竹笙 — 又名竹蓀,性平,具益氣補虛、降血脂、抗癌減肥功效,適合欲瘦身人士食用,因為它能消除腹壁多餘的脂肪,也適合氣血不足、營養不良者食用。
Bamboo fungus can aid fat burn
Appropriate amount of fat can protect the body but modern people eat quite abundantly and many have too much fat in the system. As the new year is approaching, is fat loss a part of your new year resolution? Fat accumulates when consumption is higher than exhaustion and that can lead to various body issues. Fat is a form of phlegm and dampness. With dampness in the body, circulation and metabolism are not smooth and excess fat continue to accumulate. Aside from increasing your activity, you can also increase fat burn by eating ingredients that have that effect such as bamboo fungus. It is mild in nature and suitable for all body types, and it is a great choice for winter hot pot!
Bamboo fungus- mild in nature and can nourish qi and replenish asthenia, lower blood lipids, aid weight loss and has anti cancer qualities. It is suitable for those trying to lose weight as well as those with insufficient qi and blood and those who are malnutritioned.
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