🍷GIVEAWAY 🍷 #抽獎活動
🎉🎁Maggie and skylar港媽樂園🎁送你價值$3280 Coravin Model Six 開酒神器( 採用Coravin專利科技,有咗呢個神器,唔洗開瓶,唔洗一次過要飲晒成支酒,,輕鬆按一下就可以品嘗番杯葡萄酒,剩餘嘅酒仲可保存數週、數月甚至一年 )
1️⃣Follow 我地IG ( https://www.instagram.com/maggie_skylar )
& @coravin_hk ( https://instagram.com/coravin_hk?igshid=12rk6zglctbs1 )
2️⃣Like 下面 IG post
3️⃣係IG留言話我地知 “”點解想得到Coravin Model 6”” 再tag 3 位朋友
( https://instagram.com/p/CB-0_Msg82c/ )
#PerfectWineExperience #CoravinWithSmartClamps #PerfectWineExperience
#EnotecaHK #CoravinWineSystem #ElvioCognoBarbarescoBorini #GrantBurgeAbednego
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Thanks for having me ! My first time tasting in zoom 🍷it was so amazing 😉
Napa valley’s wine that is good enough
Super thank you Coravin送我開酒神器
你對於開紅酒有什麼概念?開了一支酒往往都要一次過飲完,難以存放,但透過Coravin專利技術結合醫療科技與存酒技術,無須打開木塞亦能倒出葡萄酒,以保護剩餘的美酒免受氧化影響! 醫療級別的取酒針穿過軟木塞,往酒瓶注入純度99.9%的氬氣使之增壓,葡萄酒會經過取酒針被推出流到杯中。完成斟酒後,只需要將取酒針抽出,軟木塞便會因其天然彈性而癒合。
#Coravin #PerfectWineExperience
#Coravin取酒器 #CoravinWineSystem #Winelover #SavorAGlassPreserveTheBottle
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【Coravin Live Wine Tasting】
Coravin's founder Greg Lambrecht will be tasting three different wines with Anthea, David Cheng, Jessie Chow, Kieran Gibb, Marco Chen, Mung Wai Leong and Wai Kin Kwan in today's live, tune in at 8:15PM on our Facebook🎥!
#Coravin #PerfectWineExperience
#Coravin取酒器 #CoravinWineSystem #Winelover #SavorAGlassPreserveTheBottle Watson's Wine