【Please scroll down for English version】
❶ 九龍及香港華仁書院
▷ 日期:現至2月4日
▷ 時間:24小時
▷ 地點:兩華接待處
▷ 對象:貧困人仕及少數族裔
▷ 詳情:https://bit.ly/2RPeSnc
❷ 施達基金會及基督教關懷無家者協會
▷ 日期:2月3日起
▷ 時間:星期一至五辦公時間
▷ 地點:深水埗及佐敦,可郵寄
▷ 對象:無家者協會的服務對象
▷ 詳情:https://bit.ly/31l8qY3
❸ 同心圓敬拜福音平台
▷ 日期:30/1 -5/2(星期六、日休息)
▷ 時間:11:00am - 7:00pm
▷ 地點:觀塘成業街27號日昇中心606室(請先電話通知)
▷ 電話:區嘉傑傳道(96739167)
▷ 對象:基層長者、兒童及拾荒長者
▷ 詳情:https://bit.ly/2u90sVO
❹ 思道平台
▷ 地點: 請先聯絡
▷ 聯絡: 9804 6357 (Rai Yiu) 或 9217 8197 (David Mui)
▷ 對象:低收入、獨居長者以及衛生清潔工等基層人士
▷ 詳情:https://bit.ly/31feDoe
❖ ❖
【The following information is extracted from the Hidden Clinic telegram channel. Apologies for the crude photo editing!】
You may have paid much effort in getting a face mask. Or you may have more than you need for a month! If you have enough stock, would you consider donating some for those in need? It takes the whole community to prevent an epidemic, but if the government is not willing to take the lead in tackling the source of the outbreak, who but we can help ourselves?
❶ Wan Yan College
▷ Date: Today to 4th Feb
▷ Time: 24 hours
▷ Collection point: Reception, Wan Yan Kowloon and Wan Yan Hong Kong
▷ Service targets: Welfare recipients, ethnic minorities
▷ Details: https://bit.ly/2RPeSnc
❷ Cedar Fund & Christian Concern for the Homeless Association
▷ Date: 2nd Feb onwards
▷ Time: Office hours
▷ Collection point: Sham Shui Po & Jordan, can send via postal
▷ Service targets: Homeless people
▷ Details: https://bit.ly/31l8qY3
❸ One Circle
▷ Date: Today to 5th Feb (except weekends)
▷ Time: 11:00am - 7:00pm
▷ Collection point: Kwun Tong (please call first)
▷ Contact: 96739167 (Pastor Au)
▷ Service targets: Grassroot elderly & childten
▷ Details: https://bit.ly/2u90sVO
❹ C Prospective
▷ Collection point: Kowloon (please call first)
▷ Contact: 9804 6357 (Rai Yiu) or 9217 8197 (David Mui)
▷ Target: Grassroot elderly and cleaners
▷ Details: https://bit.ly/31feDoe
The above information is compiled from the Internet and I cannot guarantee their work. Please PM me if you know other donation channels. It's better to give than to receive (Acts 20:35)!
獨居長者english 在 一個平凡醫學生的日常。 Facebook 的精選貼文
【Please scroll down for English version】
❶ 九龍及香港華仁書院
▷ 日期:現至2月4日
▷ 時間:24小時
▷ 地點:兩華接待處
▷ 對象:貧困人仕及少數族裔
▷ 詳情:https://bit.ly/2RPeSnc
❷ 施達基金會及基督教關懷無家者協會
▷ 日期:2月3日起
▷ 時間:星期一至五辦公時間
▷ 地點:深水埗及佐敦,可郵寄
▷ 對象:無家者協會的服務對象
▷ 詳情:https://bit.ly/31l8qY3
❸ 同心圓敬拜福音平台
▷ 日期:30/1 -5/2(星期六、日休息)
▷ 時間:11:00am - 7:00pm
▷ 地點:觀塘成業街27號日昇中心606室(請先電話通知)
▷ 電話:區嘉傑傳道(96739167)
▷ 對象:基層長者、兒童及拾荒長者
▷ 詳情:https://bit.ly/2u90sVO
❹ 思道平台
▷ 地點: 請先聯絡
▷ 聯絡: 9804 6357 (Rai Yiu) 或 9217 8197 (David Mui)
▷ 對象:低收入、獨居長者以及衛生清潔工等基層人士
▷ 詳情:https://bit.ly/31feDoe
❖ ❖
【The following information is extracted from the Hidden Clinic telegram channel. Apologies for the crude photo editing!】
You may have paid much effort in getting a face mask. Or you may have more than you need for a month! If you have enough stock, would you consider donating some for those in need? It takes the whole community to prevent an epidemic, but if the government is not willing to take the lead in tackling the source of the outbreak, who but we can help ourselves?
❶ Wan Yan College
▷ Date: Today to 4th Feb
▷ Time: 24 hours
▷ Collection point: Reception, Wan Yan Kowloon and Wan Yan Hong Kong
▷ Service targets: Welfare recipients, ethnic minorities
▷ Details: https://bit.ly/2RPeSnc
❷ Cedar Fund & Christian Concern for the Homeless Association
▷ Date: 2nd Feb onwards
▷ Time: Office hours
▷ Collection point: Sham Shui Po & Jordan, can send via postal
▷ Service targets: Homeless people
▷ Details: https://bit.ly/31l8qY3
❸ One Circle
▷ Date: Today to 5th Feb (except weekends)
▷ Time: 11:00am - 7:00pm
▷ Collection point: Kwun Tong (please call first)
▷ Contact: 96739167 (Pastor Au)
▷ Service targets: Grassroot elderly & childten
▷ Details: https://bit.ly/2u90sVO
❹ C Prospective
▷ Collection point: Kowloon (please call first)
▷ Contact: 9804 6357 (Rai Yiu) or 9217 8197 (David Mui)
▷ Target: Grassroot elderly and cleaners
▷ Details: https://bit.ly/31feDoe
The above information is compiled from the Internet and I cannot guarantee their work. Please PM me if you know other donation channels. It's better to give than to receive (Acts 20:35)!