[137321] 6121. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:普烏的拿手絕技!變成了咖啡糖"Dragon Ball Z" The Ace Up Boo's Sleeve!! You Become a Hard Candy! (1995)★★★
[137322] 6122. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:喪失了英雄!?達洛特被吸收"Dragon Ball Z" A Hero Lost!? Vegito is Absorbed (1995)★★★
[137323] 6123. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:魔鬼的迷宮!普烏腹中的發現"Dragon Ball Z" A Demonic Maze!! What Is There Inside Boo's Belly!? (1995)★★★
[137324] 6124. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:是夢是影!?悟空悟飯父子決鬥"Dragon Ball Z" Nightmares or Illusions!? Goku and Gohan's Father-Son Confrontation (1995)★★★
[137325] 6125. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:魔人的秘密!普烏中的兩個普烏"Dragon Ball Z" A Majin's Secret!! Two More Boos Inside of Boo (1995)★★★
[137326] 6126. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:出口在那裡?逃出崩潰的普烏"Dragon Ball Z" Where Is the Exit!? Escape from a Collapsing Boo (1995)★★★
[137327] 6127. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:地球毀滅!普烏邪惡的反變身"Dragon Ball Z" Earth Disappears!! Boo's Reverse-Transformation of Evil (1995)★★★
[137328] 6128. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:普烏來襲!界王神界上決勝"Dragon Ball Z" Buu's Assault!! A Conclusion in the Kaioshin Realm (1995)★★★
[137329] 6129. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:掌握住未來!賭宇宙命運的大決戰"Dragon Ball Z" Seize the Future!! A Decisive Battle with the Universe at Stake (1995)★★★
[137330] 6130. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:達爾認輸!悟空你是No.1 "Dragon Ball Z" Vegeta Takes Off His Hat!! Goku, You Are No. 1 (1995)★★★
[137331] 6131. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:忍耐吧達爾!關鍵的1分鐘"Dragon Ball Z" Pull Through, Vegeta!! One Life-Threatening Minute (1995)★★★
[137332] 6132. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:不准欺負撒旦!原祖普烏復活"Dragon Ball Z" Don't You Pick on Satan!! The Original Boo is Revived (1995)★★★
[137333] 6133. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:達爾的秘密計策!神龍和兩個願望"Dragon Ball Z" Vegeta's Secret Plan!! Polunga and the Two Wishes (1995)★★★
[137334] 6134. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:最後的希望!製造生命球"Dragon Ball Z" A Last Hope!! We'll Make a Huge Genki Dama (1995)★★★
[137335] 6135. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:超感激!完成大家的生命球"Dragon Ball Z" Ultra-Impressive!! The Genki Dama From Everyone is Finished (1995)★★★✚
[137336] 6136. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:變回最強孫悟空!魔人普烏滅亡"Dragon Ball Z" Son Goku is Strongest After All!! Majin Boo is Eliminated (1995)★★★
[137337] 6137. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:回復和平!正義的朋友魔人普烏!?"Dragon Ball Z" Peace Returns!! Majin Boo, Champion of Justice!? (1995)★★★
[137338] 6138. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:悟空遲到了!大家的宴會/我是小芳!悟空當上爺爺!"Dragon Ball Z" You're Late, Goku! Everyone Party!! / Grandpa Goku! I Am Pan!! (1996)★★∿
[137339] 6139. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:我是烏普!今年10歲的原本魔人!?"Dragon Ball Z" I Am Oob! Now Ten Years Old, the Former Majin!? (1996)★★
[137340] 6140. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:變得更強!悟空超越的夢想"Dragon Ball Z" Even Stronger!! Goku's Dream is Super-Huge (1996)★★
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魔人普烏撒旦 在 stu sis Facebook 的最讚貼文
[137281] 6081. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:封印解開!魔人普烏出來!"Dragon Ball Z" The Seal is Broken! Out Comes the Vicious Majin Boo!! (1994)★★
[137282] 6082. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:絕不能復活!抵抗的龜派氣功"Dragon Ball Z" I Won't Allow the Revival!! A Kamehame-Ha of Resistance (1994)★★✚
[137283] 6083. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:只有死路一條!?界王神的悲嘆"Dragon Ball Z" A Straight Line to Despair!? The Grief of Kaioshin (1994)★★★
[137284] 6084. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:魔人的恐怖!悟飯慘遭毒手"Dragon Ball Z" The Terrifying Majin!! Death's Dread Draws Near Gohan (1994)★★★
[137285] 6085. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:吃掉你!魔人填肚的超能力"Dragon Ball Z" Gonna Eat'cha!!' The Hungry Majin's Supernatural Powers (1994)★★★ⓡ
[137286] 6086. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:戰士的決心!跟魔人同歸於盡"Dragon Ball Z" A Warrior's Resolution!! I Will Dispose of the Majin (1994)★★★ⓡ
[137287] 6087. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:為了所愛的人…達爾粉身碎骨"Dragon Ball Z" For Those Whom He Loves... Vegeta Perishes!! (1994)★★★ⓡ
[137288] 6088. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:惡夢捲土重來!魔人普烏生還"Dragon Ball Z" The Nightmare Revisited!! Majin Boo Has Survived (1994)★★★ⓡ
[137289] 6089. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:碧兒們的奮鬥!尋找七龍珠"Dragon Ball Z" The Struggle of Videl and the Others! Find the Dragon Balls (1994)★★
[137290] 6090. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:剩下的希望!小孩們的新必殺招"Dragon Ball Z" Enormous Hope!! A New Finishing Technique for the Little Squirts (1994)★★
[137291] 6091. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:悟天和特南克斯…全世界的通緝犯!"Dragon Ball Z" Goten and Trunks, The World's Most Wanted (1994)★★ⓡ
[137292] 6092. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:悟飯復活!界王神的秘密武器!?"Dragon Ball Z" Gohan Revived, Kaioshin's Secret Weapon!? (1994)★★
[137293] 6093. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:拔出來了!傳說中的天界神劍"Dragon Ball Z" It Came Ou~t!! The Legendary Z-Sword (1994)★★★
[137294] 6094. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:目標西都!制止魔人普烏"Dragon Ball Z" Metro West is Targeted! Stop, Majin Boo!! (1994)★★
[137295] 6095. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:驚人的大變身!超級賽亞人3 "Dragon Ball Z" An Astounding Great Transformation!! Super Saiyan 3 (1994)★★★ⓡ
[137296] 6096. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:再見巴比提!魔人普烏的反叛"Dragon Ball Z" Bye Bye Babidi!! Majin Boo Rebels (1994)★★★ⓡ
[137297] 6097. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:難做的動作!?特訓變身姿勢"Dragon Ball Z" Absurdly Aweful-Looking!? The Special Training Transformation Pose (1994)★★★
[137298] 6098. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:永別了各位!悟空返回陰間"Dragon Ball Z" See You Later, Everybody!! Goku Returns to the Other World (1994)★★★
[137299] 6099. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:悟飯在哪裡?界王神界猛烈特訓"Dragon Ball Z" Where is Gohan!? Ferocious Training in the Kaioshin Realm (1994)★★★
[137300] 6100. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:講笑吧!?天界神劍折斷"Dragon Ball Z" You're Kidding, Right!? The Z-Sword is Broken (1994)★★ⓡ
[137301] 6101. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:合體超人悟天克斯誕生!"Dragon Ball Z" Birth of a Superhuman Warrior!! His Name is Gotenks (1994)★★ⓡ
[137302] 6102. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:最後武器開動!?撒旦拯救地球"Dragon Ball Z" The Final Weapon is Engaged!? Satan Will Save the Earth (1995)★★
[137303] 6103. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:我不再殺人了!魔人普烏的誓言"Dragon Ball Z" I've Stopped Killing!! Majin Boo's Good Boy Declaration (1995)★★
[137304] 6104. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:快逃啊撒旦!憤怒魔人普烏出現"Dragon Ball Z" Run Away, Satan!! An Angry Majin Boo Emerges (1995)★★★
[137305] 6105. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:誰勝誰負?善惡普烏決鬥"Dragon Ball Z" Which One Will Win!? A Good-and-Evil Boo-Boo Confrontation (1995)★★★∿
[137306] 6106. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:等不了的災難!地球人類滅絕"Dragon Ball Z" A No-Timeout Catastrophe!! Earth's Humanity Exterminated (1995)★★★
[137307] 6107. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:特訓成功!魔人普烏到此為止"Dragon Ball Z" The Special Training Is a Success!! You're Finished Now, Majin Boo (1995)★★
[137308] 6108. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:駛出真功夫!超級賽亞人悟天克斯"Dragon Ball Z" I'm Going Like I Mean It!! A Wide-Open Super Gotenks (1995)★★★
[137309] 6109. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:成功了!小鬼驅除普烏!?"Dragon Ball Z" I've Done It!! Boo Successfully Eliminated With Ghosts!? (1995)★★★
[137310] 6110. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:逃出異次元空間!超級賽亞人3悟天克斯"Dragon Ball Z" Escape From Another Dimension!! Super Gotenks 3 (1995)★★★
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[137201] 6001. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:踏入陷阱!魔界的挑戰書"Dragon Ball Z" The Awaiting Trap!! A Challenge from the Demon Realm (1994)★★★
[137202] 6002. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:順利過關!達爾突破第一層"Dragon Ball Z" Don't Toy With Me!! Vegeta's Breakthrough First Strike of Fury (1994)★★
[137203] 6003. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:悟空能量展開!也哥飛散"Dragon Ball Z" Goku's Power Wide Open!! Blow Away Yakon (1994)★★
[137204] 6004. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:大失算!撒旦對三個超級戰士"Dragon Ball Z" A Great Miscalculation!! Satan vs. Three Super-Warriors!? (1994)★★
[137205] 6005. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:強壯的小鬼!18號大苦戰!?"Dragon Ball Z" Such Strong Kids!! No. 18's Close Fight!? (1994)★★★
[137206] 6006. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:魔王現身!悟飯出場了!"Dragon Ball Z" Confrontation with the Demon King! It's Your Turn, Gohan!! (1994)★★╍
[137207] 6007. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:發現邪惡的心!達普拉的建議"Dragon Ball Z" A Wicked Heart Discovered!! Dabura's Great Idea (1994)★★
[137208] 6008. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:破壞王子達爾復活!大亂武術會"Dragon Ball Z" Vegeta, Prince of Destruction, Revived!! Intrusion at the Tournament (1994)★★★
[137209] 6009. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:宿敵的超決鬥!悟空和達爾激戰"Dragon Ball Z" The Super-confrontation of Destiny!! The Clash of Goku vs. Vegeta (1994)★★
[137210] 6010. 七龍珠Z——魔人普烏篇:看著吧!阻止巴比提的野心"Dragon Ball Z" Just You Wait, Babidi!! Your Aspirations Will Not Be Allowed (1994)★★★
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