How Disney Enlisted ‘Mulan,’ a $200 Million Folktale, to Court China
-court: 有奉承;討好;取悅;向…獻殷勤等意思。
♾ Walt Disney Co. may be rolling out its $200 million “Mulan” remake on its streaming service in much of the world due to the pandemic, but the studio still has a chance to make a box-office splash in the one market executives constantly had on their minds when making the film: China.
-roll out: 推出(新政策、產品)
-remake: 重新拍攝或改編的電影
-box-office: 售票處或賣座。
The box office opens at ten.
Her last movie was a surprise box-office hit.
⏳ The “Mulan” debut in Chinese theaters, which began reopening late in July, fits with Disney’s broader effort to court Chinese consumers, drawing them to its stores and theme parks in Shanghai and Hong Kong.
-debut: 登場,首張專輯可以叫:debut (first) album
-draw: 這邊不是畫畫的意思,而是吸引注意。
例如:draw someone’s attention
💫 The 1998 animated version of “Mulan” was a box-office dud in China. Not wanting to fall short again, Disney made many efforts to ensure its newest adaptation of the centuries-old folk tale would resonate with Chinese moviegoers. The company postponed releasing the film more than a year to wait for the actress executives wanted for the lead role and worked closely with China’s government, all the while striving to present a main character and story line faithful to Chinese values.
-dud: 廢物,a box-office dud是「票房毒藥」的意思,a box office bomb也是。
-adaptation: 改編電影
-moviegoer: 影迷
A Star Is Born has grossed nearly $149 million at the _____ since its release on October 5.
A. popularity
B. box office
C. theater
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