以下一篇,2014年5月寫,寫於H.R. Giger逝世後。
從未試過咁神心睇晒影碟附設的special feature——而且是連續睇幾個。
5月13日傍晚,知道了佳格(H.R. Giger)死訊,除了「突然」我諗唔到其他形容(其實塵世間有邊個的死訊不是突然?);午夜收工返到屋企涼都未沖,便把擺埋一邊的那個《異形》(Alien)四部曲blu-ray boxset和《普羅米修斯》(Prometheus)blu-ray摷番出來,想看的,不是套戲,而是製作特輯裡閃現的佳格珍貴訪問。
由果溯因,先睇《普羅米修斯》。對於這齣《異形》前傳,有人收貨有人鬧爆(我本人是收貨的),列尼史葛(Ridley Scott)真正想拍的不只是「異形怎樣來?」,而是「人類怎樣來?」;他留意到自己拍的1979年元祖版,原來有一樣嘢,咁多年都冇人試圖解答:那具坐在類似觀星裝置物體上的骸骨Space Jockey。這具骸骨這座觀星裝置,正是佳格當年特登為《異形》設計的。
列尼史葛找到了切入點。於是,努力把這具Space Jockey屍骸還原,還原成我們在《普羅米修斯》看見的疑似人類創造者Engineer。
製作特輯其中一幕,列尼史葛專誠請來佳格到《普羅米修斯》的秘密工作室,逐一過目由其他concept artists繪製的草圖,俾意見——列尼史葛衷心希望其他人筆下的怪物,能夠沿著佳格當年思路發展。Yes,這是尊重。
時間回到三十多年前。《異形》編劇Dan O'Bannon一直很想製作一齣真正恐怖的太空怪物片,早在1974年便聯同John Carpenter合作過一齣《Dark Star》,但連他本人也忍唔住寸自己:《Dark Star》裡頭那隻所謂怪物根本只是沙灘波乙個。所以當他認真構思《異形》時,最念茲在茲的還是作為主角的怪物。後來在一次巴黎的旅程中,認識了一名藝術家,藝術家帶他去看佳格作品展——他立即確定眼前洋溢著恐怖想像的畫作,就是他想要的。回到美國,Dan O'Bannon趕緊把佳格的畫作拿給列尼史葛,列尼史葛即起晒雞皮,並選中了《Necronom IV》——這是佳格1976年的作品,你可以看到日後異形那標誌性的、望落似陽具的超長頭顱。問題是電影公司高層嫌佳格作品太恐怖,驚嚇走觀眾,本來拒絕起用佳格。列尼史葛經過一番斡旋,才成功說服那班唔嚇得的高層。
列尼史葛憶述,佳格原來超級懼怕搭飛機,他惟有親身飛到瑞士的佳格屋企,坐低研究,佳格本來打算由零開始重新設計,但列尼史葛話冇時間了base on《Necronom IV》再作改動啦。結果,佳格設計了異形之外(點解異形冇眼?他這樣解畫:你唔知隻嘢望邊,感覺更恐怖……),還設計了整個象徵人類精子穿越陰道的異形生成過程(至於Facehugger一嘢吸落人面繁殖行徑,則是Dan O'Bannon原始構思),再設計埋那隻望落似被咬咗一忽的芝士圈狀太空船,以及神神秘秘的Space Jockey。經典,誕生了。
到了《異形續集》(Aliens),占士.金馬倫(James Cameron)自行將佳格設計改造(異形頭頂的透明罩不見了,爆肚而出的Chestburster卻多了一對cute cute的手),更整了一隻Alien Queen出來——OK,望落依然是佳格味濃,但我本人實在接受唔到皇后胸前多了一對cute cute的手。
到了第三集,大衛芬查(David Fincher)再度改造異形,改成充滿野獸味,但他冇學金馬倫般擅自郁手,反而請來佳格本人出手。
同時也有17部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過12萬的網紅一二三渡辺,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Blue Crayfish Japanese crayfish Deep blue lobster 真っ青なロブスター Vartan blue alien Blue Devil Japanese crayfish 青いバルタン星人 青い悪魔 日本ザリガニ 太陽系最大級の超水族館。鳥羽水族館 Ov...
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🌳 Brood X 第10蟬群
In backyards and forests all across the eastern United States, Brood X is beginning to emerge. With their red eyes and shiny black bodies, the legions of Brood X may seem like some kind of alien invader. But these strange creatures aren’t aliens, and they aren’t invaders either—they’ve been here all along. What are they? Cicadas!
There are over 3,000 species of cicadas around the world, but what makes Magicicada—seven closely related species of North American cicada—unique is their 13 to 17 year life cycle, the longest of any cicada. Most other cicada species have life cycles that last just three to five years. Of the 12 broods of 17-year cicadas that can be found in the U.S., Brood X is the largest—both in terms of geographic distribution and population size.
地球上一共有三千多種的蟬,不過這種名為 Magicicada 的物種(是北美蟬中密切相關的七個物種),其獨特之處在於,牠們的生命週期長達13到17年,是所有種類的蟬中生命最長的。其他大多數的蟬物種,其生命週期只能持續3到5年。在美國境內的12個17年蟬群中,就屬第10蟬群規模最大、分布最廣。
Brood X territory covers 15 states, from Illinois in the Midwest to Georgia in the South and New York in the Northeast—with major concentrations in Maryland, Indiana, Delaware, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. But their numbers are even more impressive. An acre of soil—they spend most of their lives underground—can contain over a million cicadas, and a single generation of Brood X may consist of billions and even trillions of the insects!
The current generation of Brood X got its start in 2004, back when Facebook was only available to Harvard students. At that time, newly hatched cicada nymphs fell from trees and burrowed underground, where they feed on the sap of tree and grass roots and slowly mature over the next 17 years. Now they’re slowly beginning to emerge from the soil, climb back up into the trees and molt into their adult form. Then they’ll have just a few weeks to sing their high-pitched songs, mate, and lay their eggs before their short adult lives end.
Early European settlers in America called these insects “locusts,” because they reminded them of the swarms of locusts God used to punish the wicked in the Bible. But unlike locusts, which can damage crops and cause famines, cicadas are largely harmless. After emerging, they don’t eat plants like other insects. In fact, they don’t eat anything at all. Some people may find large swarms of cicadas scary, but they’re quite a sight to see! And if you can’t make it to the U.S. this year, don’t worry—Brood X will be back for another visit in 2038.
🔔 按下「搶先看」,每週五【美國大小事】,由 Judd 編審分享最即時美國新鮮事!
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alien species 在 Shiney Youtube 的最佳貼文
Prey พากย์ไทย แปลไทย เนื้อเรื่อง
Prey is a first-person shooter video game developed by Arkane Studios and published by Bethesda Softworks. The game was released worldwide on 5 May 2017, for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
In Prey, the player controls Morgan Yu while exploring the space station Talos I, in orbit around Earth–Moon L2, where they had been researching a hostile alien species called the Typhon. As the Typhon escape confinement, the player uses a variety of weapons and abilities derived from the Typhon to avoid being killed by the aliens while looking to escape the station. The player gains access to areas of the station by acquiring key items and abilities, eventually allowing the player to fully explore the station in an open world setting.
Arkane's Prey is largely unrelated to the 2006 game Prey developed by Human Head Studios, and is considered a reimagining of the intellectual property set in a wholly new narrative. While Prey 2, a sequel to the 2006 game, had been planned by Human Head, it fell into development hell following transfer of the intellectual property from 3D Realms to Bethesda Softworks, and was eventually cancelled in 2014. Arkane's game does not use any of the planned sequel's assets, and only incorporates the previous game's name and the broad theme of the protagonist being hunted by aliens. Arkane built Prey as a spiritual sequel to System Shock, providing the player with several potential means of progressing within the game.
Prey is a survival horror first-person shooter with role-playing and stealth elements set in an open world environment. The player takes the role of Morgan Yu, a human aboard a space station with numerous species of hostile aliens known collectively as the Typhon. The player is able to select certain attributes of Morgan, including gender, and decisions made by the player that affects elements of the game's story. To survive, the player must collect and use weapons and resources aboard the station to fend off and defeat the Typhon. According to creative director Raphaël Colantonio, the station is completely continuous rather than having separate levels or missions, at times requiring the player to return to areas they previously explored. The player is also able to venture outside of the station in space and find shortcuts connecting parts of the station. Colantonio also stated that the aliens have an array of different powers that the player character can gain over time; one such alien has the ability to shape shift into everyday items, such as a chair.
The game has multiple endings, according to lead designer Ricardo Bare; the endings fall into three major narrative structures depending on how the player broadly interacted with the station and surviving humans, but Bare said there are "tons of little permutations" based on specific events.
alien species 在 Shiney Youtube 的最佳貼文
Prey พากย์ไทย แปลไทย เนื้อเรื่อง
Prey is a first-person shooter video game developed by Arkane Studios and published by Bethesda Softworks. The game was released worldwide on 5 May 2017, for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
In Prey, the player controls Morgan Yu while exploring the space station Talos I, in orbit around Earth–Moon L2, where they had been researching a hostile alien species called the Typhon. As the Typhon escape confinement, the player uses a variety of weapons and abilities derived from the Typhon to avoid being killed by the aliens while looking to escape the station. The player gains access to areas of the station by acquiring key items and abilities, eventually allowing the player to fully explore the station in an open world setting.
Arkane's Prey is largely unrelated to the 2006 game Prey developed by Human Head Studios, and is considered a reimagining of the intellectual property set in a wholly new narrative. While Prey 2, a sequel to the 2006 game, had been planned by Human Head, it fell into development hell following transfer of the intellectual property from 3D Realms to Bethesda Softworks, and was eventually cancelled in 2014. Arkane's game does not use any of the planned sequel's assets, and only incorporates the previous game's name and the broad theme of the protagonist being hunted by aliens. Arkane built Prey as a spiritual sequel to System Shock, providing the player with several potential means of progressing within the game.
Prey is a survival horror first-person shooter with role-playing and stealth elements set in an open world environment. The player takes the role of Morgan Yu, a human aboard a space station with numerous species of hostile aliens known collectively as the Typhon. The player is able to select certain attributes of Morgan, including gender, and decisions made by the player that affects elements of the game's story. To survive, the player must collect and use weapons and resources aboard the station to fend off and defeat the Typhon. According to creative director Raphaël Colantonio, the station is completely continuous rather than having separate levels or missions, at times requiring the player to return to areas they previously explored. The player is also able to venture outside of the station in space and find shortcuts connecting parts of the station. Colantonio also stated that the aliens have an array of different powers that the player character can gain over time; one such alien has the ability to shape shift into everyday items, such as a chair.
The game has multiple endings, according to lead designer Ricardo Bare; the endings fall into three major narrative structures depending on how the player broadly interacted with the station and surviving humans, but Bare said there are "tons of little permutations" based on specific events.
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