坤輿全圖裡共有21種動物,最後出場的是一種傳說中的生物 #人魚
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#坤輿全圖 裡對 #人魚 的描述是這樣的:
The Great Universal Map (Kunyu Quantu) which Father Ferdinand Verbiest drew for the Kangxi Emperor. What dose the map say about ‘Mermaid’?
“This type of sea creature appears in the Pacific Ocean. The upper body is like that of a human’s, and its bottom half is just like a fish’s. It is rumored that their bones can heal illness, and the female is especially effective for healing.” (?!)
※Mermaid, known in ancient times as a “siren.” This type of mermaid is different from the kind that we know. It is another legendary creature, believed to be able to seduce sailors and cause ships to hit the reef and sink.
※坤輿全圖中共有21種動物,分別是:麒麟(長頸鹿)、獅、犀牛、鬣狗、山羊、貂熊、狐猴、河狸、負鼠、蜘蛛、鳥類(巨嘴鳥、極樂鳥、駝鳥、火雞)、爬蟲類(變色龍、鱷魚、火蜥蝪、蛇)、海中生物「鯨」和傳說中的生物「獨角獸、人魚」。全部都在 ➡️ 坤輿全圖相簿 https://bit.ly/3bsxmks