Combating #ClimateChange and reducing #GreenhouseGas emissions have become major priorities for countries around the world and Taiwan is certainly not resting on its laurels. Irregular weather patterns have had a dramatic influence on our own environment, but when it comes to the urgent need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, it's not a problem that one country can resolve on its own, which is why Taiwan has been eager to take part in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (#UNFCCC), so that we can work towards these goals alongside our global partners.
#Taiwan is also doing its part as a member of the global community to help our partners realize the UN sustainable development goals. In the Pacific, for example, we’ve provided aid for a solar-powered lighting project in the #SolomonIslands, helped to install a solar-powered electric generator in a hospital in #Nauru, helped with the installation of solar-powered street-lights in #Palau and implemented a Home Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Project in the #MarshallIslands. This is all testament to Taiwan's enduring commitment to combating climate change on the front lines of battle, alongside other countries.
#SDGs #SDG13
#Environmentalrights #StandUp4HumanRights
所謂 #環境人權,是指人有權住在具最低限度品質的環境,實現有尊嚴和安康的生活。近年來,氣候的異常變化,深深地衝擊著我們的生存環境,如此困境絕非單一國家所能獨力解決!
面對 #溫室氣體 增加造成的 #氣候變遷 衝擊,世界各國都持續思考該如何因應,臺灣也一直努力實踐 #永續發展目標 ,並積極推動參與 #聯合國氣候變化綱要公約,要與世界各國同舟共濟。
身為地球公民村的一員,臺灣也不忘協助友邦推動 #永續發展,利用 #太平洋友邦 得天獨厚「多日照少陰雨」的氣候特性,發展太陽能策略,例如資助 #索羅門群島 太陽能燈具、協助 #諾魯 醫院架構太陽能光電系統、幫助 #帛琉 大島各州裝設太陽能獨立路燈,以及在 #馬紹爾群島 執行家戶能源效率與再生能源計畫等。在對抗氣候變遷和追求永續發展的最前線上,臺灣永不缺席~
cop24現正進行中 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的精選貼文
Combating #ClimateChange and reducing #GreenhouseGas emissions have become major priorities for countries around the world and Taiwan is certainly not resting on its laurels. Irregular weather patterns have had a dramatic influence on our own environment, but when it comes to the urgent need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, it's not a problem that one country can resolve on its own, which is why Taiwan has been eager to take part in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (#UNFCCC), so that we can work towards these goals alongside our global partners.
#Taiwan is also doing its part as a member of the global community to help our partners realize the UN sustainable development goals. In the Pacific, for example, we’ve provided aid for a solar-powered lighting project in the #SolomonIslands, helped to install a solar-powered electric generator in a hospital in #Nauru, helped with the installation of solar-powered street-lights in #Palau and implemented a Home Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Project in the #MarshallIslands. This is all testament to Taiwan's enduring commitment to combating climate change on the front lines of battle, alongside other countries.
#SDGs #SDG13
#Environmentalrights #StandUp4HumanRights
所謂 #環境人權,是指人有權住在具最低限度品質的環境,實現有尊嚴和安康的生活。近年來,氣候的異常變化,深深地衝擊著我們的生存環境,如此困境絕非單一國家所能獨力解決!
面對 #溫室氣體 增加造成的 #氣候變遷 衝擊,世界各國都持續思考該如何因應,臺灣也一直努力實踐 #永續發展目標 ,並積極推動參與 #聯合國氣候變化綱要公約,要與世界各國同舟共濟。
身為地球公民村的一員,臺灣也不忘協助友邦推動 #永續發展,利用 #太平洋友邦 得天獨厚「多日照少陰雨」的氣候特性,發展太陽能策略,例如資助 #索羅門群島 太陽能燈具、協助 #諾魯 醫院架構太陽能光電系統、幫助 #帛琉 大島各州裝設太陽能獨立路燈,以及在 #馬紹爾群島 執行家戶能源效率與再生能源計畫等。在對抗氣候變遷和追求永續發展的最前線上,臺灣永不缺席~