😱 食安常识 😱
【粽子与尼龙绳 上】
针对这个问题,我发了个电邮至新加坡农粮与兽医局 ( AVA )询问。几天后收到答复了。如下:
The migration of chemicals from plastics to foods will only be significant when there is direct contact between the food and plastic. In the case whereby the strings are used to tie rice dumplings, it is important to note that there is no direct contact between the string and the food. The dumplings are cooked in a large volume of water and the concentration of any chemicals that may have migrated from the plastic strings into the water during the cooking process would be diluted. Consumers need not be unduly worried about the adverse health effects as they are not exposed to long term and high concentrations of migrated chemicals from the plastic strings.
各位母后,你们觉得呢?真想知道大家的看法,觉得Ok 请留言 👍🏻,不Ok 的请 😱!