【EROSION MOLLY 4th color "HALLOWEEN PARTY”先行予約者様への発送及び、一般発売に関するお知らせ】
TTFで先行発売させて頂きましたEROSION MOLLY 4th color "HALLOWEEN PARTY”ですが、9月にシンガポールで開催されたSTGCCにて先行予約を頂いたお客様への出荷は今週末を予定しております。
【Announcement regarding EROSION MOLLY 4th color "HALLOWEEN PARTY” STGCC pre-order shipment and official release】
※We are conducting quality checks on the products we are preparing for the pre-orders made by customers at STGCC.
We have sold some pieces of the EROSION MOLLY 4th color "HALLOWEEN PARTY” at TTF, and now we are preparing more for the customers who made their pre-order at STGCC in Singapore in September. The items will be shipped by the end of this week.
This edition is limited to 300pcs and we have only half the number ready right now. The remaining 150pcs will be completed around 22nd Oct. Our partner, KENNYSWORK and Monster Taipei will each get 50pcs out of the second batch of 150pcs, and INSTINCTOY will also get 50pcs as well. This edition will be officially released at the end of this month. INSTINCTOY will have a lottery sale for the EROSION MOLLY 4th color "HALLOWEEN PARTY” on 25th Oct. We will update more information before the lottery starts. Please look forward to it. For more information about the sale method at KENNYSWORK and MONSTER TAIPEI please contact them directly.
【關於在STGCC預購EROSION MOLLY 4th color "HALLOWEEN PARTY”的客戶及正式發售的資訊】
我們在TTF中首賣了EROSION MOLLY 4th color "HALLOWEEN PARTY”, 而在九月新加坡STGCC中預購的客戶, 也將在本週末開始發貨.
這款作品限定數300隻, 我們目前只有只完成150隻, 剩下的150隻預計在10月22日完成. 合作夥伴的KENNYSWORK及MONSTER TAIPEI都會從這150隻中各拿到50隻, INSTINCTOY也會有50隻的數量. 在這個月底各個公司都會發售. INSTINCTOY將採抽選販售的方式在10月25日開放報名. 更多詳情將在日後抽選開始前再做更新. 敬請期待. 關於KENNYSWORK及MONSTER TAIPEI的販售發誓, 請直接洽詢該公司.