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忠泰美術館 Jut Art Museum
About author
忠泰美術館成立於2016年,是忠泰建設成立三十週年、忠泰基金會設立十週年,在台灣建築文化推廣之路的重要里程碑。我們期許本館成為一座肩負企業社會責任,並回應21世紀社會需求的新形態智庫、觸媒與平台;延續忠泰建築文化藝術基金會之「A better tomorrow」信念,成為台灣首座聚焦「未來」與「城市」議題的美術館。
Jut Land Development's 30th anniversary, and the Jut Foundation for Arts and Architecture's 10th birthday, culminates in the establishment of the Jut Art Museum in 2016. It is a milestone commemorating the history of Taiwan's architectural aesthetics. We anticipate that the Museum to act as a new form of think tank, catalyst and platform devoted to corporate social responsibility fulfillment and addressing the societal dynamics of the 21st century. We also anticipate it to carry on the legacy of “A Better Tomorrow” that defines much of the Jut Foundation’s work, to become the first museum in Taiwan that is focused on the issues of “future” and “city”.
The Jut Art Museum, located in the heart of Taipei, is also where the Foundation's debut exhibition of "Museum of Tomorrow" is held. After ten years of circuit shows across the city, the exhibition is now back to where it all started, becoming a "showpiece in the heartland of the city and urban inhabitation." As an up-and-coming art establishment, the Museum serves to explore what our future might hold, and transdisciplinary issues. The curation process of the Museum is three-pronged: "the future," "urban architecture," and "contemporary art."
Japanese architect Jun Aoki is tasked with spacing designs of the museum. The identification system is developed by Atsuki Kikuchi. This is their first museum collaboration project in Taiwan. The Museum-a statement of both sophistication yet cutting-edge conception-is downtown's new architectural and art landmark; and it is poised at remaking and bringing new energy into Taipei's cityscape.
The Jut Art Museum (JAM) opened to the public in October 2016, as the first museum in Taiwan that is focused on the issues of “future” and “city”.
The Jut Art Museum (JAM) opened to the public in October 2016, as the first museum in Taiwan that is focused on the issues of “future” and “city”.
這次換選擇題比較簡單了吧 在 [請益] 想請教行政法選擇準備方式- 看板Examination 的美食出口停車場
自認其他科都有到位 也可以寫滿八頁
差距約在2分內 也曾差距1.5分
但50分的選擇題 怎麼考就只有30幾分
落榜關鍵也是行政法 約60初
如果大家有甚麼好的建議 麻煩建議我一下
若行政法選擇分數有進步 或上榜
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Examination/M.1562676472.A.1B0.html
謝謝大家 我會努力
※ 編輯: cwuuuu ( 臺灣), 07/09/2019 21:31:25
我都拿紙遮住題目重複寫 錯了會打星號
但不知道為甚麼上了考場 看到題目稍微變化
到二選一時 就會寫錯
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