I have been eyeing on this beautiful @makeupforeverofficial neutral 12 Flash Color platte for so long and it’s finally mine! 🤩Thank you so much @makeupforeverhk @nanabambi #makeupforeverpro
After trying their latest Artist Lip Blush on shoot, I am impressed by how powdery matte, weightless and long lasting they are! Now they’ve become one of my must have items.
恨左好耐,終於比我恨到😍 #makeupforever Neutral 12 #FlashColorPlatte 終於到手!多謝Makeup Forever嘅禮物!超鐘意!
上次Shooting用過佢地新出嘅Artist Lip Blush柔霧唇膏筆,質地輕柔、易上色、啞緻效果又不易脫色,真係幾正! #化妝師必備
#makeupforeverhk #lifeisastage
#ARTISTLIPBLUSH #makeyourlipblush #ARTIST柔霧唇膏筆 #秒化氣場 #正 #好物推介 #gabbiemakeup #makeupartist #makeup #inmykit #love