Art Basel 剛閉幕不久,今集藝文節目The Works 講近年 art market 的發展。
RTHK The Works的兩位主持人使用的為美式口音。
華人主持人也不是完全沒有本地口音,但整體來說發音還算相當(if not十分)清晰。
Skills 方面,各位同學可以用作聆聽或/和模仿之用,改善聆聽和說話能力。
如果偏好學習英式口音的同學就未必適合模仿,但英語是國際語言,即使學習英式口音的同學也必須學會聽懂美式口音,甚至其他英語國家(English speaking countries)的口音。
Content 方面,各位同學也可以對藝術文化多點了解,須知很多同學一講英文就「開口夾著脷」,原因不止在於缺乏語文能力,還在於缺乏常識(general knowledge)。
Statisticians tell us global inequality is growing, with half of the world’s wealth now in the hands of just 1% of the population. That’s not good news for most of us, but it can be good news for the art market. Millionaires and billionaires with money burning a hole in their pockets like to buy, or invest in, art. The art market generated an estimated US$63.7 billion last year. Art fairs and auctions are among the main drivers of such deals.
In the last decade, the number of international art fairs has quadrupled. There are now more than 260 every year, and Art Basel is the brand that galleries and collectors don’t dare overlook. The sixth edition of Art Basel Hong Kong ended two weeks ago, and the three-day fair attracted 80,000 people. 248 galleries from 32 countries took part, 28 of them for the first time.
#ArtBasel Art Basel David Zwirner David Zwirner Lévy Gorvy Edouard Malingue Gallery Studio Sam Samiee Dastan's Basement (زیرزمین دستان) #ClareMcAndrew #artmarket HTC VIVE #VR #VRart Acute Art Anish Kapoor Studio Marina Abramovic