兩手Fing Fing 去 camping -咁多Glamping 點揀好?
去得 #glamping ,環境好重要!今次我哋揀咗一個位於 #大嶼山 嘅營地去體驗一下 #旅行車 glamping 😍
我哋揸車去到東涌做 #日泊,之後搭的士直達營地。雖則話兩手fing fing 去 #露營,由於我哋拎咗塊stand up paddle 預備去玩水,所以搭的士會方便啲。
之前我都有分享過唔知點解好多私人營地都和 #農莊 有關,可能地方太大用唔哂?!
呢度仲搞笑,佢哋營地係身處一個花舖嘅後面🤫 ,去到仲以為自己去錯地方🙈
我哋入住呢架旅行車裝咗 #小米冷氣機 🤣
媽媽感動位係旅行車配備風筒同埋 #獨立廁所加熱水沖涼設備🤩 終於可以舒舒服服沖個靚涼 🚿
車入面可以變身兩張梳化床,仲有一張雙層床啱哂小朋友瞓。我想講⋯好耐未試過露營張床咁舒服😆 起身再同大公主響床度睇吓雜誌望下出面羊仔幾寫意💗
一於按圖嚟個house tour 先啦🔍
今次又見到指定動物羊仔同兔仔喇🤣🤣未夠鐘check in 就參觀下花圃同餵下羊啦😜
首先我覺得呢度係有點 #渡假 feel 嘅,每一架車都有自己嘅太陽櫈,如果帶埋狗狗嚟,仲有私人狗屋響 #露營車 隔離添。
呢度嘅羊仔十級幸福,營地職員會擺定草草俾大家隨時餵羊都得,佢哋仲有桑椹樹葉食,不過就要考考大家嘅 #小手肌 去搣樹葉喇😉 呢度嘅羊羊少有哋唔臭,at least 我哋嘅露營車係望向羊群,開窗都無味。
呢度營地當然仲有小朋友無法抗拒嘅彈床狂彈狂跳 🆙🆙🆙
每架露營車都有自己嘅燒烤爐,你可以預訂BBQ set 或者其他嘢食;唔啱食嘅對面都有手造pizza 同埋其他餐廳可以俾你takeaway. 翌日早餐就響對面嘅餐廳嚟個all day breakfast 🍳
今次去glamping 我哋都唔係兩日一夜全日留響營地,當然襯機會去explore 附近地方啦! 大嶼山可能大家只係諗起360 同大佛,其實仲有好多好啱同大自然玩遊戲嘅地方,可能去多一兩次你會愛上這地方💗
📍 JK Club
🗺Pui O, Lantau Island
#mimimomoma #MRsisterhood #mimitreeba #mimimomoexplore #親子露營 #汽車露營 #豪華露營車 #親子博客 #coolhkg #本地遊 #staycation
「camping reflection」的推薦目錄:
- 關於camping reflection 在 咪咪媽媽•mimimomoma Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於camping reflection 在 咪咪媽媽•mimimomoma Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於camping reflection 在 IELTS Fighter - Chiến binh IELTS Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於camping reflection 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於camping reflection 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於camping reflection 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳解答
camping reflection 在 咪咪媽媽•mimimomoma Facebook 的最讚貼文
Staycation in the wild - 坐農夫車住進農場
雖然上次camping 嘅地點有啲伏,不過無損大小公主對camping 的興趣,彷彿大小公主不自覺地愛上露營🏕️ 今趟我哋不如住進農莊啦!
香港原來好多地方都自稱 #農莊,不過大部分都係得兔仔、羊仔 同埋小量花圃🤷🏻♀️
由於上次經歷咗同豬豬味共存一晚後,今次我認真的研究附近有冇豬場,以免又中伏😅 事不宜遲,同大家分享下有咩玩啦!
由於泊車地點同營地有段距離,所以營方可以安排小型農夫車🛻載你入去。路程唔長但係好刺激!我和大小公主同埋行李一齊坐響後面,就好似坐住tuk-tuk 響村莊小巷行走,
有片你睇 ➡️ https://bit.ly/familycamping2102
最特別係有幾隻母雞、公雞同火雞響我哋附近自由放養,佢哋好似巡邏小隊咁來回行走,大小公主第一次咁近距離見到咁大隻雞覺得好新奇😆 跟住又延伸問我哋rooster vs hens vs chicken 嘅分別,差啲俾佢哋考起😅
雖然我成晚都擔心會俾啲雞啄我哋個營,不過睇嚟係我大驚小怪😛 第二朝真係聽到雞啼即醒,想瞓多陣都有啲難度⋯⋯🥲
好多家長都會關心廁所問題,更何況帶住比較年幼嘅小朋友。今次終於唔係流動廁所喇! 不過卻遇上踎廁🤦🏻♀️ 經過今次camping 大公主又一成就解鎖🔓 😂
農莊設有遊樂場,亦有小量單車、滑板車、平衡車俾大家自由使用,響營區唔同地方都有彈床,小朋友可以盡情放電 ⚡️
每一次露營就好像上一課 #生命教育,每一次的體驗也為大小公主的adventure log寫下新的一章。
大家記得要禁個like 先睇到日後嘅分享㗎💗
📍 BeeBeeFarm 小蜜蜂農莊
#mimimomoma #mimitreeba #MRsisterhood
#親子博客 #快樂童年 #CoolHKG #本地遊
#親子露營 #香港露營 #hkcamping #自費系列
camping reflection 在 IELTS Fighter - Chiến binh IELTS Facebook 的最佳貼文
- Thu sang, lá vàng rơi đầy sân, ngõ vắng thâm trầm dịu êm.
Học cùng cô một số từ vựng và tham khảo bài viết về mùa thu nhé!
– Autumnal equinox /ɔ:’tʌmnəl ‘i:kwinɔks/ Thu phân (*)
– Back-to-school /bæk tu sku:l/ nhập học, trở lại trường sau mùa hè
– Chestnut /’tʃesnʌt/ hạt dẻ
– County fair /’kaunti feə/ hội chợ
– Deciduous /di’sidjuəs/ sự rụng (lá)
– Festival /’festivəl/ ngày hội
– Flu /flu/ Influenza /influ’enzə/ bệnh cúm
– Foray /’fɔrei/ buổi đi hái nấm
– Harvest /’hɑ:vist/ vụ thu hoạch
– Harvest moon /’hɑ:vist mu:n/ trăng rằm gần Thu phân nhất
– Migration /mai’greiʃn/ sự di trú (chim)
– Open house /‘oupən haus/ ngày các trường đại học mở cửa cho phụ huynh, học sinh mới vào thăm quan
– Persimmons /pə:’simən/ quả hồng
– Picnic /’piknik/ đi chơi và ăn ngoài trời
– Pine cone /pain koun/ quả thông
– Pumpkin /’pʌmpki:n/ quả bí ngô
– Quilts /kwilt/ chăn đắp mùa thu
– Raking /reikiɳ/ cào lá rụng
– Fall rally /fɔ:l ‘ræli/ mít-ting, tụ họp mùa thu
– Recreation /,rekri’eiʃn/ vui chơi, giải trí
– Scarecrows /’skeəkrou/ bù nhìn
– Sleet /sli:t/ mưa tuyết (chỉ có ở mùa thu xứ lạnh)
– Snuggle /’snʌgl/ xích lại, kéo ai lại gần ôm
– Thanksgiving /’θæɳks,giviɳ/ Lễ Tạ ơn
– Trick or treat /trik ɔ: tri:t/ một phong tục của trẻ em vào đêm Halloween
– Wedding /’wediɳ/ đám cưới
– Woolen /’wulən/ áo len đan
(*) Thu Phân là Ngày Mặt Trời đi qua xích đạo, có ngày và đêm dài bằng nhau trên khắp Trái Đất, vào ngày 22, 23 hoặc 24 tháng chín dương lịch, ở bắc bán cầu được coi là giữa mùa thu; cũng là tên gọi một trong hai mươi bốn ngày tiết trong năm theo lịch cổ truyền của Trung Quốc.
1. Autumn in Hanoi
" With me, autumn is the most beautiful season in Hanoi, when the climate is cool and dry but still sunny. Autumn in Hanoi begins when people can feel the smell of alstonia scholaris (that means milk flowers) in the streets at cool nights and it lasts from September to November before getting cold. People need to wear a light overcoat or a cardigan when go out. Hanoi in autumn is truly romantic and peaceful. You can see the many yellow and red leaf trees along the streets, the sky is bluer, and the water in many lakes of Hanoi is greener. It is also good time to enjoy the mid-autumn festival, one of the biggest festivals each year in Vietnam celebrated on the lunar August, 15th. Besides milk flowers with special smell, daisy is an autumn’s specific flower, along with Cốm (green rice flakes) – a specialty of Hanoi in this season."
2. Why Autumn Is the Best Season?
" Fall is my favorite season. All the leaves from the trees and plants change into multi-colored works of art and fall away. It creates bare, and vulnerable branches, revealing the true scenery underneath. It also represents a beautiful cycle of loss, regeneration and regrowth once the spring season comes around. The dead leaves and branches on the ground disintegrate and turn into part of the soil, which are used as seeds and fertilizer later once the cold welcomes the warmer weather. There are many reasons why I love fall and why I think it’s the best season, but here are just a few.
- The trees change color
In the southern part of the United States, all the seasons are very apparent. The spring season is very green, the summer is very hot, the winter very cold and the fall is full of magnificent colors. The maple trees are especially vibrant with colors of red, golden yellow and combinations of both. When I was younger we called them “tree stars” from the movie “Land Before Time” and to this day they are my favorite trees when the season changes. This season is perfect for taking beautiful scenic photos and spending time outdoors. Nothing can relax and rejuvenate more than enjoying nature and the surrounding scenery.
- The weather is perfect
With cooler temperatures rolling in, saying goodbye to summer and hello to fall is not a hard thing to do. It’s a great time to break out the jackets, coats, boots, scarves and hats in preparation for the change in season. It’s also the perfect time to start making hot cocoa, and lighting a fire in the fireplace. This season creates a sense of comfort, warmth and reflection. It’s a great time to go camping, fishing, go on a road trip or anything else where you can spend quality time with family and eat good food.
- It brings back memories
Fall was my mother’s favorite season, and every year when it rolls around it creates a flood of memories and reminds me of the beautiful person she was. She used to quote this poem from Dixie Willson, all the time, but even more so when the autumn was in full swing.
The Mist and All Poem
I like the fall,
The mist & all.
I like the night owl’s
Lonely call
And wailing sound
Of wind around.
I like the gray
November day,
And bare, dead boughs
That coldly sway
Against my pane.
I like the rain.
I like to sit
And laugh at it
And tend
My cozy fire a bit.
I like the fall
The mist and all.
author, Dixie Willson
It’s one of the many things I learned from her when I was young, that poems have a way of capturing your soul and uncovering a deeper connection within yourself. Her demeanor changed when the weather started getting cooler, she would spend more and more time outdoors. She had a sense of peace and thankfulness that I hope to convey to those around me.
- It’s full of family holidays
Autumn is one of the most packed holiday seasons. There’s the back to school rush, Halloween, Thanksgiving and of course Christmas. But it’s not just full of regular holidays, these are all very involved, family centered holidays. This is a season to be thankful, and to be surrounded by the people you love.
It’s a perfect time to change up your decorations, add orange, red and yellow colors and pull out the spice scented candles. To think over the past year, what you’ve been through, the memories you’ve made together and to look forward to a new and exciting year. Another reason I love the holidays is for the food. You generally won’t eat nearly as good during this season compared to the rest of the year. Autumn is not only the best time of year, out of all four seasons but it’s also the most scenic and beautiful if you love being outdoors. It’s all about family, food and creating memories."
- Nguồn bài và ảnh: Tổng hợp.