「我多麼慶幸 能夠遇見你」
這次帶著我的首長個人創作專輯【無力感】和我的好朋友張涵真一起來到女巫。過去一個月我們一起練習、翻唱、拍影片、做音樂等等。你在音樂裡的天賦是那麼的真誠且自然~ 開心在這過程中我們更多了解彼此,成為志同道合的知音 。很喜歡我們每一次的合作!也感謝您讓我知道在音樂路上,我並不孤單💛
隨著表演的經驗累積,我意識到一場順利的演出背後有一個支持自己的team是很重要的。我想感謝我的老闆侯志堅老師、我的團隊以及天空之城音樂公司的大大。這幾年一起籌備專輯大大小小的事真的很不用容易,也謝謝你們一直以來那麼相信我的音樂,因為你們,很多事情我都不必操心,讓我能夠專心在自己的音樂裡,演出才能夠順利落幕~ 謝謝你們,擁有這樣的團隊真的很感恩〜��那天晚上能夠跟大家享受在美好的音樂當中,都要歸功於我的兩位樂手老師 Ocean和 小蟲! 不但有才還很謙卑完全沒有架子,和你們一起工作真是太榮幸了!謝謝你們為我的音樂帶來很多新的元素和想法,希望在不久的將來還有更多的合作機會!你們真棒!
還有感謝我的好友髮型師Corinna~ 用如此自然有神的髮型替我當晚的妝容加了不少分〜 每次只要你幫我弄頭髮我上台都會更有信心!哈哈~ 太愛你了~
好慶幸能夠在音樂路上遇見你們~你們會是我心中永遠的旋律, 我會帶著你們的祝福繼續努力往前的!
每一次的演出都像是給自己上一堂大師班一樣, 永遠都有學不完的東西~很幸福這幾天都陸續收到大家對演出的回饋~代表大家真的有認真在聽喔哈哈!我也會認真把大家的建議聽進去,努力改進自己,讓下次的大家看見更好的VVN。再次謝謝大家!!!!!!!!
女巫店 「About to Shine」Vivien盧苑儀 x Hannah張涵真 演出成功!!下台一鞠躬🎉🎉🎉
There are no words to describe how thankful I am for this invitation to perform here at the witch house once again ! I remember falling in love with the atmosphere after my first show here in 2019, and not to mention the staffs are so nice and polite as well, always taking care of everything with a smile on their faces. Big thank you to Ning Fan for having me over ~ it was such a blessing💛
This time around bringing my solo album and a new friend of mine - Hannah. This past month has been one of the most fun times I’ve had , putting music and practicing together, I feel like I’ve gotten to know you so much better and it just feels so good to have someone who has the same goals in music and life by my side. You have such a gifted sense in music and I absolutely adored our collaboration! Thank you for letting me know that I’m not alone in this.
As I perform more and more I realized that it is never just about us being up on stage , what goes on behind the scenes plays an important role as well. I wanna thank my boss, my team , and the whole of SkyCastle music, for believing in my music and making this night a success ! You guys made it so easy for me to focus on my singing and not worrying about what goes on behind . Always grateful for having a team like this ~
Now if you’d asked me, music that night was pretty on point and all thanks to both my talented guitarist, Ocean and drummer Dr.Bug ! ! It was so much fun working with you guys , cuz man you really know your stuff!! I could sit here all night and listen to both you play! But again, thank you for bringing new inspirations and ideas to my music, and hopefully there’ll be more opportunities to work together in the near future ! You guys are just awesome!
I also would like to thank my girl,Corinna, for perfecting my look for the night with such a pretty effortless hairstyle ~ Boosted my confidence going up on stage ! Couldn’t have done it without you~ love ya !
Last but not least , to those who came all the way that night and also to those who texted me before and after my show ! Thank you so much for such a warm and memorable experience! You guys are the sweetest ! I want you to know that each and everyone of you is special , cuz that’s how you made me feel ~ love you all ~~~~~
I’m fully aware that I still have a lot of room for improvements and I can’t help but feel a sense of awe being in the presence of greatness performing with some of the most talented people in the industry. Makes me wanna work harder to better myself in every way !! Really am both honored and humbled by this experience ~ THANK YOU 💛 From the bottom of my heart .