6年前有機會到印度🇮🇳孟買跟寶萊塢的團隊合作拍攝🎬短片,對我最大的讚美就是:你跟寶萊塢毫無違和感 😅
Hero Tai as Ken Chang
Two stranger who found their calling and the purpose of their lives together. from a chance meeting in an ATM and watching their dream come true, watch the story of Ken & Asha unfold.
Ken Chang, a character i like somehow and a chance for me to co-operation with the bollywood filming team! staying mumbai for almost a month for doing this and wanna say i really like the porpose scene at last, how about you?
一個新加坡商人的出差,一個熱愛美食的印度藝術總監,兩人意外的在孟買ATM相遇,開始一段邂逅~ 找到了他們人生的伴侶,夢想與意思~ 來看看KEN 與 Asha的故事吧~
#ChilliPaneer #KenChang #HeroTai #戴祖雄