// Truth or misinformation, that’s the question! //
Tech For Good Asia Webinar – Bridging the Digital Divide for the Elderly
Tech For Good Asia, along with Solis Strategy, co-organised a webinar to discuss the difficulties that the elderly encountered during the pandemic and how technology could help them overcome the barriers and stay connected.
Session 2 – How technology can support the elderly during the pandemic?
The social distancing measures and travel restrictions have disrupted everyone’s ordinary routine. It was particularly hard for the elderly to adapt to such drastic changes. In this session, we have invited speakers from AlipayHK, Facebook and the medical sector to share with us how new technology could improve the quality of life of the elderly during the pandemic.
In this part, Ms. Maggie Tam (Public Policy Manager, Facebook) flagged out the importance of information during the pandemic. Facebook has been working with Centre for Health Protection and other third party verification centres to ensure that their users gain access to updated and reliable information relating to Covid-19 and vaccination. Dr. Derek Wong (Specialist in Neurosurgery) highlighted the challenges patients who were seniors faced in finding the right medical information and the advances in remote diagnostics during the pandemic.
We have extracted some of the discussions in the following videos. We hope that this webinar could let community to understand better how technology could let the elderly stayed digitally connected during this difficult time.
Tech For Good Asia 接軌智慧時代全社會動員網上研討會:
「Tech For Good Asia」及與合作夥伴「Solis Strategy」合辦了網上研討會,這研討會透過錄影製作,並會剪輯成六個部份去了解去年疫情下長者面對的困難以及解決方法。
#StayDigitallyTuned #長者生活 #科技融入社區
#ElderlySupport #ElderlyDuringPandemic
#TechForGoodAsia #TFGA #SCHSA #SolisStrategy #AliPay #Facebook
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