被bully被輕視被排擠的人,通常會overcompensate活得更好?不是,我們一直都是die蚊克服磨練打也打不碎。無需credit what/who hurt us,要話「哇我咁jengs既咁都可以挨過,叻女」。睇書、喝水,就成功。
You can read a lot, but it’s still ok to talk about make up, boyboys and gurls, and fashion. It’s all about keeping an open heart. 一切reductive的歸邊、畫地為牢、自以為是都太悲哀,unless you do it to roast yourself lah~like me,我成日話自己無腦買唇膏就叻gala。
13歲的葉礽僖來自香港,同齡的孩子都喜歡追星,她卻對這些毫無興趣,也因此遭到同學排擠。1年前,她選擇退學並在家創業,於去年5月,開發了一款名為“MinorMynas”的APP,幫助全球小朋友在線互動學習,還因此受邀去馬雲的創業基金會演講。#教育 #創業 #文化
Ye Rengxi is a 13-year-old girl from Hong Kong. While her peers are fascinated by stars, she has no interests at all and thus was excluded by her classmates. One year ago, she chose to drop out from school and started her own business at home. She launched an APP named “MinorMynas” last May as a platform for children from all over the world to interact and study online. As a result, she was invited to deliver a speech in Jack Ma’s entrepreneurs foundation.
consciouserrrthang 在 study with me app在食尚玩家、ubereat、ptt網友讚爆,網友必推理由 ... 的美食出口停車場
#ConsciousErrrthang 13歲的葉礽僖來自香港,同齡的孩子都喜歡追星,她卻對這些毫無興趣,也因此遭到同學排擠。1年前,她選擇退學並在家創業,於去年5月,開發了一款名 ... ... <看更多>