#1. BLOWBACK | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
blowback definition: 1. negative reactions or results that were not intended, such as criticism, protest, or anger: 2…. Learn more.
#2. blowback in Traditional Chinese - Cambridge Dictionary
blowback translate: 意料之外的不良效果(或結果、影響). Learn more in the Cambridge English-Chinese traditional Dictionary.
#3. Blowback Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of BLOWBACK is an unforeseen and unwanted effect, result, or set of repercussions.
#4. Blowback definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
Blowback definition: the escape to the rear of gases formed during the firing of a weapon or in a boiler ,... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and ...
#5. Blowback Definition & Meaning -
the action of a light automatic weapon in which the expanding gases of the propellant force back the bolt, thus reloading the weapon.
#6. blowback noun - Oxford Learner's Dictionaries
(specialist) a process in which gases expand or travel in a direction that is opposite to the usual one. blowback gas; Blowback may be caused by a ...
#7. blowback - LDOCE - Longman Dictionary
2 the powder that is sent out when a gun is fired Other inconsistencies included the absence of fingerprints on the gun and of blowback material from the gun ...
(firearms) A type of action where the pressure from the fired cartridge blows a sliding mechanism backward to extract the fired cartridge, chamber another ...
#9. Blowback - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms -
noun. the backward escape of gases and unburned gunpowder after a gun is fired. synonyms: backfire. see moresee less. types: · noun. misinformation resulting ...
n. 回火;後座力;未預見或不需要的效力. Dr.eye 譯典通 · blowback.
#11. Blowback - Wikipedia
Blowback (firearms), a system of operation for self-loading firearms that obtains energy from the motion of the cartridge case as it is pushed to the rear by ...
#12. definition of blowback by The Free Dictionary
blowback · 1. (General Engineering) the escape to the rear of gases formed during the firing of a weapon or in a boiler, internal-combustion engine, etc · 2. ( ...
#13. Blowback meaning in Hindi - बलौबक मतलब हिंदी में - Translation
Definition of Blowback · the backward escape of gases and unburned gunpowder after a gun is fired · misinformation resulting from the recirculation into the ...
#14. Blowback | weaponry - Britannica
Other articles where blowback is discussed: machine gun: …by any of ... If gun control is defined as placing legal restrictions on arms to ...
#15. Etymology, origin and meaning of blowback by etymonline
also blow-back, 1883, in reference to flames in enclosed spaces (firearms, furnaces, etc.) reversing the usual direction through escape of ...
#16. Blowback Definition & Meaning - YourDictionary
Blowback Definition · The backpressure in an internal-combustion engine or a boiler. · The unforeseen negative consequences of an action or decision. · Powder ...
#17. blowback - Translation into Chinese - examples English
Translations in context of "blowback" in English-Chinese from Reverso ... Translation of "blowback" in Chinese ... This is what we mean by blowback.
#18. Blowback | The Nation
Terrorism by definition strikes at the innocent in order to draw ... “Blowback” is a CIA term first used in March 1954 in a recently ...
#19. blowback - definition and meaning - Wordnik
noun Powder residue that is released upon automatic ejection of a spent cartridge or shell from a firearm. noun Negative repercussions affecting a country whose ...
#20. Daily vocabulary | Blowback Meaning | Vocabgram - YouTube
Daily Vocabulary: In this lesson, I have explained the word “ Blowback ” with examples. Learn this English vocabulary word and use it in your ...
#21. blow-back在線翻譯 - 海词
blow-back 的英文翻譯是什麼意思,詞典釋義與在線翻譯:. 英英釋義. 名詞blowback: the backward escape of gases and unburned gunpowder after a gun is fired.
#22. What is another word for blowback? - WordHippo Thesaurus
Find more words! Another word for, Opposite of, Meaning of, Rhymes with, Sentences with, Find word forms, Pronounce, Translate from English, Translate to ...
#23. blowback - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"blowback" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#24. Blow Back - what does it do in airsoft guns? - Gunfire
This recoil is typical for firearms, and the use of this system in an airsoft gun increases its realism. Blow Back is mainly used in gas airsoft ...
#25. "Blowback"是什麼意思? - 關於英語(美國)(英文)的問題
Blowback 的意思Consequences, when something (like gas, air, heat, etc.) flow in the opposite direction, backlash, backfire. ex: Kind of like ...
#26. What is a Blowback System? - Definition from Trenchlesspedia
What Does Blowback System Mean? A blowback system is installed in rigs to clear sample blockages during the drilling operation and increases oil ...
#27. BLOWBACK - Translation in Chinese -
Translation for 'blowback' in the free English-Chinese dictionary and many other Chinese translations.
#28. How Interventions Leads to blowback - ScholarWorks
have their own definition of blowback. The intelligence community defines blowback as unintended consequences as a result of covert action.
#29. blow back - Translation and Meaning in All English Arabic ...
Meaning of blow back, Definition of Word blow back in Almaany Online Dictionary, searched domain is All category, in the dictionary of English Arabic.
#30. blow back - Urban Dictionary
(noun) In a convertible it's the (somewhat surprising) way the air blows from the back of the car toward the front. Many convertible drivers wear hats to ...
#31. blowback, n. - Green's Dictionary of Slang
blowback n. ... 1. (US prison) making restitution, returning stolen goods. ... 2. (drugs) an exhalation of marijuana/hashish smoke into another's mouth. ... 3. the ...
#32. What does blowback mean? -
Blowback is a system of operation for self-loading firearms that obtains energy from the motion of the cartridge case as it is pushed to the rear by expanding ...
#33. Innovation blowback: Disruptive management practices from ...
Customized products ordinarily mean smaller manufacturing runs, so Cummins faced an increase in the average unit cost of production for an ...
#34. "Blowback" by The Killers - Song Meanings and Facts
Here, The Killers tell the story of a young lady who is facing the “blowback” of a hard life put presses on nonetheless.
#35. 後座力- 流亡編年史, Path of Exile Wiki
... 傷害擊中敵人造成點燃效果你造成的點燃傷害加速8% (在一小段時間後,他們會造成相同總傷害) (點燃根據技能的基礎火焰傷害,造成持續火焰傷害,持續4秒). Blowback ...
#36. Orbán gets warm CPAC reception after 'mixed race' speech ...
Orbán gets warm CPAC reception after 'mixed race' speech blowback ... But that doesn't mean Republicans can't hear from conservatives who ...
#37. Meaning of «blowback - Arabic Ontology
blowback - Meanings, synonyms translation & types from Arabic Ontology, a search engine for the Arabic Ontology and 100s of Arabic dictionaries for concepts, ...
#38. blowback翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
blowback 中文的意思、翻譯及用法:n. 后坐;反吹;氣流倒行;槍栓回彈。英漢詞典提供【blowback】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#39. Blowback Printing Services | New York City Printing Services
While digital documents have their benefits, the occasion can arise when you need a hardcopy printed. Blowback printing refers to the ...
#40. Blowback: The Costs and Consequences of American Empire
In his eagerness to apply this lens to the broad range of events he wants to cover, Johnson stretches this term well beyond it's original meaning, but the point ...
#41. Meaning of "breathing in the blowback"? : r/TheKillers - Reddit
The definition of blowback is an unforeseen or unwanted effect, consequence, result, or set of repercussions, and here 'blowback' is serving ...
#42. EndoMag® 9MM - MEAN ARMS
The MEAN EndoMag® is a magazine insert that converts your Gen 2 or Gen 3 ... We offer both a version with an ejector (for standard blowback bolts) and an ...
#43. Blowback - What Does It Mean? - Dave Manuel
These revenge attacks would be classified as "blowback". Blowback occurs when an aggressor nation carries out a covert operation, and this covert operation ...
#44. What is blowback action in terms of firearms? - Quora
The Quality of the barrel. This is the really big deal. Good barrels mean better precision. It all starts there. The ammunition… Indeed, you could call this ...
#45. James Patterson's 'Blowback' asks, 'What if we elected a ...
James Patterson teams up with Brendan DuBois on a thriller that, despite appearances, isn't about Donald Trump.
#46. A dictionary of slang - "B"
Archived Copy. A dictionary of slang - "B" - Slang and colloquialisms of the UK. ... blowback. Noun. A method of sharing a 'joint' between two.
#47. Blowback: The Costs and Consequences of American Empire
As Chalmers Johnson puts it in his new book Blowback, “Perhaps the Romans did not ... using the Department of Defense's narrowest definition of a “major ...
#48. Reasons for Blowback During Sewer Maintenance Cleaning
Blowback is an eruption of air and water discharging incorrectly from a plumbing fixture drain during the sewer maintenance cleaning process.
#49. blowback的中文翻譯和情景例句- 留聲詞典
blowback 的中文意思翻譯:n. 後座,後座力; 後坐; 泵回; 回爆。blowback的中文翻譯、blowback的發音、柯林斯釋義、用法、blowback的近義詞、反義詞和雙語例句等。
#50. Blowback from Iraq War Is Global, and Growing
Blowback is a term invented by the Central Intelligence Agency to describe the unintended consequences of policies kept secret from the American people.
#51. Blowback: America's Recruitment of Nazis and Its Destructive ...
This impact is what is known in spy jargon as “blowback,” meaning unexpected— and negative—effects at home that result from covert operations overseas.
#52. The Killers – Blowback Lyrics - Genius
Blowback Lyrics: She's reaching for her backpack / Puts out a cigarette and gets on the bus / She's sittin' on a secret / She didn't ask for, ...
#53. Moving Forward Against Blow-Back - Los Angeles Times
Question: What is engine blow-back? How is it caused, and how can it be corrected? I have a 1963 Cadillac with 150,000 miles on it, ...
#54. Blowback Operated Guns: Way More Than You Need To Know
Blowback operation is a commonly used method of operation in self-loading firearms. ... The blowback design can be defined as gas-operated.
#55. blowback的发音、翻译、参考例句 - 查单词- 可可英语
The above problems were solved by using the lower tower pressurized blowback process and the production resumed. 利用往下塔充压反吹的方法,解决了问题,恢复 ...
#56. Danganronpa Blowback | Fanganronpa Wiki - Fandom
However, her given name in Hiragana, ちなみ, comes from "chi mo namida mo nai", meaning "without blood or tears", literally meaning heartless. Her surname, ...
#57. Exclusive: As Saudis bombed Yemen, U.S. worried ... - Reuters
Exclusive: As Saudis bombed Yemen, U.S. worried about legal blowback ... international legal definition of aiding and abetting such crimes.
#58. blowback meaning in Chinese - Ichacha
blowback in Chinese : :后座;逆吹;回闪…. click for more detailed Chinese translation, meaning, pronunciation and example sentences.
#59. Blowback Productions
Kevin Garnett: Anything is Possible follows the NBA legend's remarkable career and the pivotal moments that defined it. As the first high school player to ...
#60. Blowback Revisited | Foreign Affairs
When the United States started sending guns and money to the Afghan mujahideen in the 1980s, it had a clearly defined Cold War purpose: ...
#61. Blowback: The Costs and Consequences of American Empire
The term "blowback," invented by the CIA, refers to the unintended ... a several thousand word definition of a word that is now thrown around as part of the ...
#62. Blowback | Book by Miles Taylor | Official Publisher Page
Blowback by Miles Taylor - The author behind the “eye-popping” (CNN) #1 New York Times bestseller A Warning presents an urgent look at how our deeply ...
#63. Blowback Productions (@blowbackproductions) • Instagram ...
2996 Followers, 414 Following, 279 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Blowback Productions (@blowbackproductions)
#64. blowback 什么意思? Mandarin Chinese-English Dictionary ...
English Definition. (名) As a noun. Misinformation resulting from the recirculation into the source country of disinformation previously planted abroad by ...
#65. sp5kpdw limited production. - Ruberte Abogados
The HK SP5K-PDW was designed and manufactured to meet the definition of a ... The SP5K shares the roller-delayed blowback system found in the MP5 for ...
#66. Despite rescue, Seattle startups and banks face SVB blowback
What isn't clear, she said, is whether SVB's troubles mean that other banks can now charge more for loans “because that big competitor is gone.” ...
#67. blowback是什么意思 - 翻译在线翻译
blowback 的中文意思:后座,后座力;后坐;,点击查看详细解释:blowback的中文翻译、blowback的发音、音标、用法和双语例句等,让你有效掌握blowback这个单词。
#68. blow-back 的中文翻釋|VoiceTube 看影片學英語
超過500 萬人使用的線上學英文平台!十萬部YouTube 影片教材,輕鬆掌握真實情境的日常對話、瞭解單字片語的發音與實用的用法。免費提供中英文翻譯字幕與英漢字典, ...
#69. Blowback 電子書,作者James Patterson - EPUB - Rakuten Kobo
在Kobo 閱讀James Patterson 的《Blowback》。He's America's most brilliant president ever. He's also a psychopath. US president Keegan Barrett ...
#70. Meaning of Blowback in Chinese is : 反吹 -
Word, Blowback. Chinese Meaning, 反吹. the backward escape of unburned gunpowder after a shot / misinformation resulting from the recirculation into the ...
#71. Chinese ambassador sparks European outrage over ... - CNN
China's relationship with Russia is where its influence comes from,” she said, adding that didn't mean Lu could have given a “better answer.
#72. WE Airsoft | WE Tactical Training International
WE tech are general agent by WE Airsoft,We provides pistols,rifles,gas blowback,airsoft upgrade parts by WE airsoft to retailer and distributor.
#73. Proven Compatibility With Current Vial Standards
Aptar Pharma's expert team assessed the insertion force of PremiumCoat stoppers on three ISO8362 standard vial neck designs (European blowback, ...
#74. Brazil's welcome of Russian minister prompts US blowback
Lula has said that sending supplies would mean Brazil entering the war, which he seeks to end. His administration is seeking to simultaneously ...
#75. Proven Compatibility With Current Vial Standards - Aptar
B: Required insertion force of 20 mm PremiumCoat stopper on. European blowback (EBB), American Blowback (ABB), and non-blowback. (NBB) vial designs. The data ...
#76. Unexpected Synonyms
Definition of unexpected adjective in Oxford Advanced Learner's ... result outcome effect repercussion ramification blowback byproduct fallout secondary ...
#77. Blowback: Disney re-evaluates decision to block Bluey ...
Blowback : Disney re-evaluates decision to block Bluey episode about ... The Macquarie Dictionary defines “ooga booga” as a derogatory noun, ...
#78. What is a blowback airsoft gun? - Abbey Supply
Being one of the most common types of airsoft guns, gas blowback is a trusted and effective mechanism. Using compressed gas to give ...
#79. How to Stop Melt Leakage and Carriage Blow-Back
FIG 1 Material leakage caused by carriage blow-back. ... 4A, the pressure inside the flow channel is uniform—meaning the pressure is exerted ...
#80. Helicopter Flying Handbook (FAA-H-8083-21B) Chapter 2
[Figure 2-3] They are defined as follows: ... Maximum camber (displacement of the mean ... is the means to control rearward tilt of the rotor (blowback).
#81. Blowback as Bush gaffes Iraq war, not Ukraine, 'unjustified'
... and the decision of one man to launch a wholly unjustified and brutal invasion of Iraq — I mean of Ukraine,” Bush said Wednesday night ...
#82. 'Blowback' Podcast Hosts Talk Covering Cuban Revolution in ...
The hosts of the podcast 'Blowback' talk dissecting the Cuban ... It hit all the right notes to paint anyone — I mean, Noah and I are ...
#83. Result Definition > Combustion Engine Analysis > Machinery ...
Thermodynamics 2; Temperature; Knocking (transient). Knocking. Two stroke calculations group: PComp/PScav; Blowback. Output Types.
#84. Linguistic nationalism, institutional decay, and eth - JSTOR
NEIL DEVOTTA, Blowback: Linguistic nationalism, institutional decay, and eth- ... differentiation often exceeds the significance of language as a ...
#85. blowback meaning and pronunciation - video Dailymotion
... mouth while blowing smoke out of the hole at the other end into someone else's mouth, so as to get a big 'hit' blowback definition by Urban Dictionary.
#86. Blowback Air Pistols - Umarex USA
In the airgunning world, you will often hear the term blowback or non-blowback when someone is referring to an airgun pistol. So what exactly is blowback on ...
#87. September 11, Terror War, and Blowback
In Johnson's sense, September 11 is a classic example of blowback, ... set backs this might mean for future social and economic reforms in Afghanistan.
#88. BLOWBACK-在英语词典里blowback 的定义和近义词。
该章节所呈现的将blowback由英语向其他语言的翻译是通过自动统计翻译获得的;在英语中基本的翻译单位是单词«blowback»。 zh. 翻译者英语- 中文. 反吹. 1,325 数 ...
#89. Noah Kulwin - Co-Host - Blowback | LinkedIn
View Noah Kulwin's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Noah has 1 job listed on their profile. See the complete profile on ...
#90. blowback แปลว่าอะไร ดูความหมาย ตัวอย่างประโยค หมายความว่า ...
From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]: blowback \blowback\ n. 1. the backward escape of unburned gunpowder after a shot.
#91. Blowback Versus Recoil Operated Pistols - Lucky Gunner
Blowback vs. recoil operated pistols - how are these types of firearms different and why ... Mostly because I don't what they actually mean.
#92. Liberal MP Housefather could face long-term blowback for ...
He's likely to get away with it, but that doesn't mean there will not be long-term consequences for his career — in terms of promotion, ...
#93. what does gas blow back mean|TikTok Search
what does gas blow back mean. 411.9K views. Discover videos related to what does gas blow back mean on TikTok. Videos. theplaneboys1.
#94. Opinion | 9/11 Blowback - The New York Times
The brief war to topple the Taliban and rid Afghanistan of Osama bin Laden was admirably executed, using air power, Northern Alliance allies, ...
#95. Pakistan, After Rooting for Afghanistan's Taliban, Faces a ...
Pakistan, After Rooting for Afghanistan's Taliban, Faces a Blowback. Islamabad wants a negotiated agreement, fears that outright Taliban ...
Measurement of Combination Products in Small Arms Blowback ... [root mean squared error (RMSE)] determined from within-group variations in previous analysis ...
#97. Inside the MP5, the History and Function of Roller-Delay
Delayed blowback is a descendant of direct blowback, the simplest method of automatic firearm operation. It requires the fewest moving parts ...
#98. Suits winter premiere recap: Blowback |
“Blowback” opens with Mike waiting in an interrogation room after he's been processed. When ADA Anita Gibbs (24's Leslie Hope) enters, she makes ...
#99. Democrats fear political blowback for Biden if debt limit isn't ...
Americans won't be weighing the nuance of “who is at fault or what a default would mean, but what they will understand is who's in charge,” ...
#100. Ottawa assessing blowback from expelling Chinese diplomat ...
Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly says her government has summoned China's ambassador and is assessing the likely consequences of ...
blowback meaning 在 Daily vocabulary | Blowback Meaning | Vocabgram - YouTube 的美食出口停車場
Daily Vocabulary: In this lesson, I have explained the word “ Blowback ” with examples. Learn this English vocabulary word and use it in your ... ... <看更多>