1. 與學生說明,今天第一堂課要討論班級班規,請大家回想,國小的英文課或者其他課堂,老師對他們有什麼的要求,請學生想像,如果你/妳是英文老師,會怎麼規範學生?
2. 發下小白板及白板筆,請各組寫下9點可能的班規(組員需輪流寫)及三年後上完一文課希望達到的目標。
3. 學生寫完後,請學生張貼在黑板上,老師根據內容與學生進行討論分享。
4. 老師公佈自己的版本,基本上學生所寫的大致都是老師的期待,也趁機讚美學生,其實很了解老師所要的,希望學生日後的行為以學習為主。
How to discuss the classroom rules with my students?
I think it’s important to talk the classroom rules with your students to set up the boundary. However, it’s not democratic to just give direct orders. So, I use a way to discuss the rules with my students. Here are my steps.
1. Based on my students’ personal experiences, I assume that they had many teachers before. I believe that they understand what teachers want. I ask students to think about nine rules that I might want them to follow.
2. I give each group white board and a pen to write these rules down. Also, they need to set up the goal that they want to archive after three years. Each group member must write down three rules and share their ideas with other group members.
3. After the discussion, students put their answers on the blackboard. I check these answers one by one and try to understand what’s in students’ mind.
4. I share my classroom rules with my students. Basically, students understand these rules pretty much. We just need to remind and motivate them.
It took me a period of class to do this. However, I think it’s necessary. Students need to understand what kind of teacher you are. They will understand you more through your rules. If you feel hard to talk about the classroom rules with your students, I hope this will help.
討論英文discussion 在 英文單字筆記粉絲團- 人們總是有許多事情需要與其他人discuss 的美食出口停車場
討論英文 是discuss(聽發音),動詞用法,這個英文單字除了有討論的意思之外,還有"商討、商量、談論、商議"等諸多意思,要表示與"誰"討論可以用「discuss with + ... ... <看更多>