[時事英文] Who Will Concede?
What Happens if Neither Trump Nor Biden Concedes?
1. a transition of power 權力交接
2. concede power to 將權力讓給
3. at some stage 在某個階段
4. allocate 分配;分派
5. civil war 內戰
6. arrive at a moment where… 到了一個…的時刻
7. concession(常指為結束爭端而作出的)認可,讓步,妥協
8. legal machinery 法律機制
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Ultimately, all democratic transitions are based on one side being willing to concede power to another. Without a concession at some stage, power must be allocated by force: Either the military must decide, or there is civil war. There is growing concern that the United States may be arriving at a moment where* a concession is no longer achievable — but if this is the case, this is ultimately a problem with the state of American politics, not its legal machinery.
《紐約時報》完整文章: https://nyti.ms/38iTjnH
最新開票動態: https://politi.co/34U5ipm
*a moment where: "When" is usually the more logical relative adverb after "moment," but here, the writer might be referring to "moment" in a figurative sense, perhaps involving abstractions such as an imaginary point.
Examples: https://bit.ly/3p0xora
I recommend using "when" though.
時事英文音檔: https://bit.ly/3emRtTt
decide adverb 在 Kerrie Heasley School of Speech & Drama - Kells, Co. Meath 的美食出口停車場
The Adverb Game Everyone stands and they decide on what the action is going to be for example, cycling a bike. One person is picked to go outside the... ... <看更多>