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好消息~好消息~好消息~(好重要所以要講三次) 由八月一號起,香港歷史博物館、香港文化博物館、香港藝術館*、香港海防博物館及孫中山紀念館嘅常設展覽將會免費開放俾公眾參觀;至於香港科學館及香港太空館*嘅常設展覽將會免費開放俾全日制學生!咁開心,點可以唔乘機約人一齊去呢!(嗱~~俾哂機會你㗎喇!)
GREAT NEWS! Starting from 1st August, the permanent exhibitions of Hong Kong Museum of History, Hong Kong Heritage Museum, Hong Kong Museum of Art*, Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence and Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum will be admitted to all for FREE! What’s more, the permanent exhibitions of the Hong Kong Science Museum and the Hong Kong Space Museum* will be opened to full-time students for FREE! Grab the chance to go with the one you want!
*The Hong Kong Space Museum (permanent exhibition halls only) and the Hong Kong Museum of Art are currently closed for renovation and are targeted to be re-opened in 2017 and 2019 respectively.
#公共博物館 #免費開放 #PublicMuseums #FreeAdmission
香港文化博物館常設展覽廳 在 呀劍萬帥 親子旅遊 攝影札記 Kimfamilytravel Facebook 的最讚貼文
【免費開放!免費開放!免費開放!】🎉 原來所有嘢講3次就成真㗎啦!由8月1日起免費開放啦😱
【Beyond放暑假】 hmv家駒主題餐廳
【爸爸節浸個Spa】屯門親子好去處 T · PARK [源 · 區]
【5星級的車】野外露宿一宵 塘福露營車
好消息~好消息~好消息~(好重要所以要講三次) 由八月一號起,香港歷史博物館、香港文化博物館、香港藝術館*、香港海防博物館及孫中山紀念館嘅常設展覽將會免費開放俾公眾參觀;至於香港科學館及香港太空館*嘅常設展覽將會免費開放俾全日制學生!咁開心,點可以唔乘機約人一齊去呢!(嗱~~俾哂機會你㗎喇!)
GREAT NEWS! Starting from 1st August, the permanent exhibitions of Hong Kong Museum of History, Hong Kong Heritage Museum, Hong Kong Museum of Art*, Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence and Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum will be admitted to all for FREE! What’s more, the permanent exhibitions of the Hong Kong Science Museum and the Hong Kong Space Museum* will be opened to full-time students for FREE! Grab the chance to go with the one you want!
*The Hong Kong Space Museum (permanent exhibition halls only) and the Hong Kong Museum of Art are currently closed for renovation and are targeted to be re-opened in 2017 and 2019 respectively.
#公共博物館 #免費開放 #PublicMuseums #FreeAdmission
香港文化博物館常設展覽廳 在 拖手仔 去街Guide Facebook 的最佳貼文
好消息~好消息~好消息~(好重要所以要講三次) 由八月一號起,香港歷史博物館、香港文化博物館、香港藝術館*、香港海防博物館及孫中山紀念館嘅常設展覽將會免費開放俾公眾參觀;至於香港科學館及香港太空館*嘅常設展覽將會免費開放俾全日制學生!咁開心,點可以唔乘機約人一齊去呢!(嗱~~俾哂機會你㗎喇!)
GREAT NEWS! Starting from 1st August, the permanent exhibitions of Hong Kong Museum of History, Hong Kong Heritage Museum, Hong Kong Museum of Art*, Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence and Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum will be admitted to all for FREE! What’s more, the permanent exhibitions of the Hong Kong Science Museum and the Hong Kong Space Museum* will be opened to full-time students for FREE! Grab the chance to go with the one you want!
*The Hong Kong Space Museum (permanent exhibition halls only) and the Hong Kong Museum of Art are currently closed for renovation and are targeted to be re-opened in 2017 and 2019 respectively.
#公共博物館 #免費開放 #PublicMuseums #FreeAdmission
香港文化博物館常設展覽廳 在 香港故宮文化博物館(Hong Kong Palace Museum)參觀懶人包 的美食出口停車場

香港 故宮 文化博物館 將於2022年7月2日開幕,來自故宮博物院的914件珍貴文物 ... 展廳樓高5層,館內將設9個 展覽廳 ,當中1至7號展廳為 常設 展廳,只有1號 ... ... <看更多>
香港文化博物館常設展覽廳 在 小小博物館KOL 的美食出口停車場
在上星期日,我終於可以成為一位小小博物館導賞員,於沙田文化博物館的《瞧潮香港60+》展覽廳內的「兒童節目區」為參觀人仕介紹和講解以往香港兒童節目嘅發展史。 ... <看更多>