Sony 攝影比賽主辦單位以「政治敏感」為由
《World Photography Awards removed Hong Kong protest shots for being politically sensitive》
2020sonyworldphotographyawards 在 1 IMAGE ART 一影像 Facebook 的最佳解答
/I will return to the universe someday/
/我總有一天會回到宇宙/__Ritsuko Matsushita
小時候,我擔心自己的存在。 我和外界之間的界限似乎不確定,而且我常常覺得自己的身體正在崩潰。 我無法逃避一切都在不斷變化,沒有什麼是靜止的想法。 即使是現在,我有時還是不信任實體“ I”。 也許這很自然-我們全都是元素的集合。 我現在以這種形式存在,但是當我死後,我將再次淪為散佈在宇宙中的元素。 我想把這個事實變成一件作品。
"When I was a child, I worried about my existence. The boundaries between me and the outside world seemed uncertain, and I often felt like my body was shattering. I couldn’t escape from the idea that everything was constantly changing, nothing was static. Even now, I sometimes distrust the entity “I”. Perhaps it’s only natural - we are all just a collection of elements. I exist in this form, right now, but when I die I will be reduced to elements again, scattered in the universe. I wanted to turn that fact into a work."
作者 Ritsuko Matsushita 生活在日本橫濱
個人網頁 https://www.maturi-co.maturyu.com/
#2020SonyWorldPhotographyAwards 入選作品