“Women can’t firewalk!” A local snapped.
“Nonsense. I firewalked here three years ago.”
She has once been the "Western woman waltzing across a bed of hot coals to challenge patriarchy."But years later she began to think differently about that one victory. Why?
Additional Reading:
Traveling in Taiwan as A Woman (But Not Only)
#Firewalking #Donggang #Taiwan #Feminism #TravelinTaiwan #Culture
feminism patriarchy 在 喬的英文筆記 Joe's English Learning Notes Facebook 的最佳解答
<社會科學之"宗系" "意識型態" "婚姻" "宗教" "父母系">
1. "宗族", "派系"
clan (n.) 宗族, 派系
clique (n.) = faction 派系
kinship (n.) 親屬關係
sect (n.) 派別; 宗派
homogeneous (n.) 同一種族
genealogy (n.) 族譜學
2. "意識型態"
ideology (n.) 意識型態
chauvinism (n.) 沙文主義
consciousness (n.) 意識
- class consciousness (n.) 階級意識
ethnocentrism (n.) 種族中心主義
feminism (n.) 女權主義
individualism (n.) 個人主義
nationalism (n.) 民族主義
nomadism (n.) 遊牧主義(生活)
pluralism (n.) 多元主義
sectionalism (n.) 地方主義;本位主義
separatism (n.) 分離主義
discrimination (n.) 歧視
- racial discrimination 種族歧視
sexism (n.) 性別歧視
3. "婚姻"
endogamy (n.) 族內通婚
exogamy (n.) 異族通婚
monogamy (n.) 一夫一妻制
bigamy (n.) 重婚 (<-曾聽過用"大艾咪"背誦)
4. "宗教"
religion (n.) 宗教;信仰
ritual (n.) (宗教)儀式
ancestor worship 祖先祭拜
animism (n.) 泛靈信仰
sacred cow (n.) 聖牛
5. "父系" & "母系"
matrilineal (adj.) 母系的
matriarchy (n.) 母權社會
patrilineal (adj.) 父系的
patriarchy (n.) 父權社會
*lineal (adj.) 嫡系的;直系的
feminism patriarchy 在 Feminism: Patriarchy | tutor2u 的相關結果
Feminism : Patriarchy ... Patriarchy refers to a society dominated by men i.e. society, state and the economy are characterised by systematic, institutionalised ... ... <看更多>
feminism patriarchy 在 Patriarchy - Wikipedia 的相關結果
Shulamith Firestone, a radical-libertarian feminist, defines patriarchy as a system of oppression of women. Firestone believes that patriarchy is ... ... <看更多>
feminism patriarchy 在 The age of patriarchy: how an unfashionable idea became a ... 的相關結果
At the moment – although the picture varies wildly across the globe – feminists are increasingly using the tool of “patriarchy” to recognise the ... ... <看更多>