[檳城] 佳纳威G酒店有一杯辣椒雞尾酒你不得不嚐,這杯名叫Chili Lada的雞尾酒主混合了辣椒、酸柑、百香果醬、蔓越莓汁及伏特加酒後,味道有點像泰國佳餚檸檬蒸的湯汁,不同的是這是一杯冰涼的酸辣,而這杯酒可以在酒店大廳的2pm及24樓的Gravity高空酒吧品嚐。詳情在圖說,網頁版在此 http://bit.ly/2ehffWu
[Penang] There is a signature cocktail in G Hotel called Chili Lada which is something you shouldn’t miss, and the cocktail is a mixture of Chili, lime, passion fruit, cranberry juice and Vodka that tastes like Thai Lemon steam sauce, which is super refreshing with a touch of spiciness. The cocktail is available in both 2pm, lobby lounge and Gravity, 24th floor rooftop bar at G Hotel Kelawai. Details in caption and blog version at http://bit.ly/2eDrY1s
G Hotel Kelawai
Address: 2 Persiaran Maktab 10250 Penang, Malaysia
Contact: 04-2190000
#GHotelKelawai #ChiliLada #Cocktail #gibsonspg #Gibson吉神