Taiwan’s embassy in Palau 🇵🇼️has not only supported the Palau Visitors Authority in organizing the ‘Konqer’d’ obstacle course, they also formed the ‘Taiwan Ironman’ 🤖 team, led by Ambassador Wallace Chou, and their ten-man team completed the 16-obstacle course in a speedy 3 hours.
中華民國駐帛琉大使館 Embassy of the ROC Taiwan in Palau不僅贊助「帛琉旅遊管理局」舉辦的Konqer’d障礙賽🧗♂️🧗♀️,還身體力行,由周民淦大使率領10位同仁組成「臺灣鐵人隊」,在3小時內突破重重關卡,揮灑汗水💦的英姿讓主辦單位和民眾都不禁動容啦~
To promote Palau tourism, the Konqer Game staged by Palau Visitors Authority(PVA) and Konqer Sports in Airai and Koror State respectively on October 6th and 7th, 2018. The Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan) to the Republic of Palau together with the PVA advertised this event to other countries in hope of reaching out to potential tourists in the year to come.
Taiwan Embassy not only funded the Konqer Game held by PVA and invited Travel Asia Channel to film, but also constituted a team of 10 named “Taiwan Ironman”.
Konqer Game includes swimming, jogging and 16 obstacle courses. These obstacles require not only strength, but also good strategies and teamwork to be able to complete. To promote the positive image of Taiwan, Flags of Republic of China (Taiwan) were hanged on of the obstacle sponsored by the Embassy.
With the unwavering determination and excellent teamwork, Taiwan Ironman Team finally completed all the obstacles in 3 hours and received the cheers and supports from PVA and spectators.
26 teams, 261 participants and almost a thousand spectators attended the Konqer Game this year. After the event, PVA awarded certificates to Taiwan Embassy and other sponsors. It is a very successful event this year, said PVA.