Good evening!
TAVAR Girls要來送上 #TaiwanXRDemoDay 入選團隊首顆彩蛋!
你的XR(AR/VR/MR) 產品找到最棒的投資管道和曝光機會了嗎?
TAVAR今年最精采的Taiwan XR Demo day就能為你創造優勢! 入選的新創團隊將獨享 #簡報教戰訓練、 #菁英業師輔導 和 #專屬產品展示攤位,當然還有對資金影響重大的 #創投深度洽談 機會啦!
是不是想立刻知道如何入選Demo Day團隊?
Now it’s time to uncover the exclusive team benefits from Taiwan XR Demo Day!
Has your product found the best investors and exposure channels?
TAVAR is creating the most powerful advantage with you! For those XR startups selected in Taiwan XR Demo Day, they would enjoy the pitch practice workshop and 1:1 expert coaching of our mentorship program. Moreover, your team would have individual demo table and Investor matchmaking opportunity on Demo Day!
Mentorship program- Pitch practice workshop (4/12, provisional)
Mentorship program- 1:1 expert coaching (4/20)
Individual demo table (4/27)
Investor matchmaking opportunity (4/27)
>>Link to become the XR startup STAR!: