【本校防疫訊息 配合防疫警戒降為二級調整各項防疫措施】
NTU COVID-19 Prevention Message—Preventive Measures in the Upcoming Alert Level 2
總務處公告:( https://ga.ntu.edu.tw/main_ch/docDetail/55/55/28445/1100513 )
課外組公告:( https://osa_activity.ntu.edu.tw/board/detail/sn/2132)
心輔中心公告:( https://scc_osa.ntu.edu.tw/board/detail/sn/142 )
保健中心公告:( https://shmc.ntu.edu.tw/board/detail/sn/878 )
(1) 8月2日上午8時起恢復開放讀者入館,7月27~30日期間,仍維持現行閉館窗口服務及開放時間。
圖書館公告:( https://www.lib.ntu.edu.tw/node/4052 )
新體公告:( https://ntusportscenter.ntu.edu.tw/#/ )
體育室公告:( https://pe.ntu.edu.tw/?tid=96#/news/2366/news )
人事室公告:( https://ann.cc.ntu.edu.tw/asp/Show.asp?num=82539 )
國立臺灣大學防疫小組 敬上
Dear NTU students and colleagues,
According to the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC), the current alert level will be lowered to Level 2 starting July 27. In response to this, the University is asking all of you to fully comply with the newly adjusted measures as follows.
1.Starting July 27, the Main Campus will be accessed via the current three to seven gates, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. The campus can only be accessed in the evenings through the three gates. Level 3 access control will continue to be implemented to all university premises.
Click the link for more information
( https://ga.ntu.edu.tw/main_ch/docDetail/55/55/28445/1100513 )
2.Summer courses will continue to be taught remotely. If necessary, applications for in-person classes may be filed with the Office of Academic Affairs. To this end, each in-person class should accommodate no more than 50 people. Rental of the University’s lecture buildings remains unavailable.
3. Club events are strongly advised to be held online. In compliance with the regulations during the lowered alert level period (July 27-August 9), in-person events with no more than 50 people indoors or 100 people outdoors may be held (the number is reduced to 20 people indoors and 40 people outdoors for sports events). In-person music club events should not be held if the mask-wearing mandate cannot be enforced. For other types of sports and leisurely events where physical contact cannot be avoided or masks cannot be worn at all times (e.g. accommodation), the organizing clubs will be instructed to strictly abide by preventive measures such as reducing the number of participants and following the one person per room policy.
4. The Student Activity Center will reopen student club offices and open rental of its spaces. However, the food and beverage club will remain closed before resumption of dining-in is announced by the Taipei City Government.
5. The Student Counseling Center (including the Disability Support Services) will resume counseling services and reservation as of the day of the lowered alert level. Click the following for more information
(https://scc_osa.ntu.edu.tw/en/board/detail/sn/144 )
6. The morning Family Medicine clinics at the Health Center will continue. First-time registration is allowed for non-NTU members. Click the following for more information
( https://shmc.ntu.edu.tw/board/detail/sn/878 )
7. Preventive measures at the NTU Library are as follows:
1) The library will reopen to the general public beginning 8 a.m. August 2. From July 27 to 30, it will remain closed and only the circulation service is available.
2) All floors will reopen (including the B1 study rooms). The opening hours are 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Mon. through Fri. The library is closed on weekends.
3) Criss-cross seating will be implemented in the reading areas and study rooms. The library may accommodate up to 400 people in its reading areas (1st to 5th floors). The reading rooms may accommodate up to 394 people. Click the following for more information
8. The Athletic Department will reopen the outdoor Sports Field, baseball and softball fields, tennis courts, basketball courts and volleyball courts. Indoor ball courts and the fitness center at the NTU Sports Center and the old Sports Center will be reopened to all members of the NTU community. Please wear a mask at all times when you play sports. Clustering in these locations is strictly forbidden. For more information, please contact the Athletic Department or refer to terms of use at every venue.
9.On-campus food locations provide take-outs only; off-campus restaurants will follow the announcements by the Taipei City Government. Talks with the food providers on resuming operation is still ongoing.
10. The current method for delivering official documents will continue.
11. Starting July 27, not more than ½ of all the staff in a given academic/administrative office should work from home. Those that do should have their internet phone set up and abide by the one-hour flextime (clock in 8-9 a.m.; clock out 5-6 p.m.).
For details of other preventive measures, please refer to online announcements of respective competent offices.
Sincerely yours,
NTU Epidemic Prevention Team
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過494的網紅Rainbow Alice 彩虹愛麗絲,也在其Youtube影片中提到,戴上面具,讓面具下的自己沉溺在神秘和迷人與未知之間,解開束縛,享受今年度最佳的饗宴。 喝杯完美的香檳、豐富充滿藝術的雞尾酒,魅力四射的舞孃們將熱情登場表演、以及最炙手可熱的藝人和DJ們,將為您帶來視覺與聽覺的感官刺激! 活動時刻表 ——————————————— 23:00~00:15 DJ ...
8 ball飲料 在 Facebook 的最佳解答
【Q家英國老屋裝修日記ep7: 控金欸牆壁】
我們這次老屋翻修花最多錢的項目之一,就是整間房子的「牆壁」。這間有著70多年歷史的我們未來新家,牆壁可說是歷經滄桑:潮濕、 凹凸不平,再加上前屋主掛了上百幅畫的一堆坑洞,我和DDC真的是費盡心思(和金錢)在修補全屋的牆。目前已經進行的工程包括:
1. 防潮工程(Damp proof course):英國的老屋多半是由磚頭堆砌而成,但磚頭是個會從泥土吸水上來的材質,底層很容易產生潮濕的現象。我們這次針對家裡兩處濕氣很嚴重的牆壁進行防潮工程,把plaster撬開之後,在磚頭中間灌入防水材質,之後再重新塗上防水層+防水灰泥(plaster),光這兩處工程就花了£2500約10萬台幣。
2. 整牆(Prepare):一般的新屋或是狀態好的房子,只需重新粉刷油漆就差不多完成了。 可是我們新家的牆壁狀況不太好,隨處可看到坑洞和裂痕痕跡。 所以我們光是請工人把牆壁整理到大概8成新的狀態,就撒了好多錢。整牆的流程包括補土(filler)補洞、磨平、上第一層底漆(mist coat或Primer)把牆壁的毛細孔填滿、最後再上2-3層油漆才算完成。 由於英國人工很貴,整牆的工程既花時間又花錢,每個空間(比如說客廳、用餐區、走道等)都平均要花£2000以上,心在淌血。
3. 油漆:之前有提過,我們全屋採用了嬌貴難養的Farrow & Ball油漆,光是5公升的油漆就要價£80約台幣3200。上週DDC用了八折折扣買下能夠漆整間房子的油漆,最後總共花了£1500約台幣6萬,果然嬌貴啊!
集結上述所說,深感我們家牆壁根本是 #控金欸 ,而且就算耗費再多時間金錢,要把老屋的牆壁用成像新建案仍然是不可能的,但這種帶有一點點歷史味道的內裝,也是其難能可貴之處吧。
昨天和DDC聊,他自己承認他對於「把所擁有的東西永遠維持跟新的一樣」有某種程度的強迫症。食物或是飲料翻倒在木地板,他可以擦20分鐘以上;抹布要分四個角個搓洗10遍以上;他的手因為太常洗手洗東西,已經乾裂到有時候會自己滲血。 其實DDC每次都希望自己不要再擦這麼多遍,地板應該已經很乾淨了,可是若不再多擦一點,他又會渾身不舒服。想必之後搬到新家,他除了木地板之外,又多了一項「牆壁」需要在意了。
哎,DDC這種的症狀真不知道有何解? 講著講著怎麼變成悲傷的故事。
Ep1 細節才是最難:https://pse.is/3afd68
Ep2 木地板選擇:https://pse.is/3c9rjm
Ep3 為了油漆吵架:https://pse.is/3d4fy5
Ep4 打造夢想廚房:https://pse.is/39lame
Ep5 裝修的天堂與地獄:https://pse.is/3bxfjg
Ep6 吊燈洞與黑洞:https://pse.is/3dmgwh
8 ball飲料 在 余文秀-小余班 Facebook 的精選貼文
這兩天7/31-8/1號小余班都在邸 Tai Dang - 創生基地演出,演出時間是17:40-18:40,很榮幸能為餐會上的貴賓們專場演出。也謝謝主辦單位讓我有機會看見名廚阿鴻!
LOVELAND 專情島的飲料實在是讓人驚艷,真的好好喝,有機會來台東,千萬別錯過小余班推薦的好喝好吃及好物唷!
好吃的Like來顆烤飯糰 Like Rice Ball
8 ball飲料 在 Rainbow Alice 彩虹愛麗絲 Youtube 的最讚貼文
戴上面具,讓面具下的自己沉溺在神秘和迷人與未知之間,解開束縛,享受今年度最佳的饗宴。 喝杯完美的香檳、豐富充滿藝術的雞尾酒,魅力四射的舞孃們將熱情登場表演、以及最炙手可熱的藝人和DJ們,將為您帶來視覺與聽覺的感官刺激!
23:00~00:15 DJ Leona
▲ Hip Hop/Funk/Disco
▲ Hip Hop/Funk/Disco
⭐️ 00:15~00:35 Indoor Survivor⭐️
⭐️ 面具舞孃秀表演 ⭐️
00:35~1:45 DJ Ku Da Yeast
▲ Hip Hop/House
01:45~03:00 DJ Disk0kidz
▲ Nu Disco/ House/ Inde Dance
• 早鳥票 : NTD 400 ( 限量 )
• 預售票: NTD 500
• 現場票: NTD 600
貴賓席$ 8,000
儘早預訂,這是限時優惠VIP Table
男士:Night Club Wear /女士:小禮服