2015 APEC 即將登場。 資誠 PwC Taiwan第六度榮膺大會智識夥伴。
PwC Global發起一個線上活動,歡迎大家show出你所在的國家、城市/讓大家認識你的國家的美、獨特性、或者令人意想不到的風景。
參與的朋友們,請善用 hashtags #APECpwc #Taiwan #Taipei (最後一個hashtag就是你拍攝照片的城市名稱 ^^),讓我們美好的風景,能透過網路,讓更多人欣賞。
Check out our favorite shots of #APEC (Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation cities) Cities leading up the release of our APEC Building Better Cities report.
Now, we want to see your favorite photos...Show the world your city.What makes it lovable? Unique? Exciting? We're looking for original photos and will feature the best, most revealing images on PwC Instagram: https://instagram.com/pwc_llp/.
Share one of the 28 #APEC cities listed below using the hashtags #APECpwc & [#name of your city] Can't wait for you to take us there!
#auckland #bandarseribegawan #bangkok #beijing #cebu #chiangmai #hochiminhcity #hongkong #jakarta #kualalumpur #lima #losangeles #manila #melbourne #mexicocity #novosibirsk #osaka #portmoresby #santiago #seattle #seoul #shanghai #singapore #surabaya #taipei #tokyo #toronto #vancouver