Now that i have more time, i can finally get back into my self-love routine. That includes meditation, yoga, physios, body and face treatments. A lot to do, very little time. Haha!
#Bcosyouasked, so I'm gonna share about what and how i 'maintain' this mind, face and body of mine.
During my pregnancy, i did most of the yoga at home bcos of Covid. I am so glad i discovered this app Down Dog for Prenatal yoga (logo of a dog on blue background). And now I'm practicing on their normal Yoga app (non-prenatal).
And just 4 days ago, i found this amazing mindfulness app called Mindful Mama. They provide different types of meditations base on how old your child is, what mood you're in, etc. It's awesome! The meditations are fixed at 10mins. So it's perfect for before sleep.
When i feel like my body is misaligned, I'll make a visit to @orchardhealthclinic. They'll help me identify the cause, and provide immediate relief!
Lately, i also started going to to get my tummy and pelvic floor tightened. I've always been active since i was young. But after giving birth, 1) no time to sneak out of the house as often, 2) some parts of the body just doesnt go back to its original state. On my first session, I was surprised that my abs ached for 2 days! Not the crazy kind of ache that i get from an intense workout, but still a nice, tight feeling from just lying there for 30mins. Quite awesome! Haha!
Anyway, if you're keen, Orchard Clinic would like to offer my followers a complimentary pelvic floor treatment during the initial consultation.
This is the link if you wanna schedule a chat with them! Direct link will be up in my igstory today!
#goodthingsmustshare #sheilaloveherlife #sheilaloveherselfday #selfiewastakenincarparkwhilewaitingforhusbandranuptogetbubbletea
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