[甜點新聞 / News] FAUCHON #130年全球知名品牌不敵連續打擊,#向法院申請破產 / Fauchon files for bankruptcy in Paris (English below)
創立於 1886 年的高級食品店 Fauchon,幾乎是「巴黎印象」、「法國精神」的代表,並培養出無數當代大師,包括
Pierre Hermé Paris、 Cedric Grolet、 Christophe Michalak、 Christophe Adam( L' Eclair de Génie) 等人,但百年老店不敵連續打擊,在 6 月 23 日宣佈向法院申請破產。
自 2015 年的巴黎恐攻之後,老店的生意便受到嚴重影響,再加上 2018 年開始的黃背心運動(Gilets Jaunes)與今年的新冠疫情,今年六月的營收相較去年同期下跌 80%。與此同時,Fauchon 在巴黎瑪德蓮廣場的兩家直營店每年店租仍然要價 €250萬(但這兩家店的營收只佔了整個集團的 10%),房東拒絕降價、政府也拒絕貸款,最後不得不向法院申請破產、進入重整程序。除了 B2C 的店家外,其實 Fauchon 還有一個同樣知名的「Réception」部門,專門負責外燴、筵席、訂製高級餐點,該部門也早在今年一月就已向法院申請破產接管程序。
Fauchon 是全球知名的法國企業,在全球共有 73 個銷售點,其中只有巴黎的兩家是直營店,其他則是加盟店,日本就有 30 家、韓國有 3 家、歐洲有 6 家。
不過 Fauchon 在 2018 年秋季進軍高級旅館業,在瑪德蓮廣場開設了一家五星級飯店,此次集團財務重整不包括飯店品牌,且飯店品牌預計今年年底還要在日本京都設點、未來十年內將會拓展至全球,特別是美國。
Impacted by a series of crisis, Fauchon, the globally renowned French caterer filed for bankruptcy in Paris.
Founded in 1886, Fauchon is almost an equivalent to the "French chic" and "fine épicerie". Numerous influential pastry chefs were trained in their kitchen, such as Pierre Hermé, Cédric Grolet, Christophe Michalak, and Christophe Adam (founder of L'Éclair de Génie, to name a few. But starting in late 2015, the terrorist attacks, the Gilets Jaunes pension reform movement in 2018, followed by the COVID-19 pandemic this year, the 130-year enterprise finds it suffocated by a series of crisis. The rent for its two flagship stores on Place Madeleine costs 2.5 millon euros per year but the two stores only generate 10% of its total sales. While the landlords refused to cancel the rent and the objective to obtain the state-guaranteed loan failed, the operating costs of the two stores have become unsustainable.
Fauchon's "Réception" subsidiary that's in charge of catering businesses and takes customized orders for companies, celebrities, etc. has already applied for receivership proceedings in January this year. The company will be put to restructure. This mainly concerns the two boutiques on the Place de la Madeleine but not its 73 franchises worldwide. The Fauchon hotel line will also be excluded and it continues to expand overseas, particularly in the US, in the following 10 years. The next Fauchon hotel is aimed to be open by the end of 2020 in Kyoto, Japan.
#yingspastryguide #yingc #paris #fauchon #疫情之下的法國餐飲業
130年全球知名品牌不敵連續打擊 在 Ying C. 一匙甜點舀巴黎- [甜點新聞/ News] FAUCHON... 的美食出口停車場
[甜點新聞/ News] FAUCHON #130年全球知名品牌不敵連續打擊,#向法院申請破產/ Fauchon files for bankruptcy in Paris (English below) 最近最震驚的 ... ... <看更多>