasa" What's the Result of the Extra Time (1984)★★
[181562] 48362. 足球小將翼:死闘!再延長戦"Captain Tsubasa" One New Strategy (1984)★★✚
[181563] 48363. 足球小將翼:復活!ゴールデンコンビ"Captain Tsubasa" Two Are Better Than One (1984)★★
[181564] 48364. 足球小將翼:最後の決戦!翼対小次郎"Captain Tsubasa" The Duel of the Strikers (1984)★★★
[181565] 48365. 足球小將翼:栄光そしてサヨナラ"Captain Tsubasa" Tears Despite Success (1984)★★
[181566] 48366. 足球小將翼:それぞれの旅立ち"Captain Tsubasa" Great Departures (1984)★★
[181567] 48367. 足球小將翼:オレたち中学三年生"Captain Tsubasa" The New Rival (1984)★★
[181568] 48368. 足球小將翼:V3への熱きスタート"Captain Tsubasa" The Shooting of the Hawk (1984)★★
[181569] 48369. 足球小將翼:新たなるライバル"Captain Tsubasa" Nankatsu vs. Otomo (1984)★★★
[181570] 48370. 足球小將翼:翼よ!フィールドの鷹になれ"Captain Tsubasa" Tsubasa vs. Nitta (1984)★★
[181571] 48371. 足球小將翼:ノートラップ隼シュート"Captain Tsubasa" A Hard Comparison (1984)★★★
[181572] 48372. 足球小將翼:挑戦者たちのララバイ"Captain Tsubasa" The Challenge (1984)★★★
[181573] 48373. 足球小將翼:打倒・翼!オレがヒーローだ"Captain Tsubasa" Decisions (1984)★★✚
[181574] 48374. 足球小將翼:甦ったエース・三杉淳"Captain Tsubasa" Race Against Time (1984)★★
[181575] 48375. 足球小將翼:夢の対決!三杉対小次郎"Captain Tsubasa" The Journey to Europe (1985)★★
[181576] 48376. 足球小將翼:ヨーロッパ発翼くんへ"Captain Tsubasa" The Duel (1985)★★★
[181577] 48377. 足球小將翼:フィールドに散った貴公子"Captain Tsubasa" A King Resigns (1985)★★
[181578] 48378. 足球小將翼:若林からの手紙"Captain Tsubasa" The Letter (1985)★★
[181579] 48379. 足球小將翼:牙をとぐ猛虎・小次郎"Captain Tsubasa" The National Championship (1985)★★
[181580] 48380. 足球小將翼:めざせV3!波乱の開幕"Captain Tsubasa" A Strong Enemy (1985)★★★
[181581] 48381. 足球小將翼:決めろ!ドライブシュート"Captain Tsubasa" The Shot from a Distance (1985)★★★
[181582] 48382. 足球小將翼:防げ!必殺のカミソリシュート"Captain Tsubasa" The Secret Goal (1985)★★★
[181583] 48383. 足球小將翼:ライバルたちの熱き足音"Captain Tsubasa" A Rival Does Not Give Up (1985)★★
[181584] 48384. 足球小將翼:出た!スカイラブ・ハリケーン"Captain Tsubasa" Air Acrobats (1985)★★
[181585] 48385. 足球小將翼:翼よ誰よりも高く飛べ"Captain Tsubasa" The Catapult Shot (1985)★★
[181586] 48386. 足球小將翼:立花兄弟・必殺のコンビプレー"Captain Tsubasa" The Acrobats (1985)★★★
[181587] 48387. 足球小將翼:決めろ!スライディングシュート"Captain Tsubasa" A New Trick (1985)★★★
[181588] 48388. 足球小將翼:激突!ベスト8"Captain Tsubasa" The Quarter Final (1985)★★★
[181589] 48389. 足球小將翼:北の荒鷲・松山光"Captain Tsubasa" An Uneventful Match (1985)★★★
[181590] 48390. 足球小將翼:ベールをぬいだ怪童次藤洋"Captain Tsubasa" Tsugito's Trick Box (1985)★★★
[181591] 48391. 足球小將翼:羽をもがれたフィールドの鷹"Captain Tsubasa" A Falcon with Lame Wings (1985)★★★∿
[181592] 48392. 足球小將翼:気迫の連続ドライブシュート"Captain Tsubasa" A Special Shot (1985)★★★
[181593] 48393. 足球小將翼:激突!ゴール前の死闘"Captain Tsubasa" The Fight Continues (1985)★★★╍
[181594] 48394. 足球小將翼:不滅のチームワーク"Captain Tsubasa" Teamwork (1985)★★★
[181595] 48395. 足球小將翼:燃えあがれ!ベスト4"Captain Tsubasa" Match Preparations (1985)★★
[181596] 48396. 足球小將翼:若島津・無念の初失点"Captain Tsubasa" Help Cry to the Substitutes' Bench (1985)★★
[181597] 48397. 足球小將翼:オリの中の猛虎・小次郎"Captain Tsubasa" The Present for the Captain (1985)★★★
[181598] 48398. 足球小將翼:怒りのタイガー軍団!!!"Captain Tsubasa" Top Performance (1985)★★
[181599] 48399. 足球小將翼:岬太郎のヨーロッパ便り"Captain Tsubasa" The Letter from Europe (1985)★★
[181600] 48400. 足球小將翼:夢のヨーロッパ遠征・選ばれるのは誰か!?"Captain Tsubasa" Who Will Be Chosen (1985)★★
[181601] 48401. 足球小將翼:フィールドに翔べ!鷲と鷹"Captain Tsubasa" Where Love Falls (1985)★★
[181602] 48402. 足球小將翼:北の荒鷲・無敵のロングシュート"Captain Tsubasa" The Attack Headlong (1985)★★
[181603] 48403. 足球小將翼:勝利への逆襲"Captain Tsubasa" Fairness Goes First (1985)★★
[181604] 48404. 足球小將翼:猛攻!四連続シュート"Captain Tsubasa" The Attack (1985)★★✚
[181605] 48405. 足球小將翼:傷だらけの翼よみがえれ不死鳥"Captain Tsubasa" A Captain as Hero (1985)★★★
[181606] 48406. 足球小將翼:さらば北の戦士"Captain Tsubasa" Bitter Tears (1985)★★
[181607] 48407. 足球小將翼:猛虎の挑戦状"Captain Tsubasa" Hyuga's Challenge (1985)★★
[181608] 48408. 足球小將翼:ヨーロッパの熱き誓いを思い出せ"Captain Tsubasa" Feverish Ravings (1985)★★
[181609] 48409. 足球小將翼:翼対イングランド重戦車軍団"Captain Tsubasa" Matchwinner Tsubasa (1985)★★
[181610] 48410. 足球小將翼:あらたなる試練"Captain Tsubasa" Surprise in Field (1985)★★
[181611] 48411. 足球小將翼:燃えるフィールド翼対ピエール!!"Captain Tsubasa" Tsubasa vs. Pierre, a Fair Fight (1985)★★
[181612] 48412. 足球小將翼:倒せ!ヨーロッパ・ナンバーワン"Captain Tsubasa" The Might of the Kaiser (1985)★★
[181613] 48413. 足球小將翼:無敵の皇帝・シュナイダー"Captain Tsubasa" Unexpected Visit (1985)★★
[181614] 48414. 足球小將翼:栄光へのラストキック"Captain Tsubasa" An Impossible Recovery (1985)★★
[181615] 48415. 足球小將翼:宿命の対決、ふたたび"Captain Tsubasa" The Last Fight Begins (1985)★★
[181616] 48416. 足球小將翼:世紀のラスト・ファイト"Captain Tsubasa" The Great Final (1985)★★★
[181617] 48417. 足球小將翼:先制のスーパーショット!"Captain Tsubasa" Nankatsu Is Down (1985)★★★
[181618] 48418. 足球小將翼:逆襲のドライブシュート"Captain Tsubasa" Don't Give Up (1985)★★★
[181619] 48419. 足球小將翼:火をふくタイガーショト"Captain Tsubasa" The Tiger Fights Alone (1985)★★★
[181620] 48420. 足球小將翼:王者・南葛最大の危機"Captain Tsubasa" A Despair Fight (1985)★★★
[181621] 48421. 足球小將翼:跡のドライブシュート"Captain Tsubasa" Tsubasa Doesn't Give Up (1985)★★★╍
[181622] 48422. 足球小將翼:日向小次郎の反撃!"Captain Tsubasa" Tsubasa Is Hurt (1985)★★
[181623] 48423. 足球小將翼:舞い上がれ!不死鳥"Captain Tsubasa" Thrill (1985)★★
[181624] 48424. 足球小將翼:燃えろ!炎のチームワーク"Captain Tsubasa" Keep on Fighting (1985)★★
[181625] 48425. 足球小將翼:夢のダイビング・オーバーヘッド"Captain Tsubasa" Dream Goal (1985)★★
[181626] 48426. 足球小將翼:ラストゴールは俺が取る!"Captain Tsubasa" On Knife's Edge (1985)★★★
[181627] 48427. 足球小將翼:守り抜け!俺たちのゴール"Captain Tsubasa" With All Power (1986)★★★
[181628] 48428. 足球小將翼:走れ翼!勝利のゴールへ"Captain Tsubasa" It's Getting Exciting (1986)★★★
[181629] 48429. 足球小將翼:運命のタイム・アップ"Captain Tsubasa" The Unsuccessful Tiger Shot (1986)★★★✚
[181630] 48430. 足球小將翼:駆けぬけろ!V3はオレたちの夢"Captain Tsubasa" Still Tied (1986)★★
[181631] 48431. 足球小將翼:奇跡をよぶフィールドの鷹"Captain Tsubasa" To the Last Gasp (1986)★★★
[181632] 48432. 足球小將翼:復活オレたちのキャプテン"Captain Tsubasa" Just 10 Minutes Left (1986)★★★
[181633] 48433. 足球小將翼:翼の最終作戦!!"Captain Tsubasa" All or Nothing (1986)★★★
[181634] 48434. 足球小將翼:傷だらけのヒーロー"Captain Tsubasa" In Last Minute (1986)★★★✚
[181635] 48435. 足球小將翼:栄光そして新なる旅立ち"Captain Tsubasa" Shared Victory (1986)★★
[181636] 48436. 足球小將翼:最高の友俺と若林源三"Captain Tsubasa" Memories (1986)★★
[181637] 48437. 足球小將翼:永遠のパートナー俺と岬太郎"Captain Tsubasa" Hoping for Europe (1986)★★
[181638] 48438. 足球小將翼:はばたけ!輝ける戦士たち"Captain Tsubasa" The 17 Best (1986)★★
[181639] 48439. 足球小將翼:天空翱翔"Captain Tsubasa" Soar Toward the Great Sky! (2018)★★
[181640] 48440. 足球小將翼:飛了"Captain Tsubasa" Take Flight! (2018)★★
同時也有15部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過42的網紅way live,也在其Youtube影片中提到,IG: @waylive https://www.instagram.com/way.live/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/way.live8 Weibo: https://weibo.com/u/6413332737 **誠邀中文作詞者合作,請私I...
「flight distance」的推薦目錄:
- 關於flight distance 在 stu sis Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於flight distance 在 Focus Taiwan Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於flight distance 在 Chris Leong Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於flight distance 在 way live Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於flight distance 在 Ja is so fly Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於flight distance 在 くま旅ch -ときどき 散歩- Japan Travel & Walking Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於flight distance 在 How to calculate flight distance - YouTube 的評價
flight distance 在 Focus Taiwan Facebook 的最讚貼文
It was a rare long distance test flight for the UAV, which was developed by the military's top research unit, the National Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology, and normally takes only short flights over the Taitung Air Base.
flight distance 在 Chris Leong Facebook 的最佳貼文
I miss my travel moment .. I really enjoy the flight ✈️... I will be back 👍🏼😘❤️🥰✈️. From Chris Leong .. stay good health ... 1)Wear Mask 😷, wash hand 🖐, Social Distance 👬..
#masterchrisleong #bonesetting #tittar #tabibtulang #clm #clmethod #sunwaydamasara #midvalley #drchris #datochris #跌打 #chris #datoserichris #setiaalam #sripetaling #bone #tulang #leong #梁潤江
flight distance 在 way live Youtube 的最佳貼文
**誠邀中文作詞者合作,請私IG, Facebook 或 微博。**
Any music inquiries please PM on IG, Facebook, or Weibo.
關於 About:
Raw01 is the ultimate 1st version of Vince Way's original song, recorded exactly the moment it was born. A demo is a final version in its own way - perfectly raw as it should be. May whatever blossoms from it later on, its essence remains only in version Raw01
So I've set you free and said
Bye bye old melody
I am too ashamed
You thought Id never think of
All those blurry nights when
Our legs intertwined
Always self reminding
Press Play No rewind just
Kiss me kiss me
If you're wasted
love me hate me if you need it
Greenlight blinking in a distance
Slowly fading in
Take me take me on the next fight
Leave me give this pain a new light
Wishing after all is said and done
I'll be the last one
How much is enough baby
It kills me for your touch
Do you feel alone when
When whole world is on the phone
Blue as memories
Can't unwind misery
Red as liver bleeds still
Hold onto your tree yea
Kiss me kiss me if you're wasted
Love me hate me if you needed
Green light blinking in a distance
Slowly fading in
Take me take me on the next fight
Leave me give this pain a new light
Wishing after all is said and done
I'll be the last one
The last one
The last one
Meet me meet me on the other side
Hold me hold me if it feels alright
As we slowly
Fade away
Catch me catch me at the next flight
We ll be giving it a new light
Keep me safe in a dream cause I m the last one
The last one
I'm last one yea
Took you by surprise
The world ends, you survive
If one day you come undone
I swear ill be your last one
Music and Lyrics By Vince Way 弘正
flight distance 在 Ja is so fly Youtube 的最佳貼文
สวัสดีค่ะทุกคน วันนี้จ๋าพาเพื่อนและสามีของเพื่อน ที่เป็นพนักงานต้อนรับบนเครื่องบินทั้งคู่มาสัมภาษณ์ มาดูกันว่า จากคนที่ไม่เคยคิดคบลูกเรือ หรือ คบชาวต่างชาติมาก่อน มาจบที่เป็นสามี-ภรรยากัน ชีวิตพวกเค้าจะเป็นยังไงบ้าง?
00:28 แนะนำตัว / Self-Introduction
00:37 เจอกันครั้งแรกที่ไหน? / How they met
00:51 แต่ละเดือน หยุดตรงกันมั้ย ได้บินไฟลท์เดียวกันรึเปล่า / Do they have same days off or same flights each month?
01:35 เป็นสามี-ภรรยากัน สามารถขอไปบินไฟลท์เดียวกันได้มั้ย / Can husband and wife request to fly together?
02:38 เคยไม่เจอกันนานสุดกี่วัน / The longest period they were apart
03:15 ดูแลสุขภาพยังไง / How they take care of their health
03:58 แพลนมีน้องเมื่อไหร่ / Plan for having kids
04:37 ตั้งครรภ์ต้องลาออกมั้ย / Does the wife have to resign if she's pregnant?
05:08 มีลูก ส่งผลต่อการทำงานอย่างไร / How having kids will affect their work life
05:43 ทะเลาะกันมั้ย เรื่องอะไรบ้าง / Arguments and what they are about
06:30 ทำยังไงเวลาอยู่ไกลกัน / How to deal with long distance
06:58 แผนอนาคตเกี่ยวกับอาชีพนี้ / Future plan for this job
07:32 สวัสดิการ / benefits
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flight distance 在 くま旅ch -ときどき 散歩- Japan Travel & Walking Youtube 的最讚貼文
#羽田空港 #展望デッキ #第2ターミナル
I came to see takeoff and landing at Haneda Airport.
Airplane landing from Terminal 2 runway
In the distance you can see the night view of Tokyo with the naked eye
It gradually becomes quiet until the departure of the last flight
Please enjoy the atmosphere of Tokyo Haneda Airport.
TOKYO. Odaiba during Year-end holiday period w/ Rainbow Fireworks 2019.お...
車・鉄道・飛行機・自転車・ラン・歩き 問わず
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flight distance 在 How to calculate flight distance - YouTube 的美食出口停車場
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