Digital detox refers to a period of time when a person voluntarily refrains from using digital devices such as smartphones, computers, and social media ...
#2. DIGITAL DETOX在劍橋英語詞典中的解釋及翻譯
digital detox 的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. a period of time during which you do not use mobile phones, computers, etc., because you usually…
#3. Reasons to Do a Digital Detox - Verywell Mind
A digital detox refers to a period of time when a person refrains from using tech devices such as smartphones, televisions, computers, ...
#4. Digital Detox: What to Know - WebMD
And that's where a digital detox comes in. This is a period of time during which you intentionally reduce the amount of time you spend ...
#5. DIGITAL DETOX | Meaning & Definition for UK English
A period of time during which a person refrains from using electronic devices such as smartphones or computers, regarded as an opportunity to reduce stress or ...
#6. Digital detox definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
Digital detox definition : a period in which a person avoids using computers, smartphones , etc in order to reduce... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations ...
#7. Digital detox Definition & Meaning -
Digital detox definition, a period during which a person refrains from using digital or electronic devices in order to break a pattern of excessive or ...
#8. What is Digital Detox? - Definition from Techopedia
A digital detox refers to a state when an individual quits or suspends use of digital equipment and devices to utilize that time for social interactions and ...
#9. Five Ways to Do a Digital Detox - 7 Summit Pathways
During digital detox, a person stops using technology like smartphones, computers and televisions. While most people can't get rid of technology ...
#10. Why We All Need a Digital Detox - Newport Academy
A digital detox refers to a period of time during which a person refrains from using electronic devices connected to the Internet, such as ...
#11. Digital detox 數字排毒 - 與BBC一起學英語
A digital detox is a period of time away from all devices that can connect to the internet. 簡單地說,a digital detox 就是放下手機,遠離社群網路 ...
#12. What is a digital detox and why is it a good idea? | GVI Planet
Challenging yourself to a digital detox – disconnecting from the screens, gadgets and apps that sometimes control us – isn't a new idea.
#13. digital detox Definitions and Synonyms - Macmillan Dictionary
Definition of DIGITAL DETOX (noun): a period of not using electronic devices.
#14. Digital Detoxing: How to Overcome Device Dependence
A digital detox to get off your phone, the Internet, or social ... Signs your workplace needs a digital detox ... What does this mean?
#15. Digital Detox|對網絡資訊感疲倦?正視情緒健康這3個時段請 ...
Digital Detox ,中文有譯「數位排毒」,意指暫時遠離電子產品,對社交媒體、網絡資訊通通隔離,為自己建立一個真實的寧靜空間。如你也對現時過剩的 ...
#16. BBC Learning English - 地道英语/ Digital detox 数字排毒
A digital detox is a period of time away from all devices that can connect to the internet. 简单地说,a digital detox 就是放下手机,远离社交网络 ...
#17. How to Do a Digital Detox Without Unplugging Completely
But it could mean joining others who are committed to disconnecting through events like those run by Digital Detox (a company that leads ...
#18. What is a digital detox? | Macmillan Dictionary Blog
digital detox · Definition. a period during which someone deliberately avoids using electronic devices such as computers, mobile phones, or tablets · Origin and ...
#19. What does digital-detox mean? - YourDictionary
Digital -detox definition ... The defintion of digital detox is a period of time during which a person stops using social media, phones, computers, and the ...
#20. Digital Detox:學會減少螢幕使用時間,實行「社群媒體斷捨離」
這是個有趣的學習過程,因為會發現以往用ho ar 代替「好啊」的意思,卻不能透過Jyutping 打出這2 個字,要輸入hou aa 才可以呢,但習慣了倉頡打字很多年, ...
#21. Digital detox - Oxford Reference
The process of not using any electronic device for a period of time. This normally occurs when the user of such devices wants to de-stress their life....
#22. Digital detox: An effective solution in the smartphone era? A ...
Digital detox is defined as timeouts from using electronic devices (e.g., smartphones), either completely or for specific subsets of smartphone use.
#23. It's Time for a Digital Detox. (You Know You Need It.)
No, that doesn't mean quitting the internet cold turkey. No one would expect that from us right now. Think of it as going on a diet and ...
#24. Have you heard of the word “Digital Detox”?
Digital Detox, a combination of 'digital' (referring to digital devices of the ... computers, and laptops) and 'detox' (meaning removal of toxic substances ...
#25. How Digital Detox Can Benefit your Child
For kids, this can mean anything from playing video games to watching TV or texting. While technology has numerous benefits, it also brings with ...
#26. Digital Detox: educating students to an healthy use of ...
What does Digital Detox mean? · Encourage the team work · Educate students to set achievable targets · Establish some tech-free zones at school.
#27. Characteristics of social media 'detoxification' in university ...
KEYWORDS: Social media detoxification, digital detoxification, ... even in the absence of a clear definition and of an agreed nomenclature.
#28. What does “digital detox” really mean?
“Digital detox refers to a period of time when a person voluntarily refrains from using digital devices such as smartphones or computers and social media ...
#29. 5 Signs You Need a Technology Detox - Becoming Minimalist
Man wearing hat and sunglasses preparing for a digital detox ... embrace that which gives us meaning, while removing the distractions that keep us from it.
#30. A digital detox podcast - British Council Learn English
Listen to the podcast about doing a digital detox to practise and improve your ... I mean, everyone is more attentive to their devices than to their lifes ...
#31. What's all this fuss about “digital detox” - Vox
The idea here is pretty simple: Cut your phone use for a temporary period of time to break the cycle of addiction. With this approach, you're ...
#32. Digital Detox - ESL Lesson Plan - Breaking News English
English News Lesson on Digital Detox: Digital detox leads to better health ... has been neglected; we mean that of reading them in schools.
#33. Digital detox - Encyclopedia - The Free Dictionary
Looking for digital detox? Find out information about digital detox. ... Explanation of digital detox. ... THIS DEFINITION IS FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY.
#34. Digital Detox and the effects on The Body - Healing Holidays
A digital detox can help you retrain your brain to concentrate on a single task again, making you ultimately more focused and productive, meaning you will ...
#35. What Is A Digital Detox And What Are The Benefits? - LinkedIn
An inability to switch off — technology keeps us contactable 24/7, making disentangling from the digital world a challenge, often meaning we ...
#36. digital detox - Urban Dictionary
Avoiding digital activities such as checking your phone and logging into facebook for a meaningful period of time, usually the length of a vacation.
#37. The Digital Detox: What is it? And How to do it.
A digital detox is the purposeful process of absolute or conditional abstinence from some (or all) of the technology present in your life for a specific period ...
#38. Digital detox: Media resistance and the promise of authenticity
Digital detox can be defined as a periodic disconnection from social or online media, or strategies to reduce digital media involvement.
#39. 12 Reasons for Digital Detox (MUST READ) - Samasati Retreat
Digital detox simply means taking time off from your computer, phone, television, and other technological devices. During that time, you focus ...
#40. We don't need digital detox, but there is a need to rethink our ...
They are steadily disconnecting us from real life, real relationships and real meaning. To this supposed problem of digital dependence, ...
#41. Digital Detox: Your Totally Manageable, 10-Step Guide - Health
Digital Detox : Your Totally Manageable, 10-Step Guide · The key to staying sane in our hyperconnected world is adopting healthy and sustainable ...
#42. Digital detox: how to switch off and connect with nature
What does digital detox mean and what are the benefits? Unplug your devices and connect with nature to find your inner self.
#43. Digital detox: Resisting media and regaining authentic life
Detoxing can, on one hand, mean a specific medical process, but it also encompasses a wider range of measures to achieve well-being and a healthy balance in.
#44. Digital Detox Definition and Importance - Vapulus
Digital Detox Definition and Importance. | February 3, 2019. digital detox. Because of the high rate uses of technology last days and the negative effects ...
#45. Digital Detox: Why Taking a Break from Technology Can ...
內容簡介. Health professionals and the general public are becoming increasingly aware that addiction to the internet, social media, online games, ...
#46. Digital Detox: Take a Break and Feel Refreshed | Top Trends
Find out why Lee Health experts recommend a digital detox for mental health. ... Sutter speaks on topics like mindfulness, meaning, and fulfillment.
#47. The 30 Best Reasons to Take a Digital Detox
But a digital detox is more than putting your phone on airplane mode ... have time to read that book you've been meaning to get around to.
#48. It's time for a digital detox - Newspaper - DAWN.COM
This word seemed very fascinating to me so I searched its meaning on the internet. My search's results showed that digital detox is the time ...
#49. The benefits of a digital detox and how to have one - Optus
A digital detox – or a technology diet – is when you refrain from ... Whether it's reading that book you've been meaning to get around to or ...
#50. New Year Digital Detox & Declutter - Start Fresh in 2022
Start the New Year right with a digital declutter and detox. ... This doesn't mean you should cut yourself off from technology completely.
#51. How to Do a Digital Detox: 14 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow
1. Choose when to detox. Although you may want to start your digital detox right now, you should think about the timing of your detox first. Deciding to log ... 2. Decide how long to detox. In general a digital detox will last for about one to two days. This gives you time to connect with your friends and family and do ... 3. Motivate yourself. Deciding to do a digital detox can be a big decision. You may worry about what you’ll miss by logging out. You might even wonder what you ...
#52. Digital Detox: Why It Is Necessary and Helpful? - Self-Care -
This does not mean that you cannot relish the benefits of a digital detox. If you use your devices throughout the day for your job, ...
#53. The Digital Detox: A Much Needed Break From Technology
Some students take a “digital detox”, meaning they halt their usage of electronics for a long period of time. Travel happens to be the ...
#54. Digital detox synonyms, digital detox antonyms
Synonyms · love of · passion for · attachment to · affection for · fondness for · zeal for · fervour for · ardour for.
#55. DIGITAL DETOX Meaning in English - English Translation
Translations in context of "DIGITAL DETOX" in french-english. HERE are many translated example sentences containing "DIGITAL DETOX" - french-english ...
#56. Your vision and the rundown on 'digital detox'
But that doesn't mean we can't adapt our habits and avoid the potential effects of digital overexposure. Experts recommend trying these tips: 1,2. Take frequent ...
#57. Digital detox offers new perspectives on our relationship with ...
In my book on digital detox, I show how digital detox is framed as a lifestyle ... how digital detoxing take on a different meaning in different contexts.
#58. Escape Tech: What Is A Digital Detox, How And Why To Do ...
A complete guide to digital detoxing: escaping the digital world ... But what does it mean to disconnect in our digitally-dependent world?
#59. Digital detox: Switching off mindfully - Merck KGaA
Not checking e-mails, muting out WhatsApp, switching off your smartphone completely – what may seem unimaginable to some people is part of the digital detox ...
#60. Don't turn off, turn down: Digital detox at work
Practical digital detox solutions for the workplace, to help you maximise the benefits that tech brings while minimising its damage to your health and ...
#61. digital detox — Translation in French - TechDico
Many translation examples sorted by field of work of “digital detox” – English-French dictionary and smart translation assistant.
#62. How to Do a Digital Detox - YouTube
Are you ready for a digital cleanse ? Do you need to digitally detox? If you need a break from tech, then you need a digital detox.
#63. How To Know If You Need A Digital Detox (And Other ...
How To Know If You Need A Digital Detox (And Other Practices For Pursuing ... When you seek meaning and live authentically, everything else ...
#64. Digital Detox Guide - Holiday Cottages
There is, however, a new trend emerging involving digital detoxing: ... This is evident in the now widely recognised phrase 'FOMO', meaning 'fear of missing ...
#65. Digital Detox Tourism: Why disconnect? - DiVA portal
health factors motivated tourists to undertake a digital detox holiday. ... Also, the definition of relevant concepts for this study and.
#66. Maximize Your Digital Detox: Four Ways To Enhance…
Maximize Your Digital Detox: Four Ways To Enhance Clarity and Focus ... survey respondents reported taking a digital detox, meaning they ...
#67. digital detox 完整報導- Engadget 中文版
digital detox articles, stories, news and information.
#68. Digital Detox - Blog - Pen Heaven
Digital Detox : Tablet Image with Detox Meaning ... 'personal' has become more and more consumed by 'screen time' (shown in red) meaning we feel like there ...
#69. What is a digital detox and why should we take one?
What is a digital detox? So what exactly do we mean by a digital detox? well, in simple terms, it is a period of time away from invasive technologies, screens or blue light. This means no laptops, phones, TV or other electronic devices. This can be viewed as an opportunity to re-engage with the real world and people around you and release any stress or tensions held between an individual and the virtual world. How do you take a digital detox? If you are up for going cold turkey, then taking a break for a few days, maybe even a week could be a good move, however we don't mean you should switch your phone off completely and be uncontactable ? it is important that you remain available for friends and loved ones in case of emergency. Instead, you could choose to delete certain apps off your phone for a period of time meaning you get a break from notifications and aimless scrolling. And a digital detox doesn't just mean your phone, it extends to devices such as laptops, smart watches, TV's and more.
#70. 7 Steps to Planning Your Next Digital Detox - Happify
Digital detox : A period of time during which a person refrains from using ... Take some time to think about your e-life, and what it will mean to turn it ...
#71. Digital detox tourism against post-modernity - DergiPark
Digital detox tourism, which is against post-modernism, ... of form and style (as opposed to content) in determining meaning and life.
#72. Could a digital detox improve your sense of well-being?
Tired of having to gaze at a screen for anything from a pub quiz to work calls, Anna Redman and her boyfriend headed to a wooden cabin ...
#73. Digital Detox: 關閉螢幕,開啟人生。 - Google Play 應用程式
恭喜! 您是少數願意與手機分離並重新將自己、他人和這個世界連結的少數精英之一。歡迎您的加入。 這並不容易。 準備親身體會手機戒斷症吧。說真的,你可能比自己想像 ...
#74. why people are removing social apps but not deleting them
Digital detox strategies are being employed by individuals to step away ... Detox is defined as "a process or period of time in which one ...
#75. 15 Digital Detox Tips That Actually Work in 2022 - Themeisle
Are you spending too much time online or on your phone? Check out these digital detox tips to improve your wellness and mental health.
#76. Digital detox, Whats the meaning? - زبانشناس
Now that IS a sign you're addicted. You really do need a digital detox. Let's hear some examples. Examples My phone broke the day I went on holiday which forced ...
#77. 5 useful apps for your next digital detox - Cygnus Systems
To that end, the following five digital detox apps can help you limit screen ... Users can even set a daily limit for each app — meaning, ...
#78. What is digital detox and its importance? - Lifestyle - India Map
What is digital detox and its importance? Smartphones, apps and social media platforms, etc., are designed so that people feel left behind ...
#79. What is the best digital detox possible? - Quora
Well what is a digital detox ? Its a period of time where people refrain from using electronic devices such as smartphone, computers etc.
#80. Need A Digital Detox? 5 Tips To Unplug | Henry Ford LiveWell
In today's digitally driven society, most of us wander around with devices attached to us like another limb. And smartphones, YouTube ...
#81. Digital Detox: How to Take a Break from Social Media
The following five indicators might mean you're ready for a break from social media: You check your phone first thing in the morning and ...
#82. The food/technology metaphor in digital detoxing - First Monday
A detox is defined as “a process or period of time in which one abstains from or rids the body of toxic or unhealthy substances; detoxification” (Oxford ...
#83. A 'digital detox' is a period of time during which you do not use ...
cambridgewords A 'digital detox' is a period of time during which you do not use mobile ... Do you know the meaning of the verb 'checkmate'.
#84. Digital Detox Youth Program - The Kokoda Challenge
For this reason, the Kokoda Youth Foundation has made the Digital Detox a completely funded program meaning there is no cost involved in the enrolment ...
#85. Need a break from technology? Here's how to do a digital detox
– no screens, dim the lights or even better, light some candles, dust off the board games or that book you keep meaning to read (phones on airplane mode and ...
#86. Digital detox definition and meaning - Power Thesaurus
Digital detox definition based on common meanings and most popular ways to define words related to digital detox.
#87. I did a digital detox for just one week and it changed my life ... ... I mean, what if they grow up not knowing how to be bored?
#88. The Benefits Of A Social Media Cleanse - L'Officiel Cyprus
Were you thinking of taking a break from the digital world? ... However, that doesn't necessarily mean that spending this much time on your phone is ...
#89. Video Format A Digital Detox Challenge – AGD
According to a study covered in Fortune magazine, both of these employee types seek a healthy work/life blend, a sense of meaning from their ...
#90. How To Do a Digital Detox to Reclaim Your Focus
And by undistracted, I mean no phone, no social media, no e-mail. Our mind works at best when we give it space to unfold. By using digital detox ...
#91. Digital Detox | Technology and Screen Detox - Time To Log Off
A digital detox is a temporary period of fully disconnecting from all digital devices to focus on social interaction, reduce stress, and be fully present in ...
#92. Diffusing Digital Detox
The second section reads: “Digital Detox is proven to reduce stress and anxiety ... As such, he suggests that the intended meaning of the media product is ...
#93. How A Digital Detox Can Lead To Better Health And Happiness
Digital detox for health and happiness ... much of this is driven by algorithms and doesn't have significant meaning offline.
#94. detox - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
n. detoxification. 牛津中文字典 · digital detox · 查看更多.
#95. A step-by-step guide to digital detox holidays - loveEXPLORING
When we talk about a digital detox we're really focusing on unhooking ourselves from anything that connects to the internet, even via wearables ...
#96. Digital Detox: How & Why To Take A Break From Your Gadgets
Digital detox : a buzzword, or something that can actually change your life? ... You can't reduce your EMF exposure to zero because doing that would mean ...
digital detox meaning 在 How to Do a Digital Detox - YouTube 的美食出口停車場
Are you ready for a digital cleanse ? Do you need to digitally detox? If you need a break from tech, then you need a digital detox. ... <看更多>