想跟大家特別介紹我們的駐紐約臺北經濟文化辦事處(Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in New York),這棟16層的大樓,#氣派雄偉地立在這寸土寸金的在第五大道上,燙金門牌顯示了我們的國力,趁著地利之便還可與NGOs合辦眾多活動,#為我國外交困境另尋生路,真的不得不佩服陳唐山前部長的睿智,據說現在這棟大樓價值翻了好幾倍呢‼
Good evening!
I’m glad to be here tonight to meet with so many fellow Taiwanese and our most steadfast friends. We are gathered here for one goal, which is to make the world hear Taiwan’s voice—The UN must open its door to Taiwan.
As a legislator, I have to stay close to my constituents and to help get their voice heard. And for them, Taiwan’s international participation is just as important as their own well-being.
Since 1996, Taiwan has invested over 6 billion US dollars in international medical and humanitarian aids. In addition to supporting our friendly allies during difficult times, we provide relief to refugees in the Middle East and to natural disaster victims around the globe. In recent years Taiwan has worked alongside a host of other countries to fight infectious diseases such as MERS, Ebola and Zika. Many of these contributions are not made by the Taiwanese government alone; our people actively participate in these endeavors with donation in fund and in kind. Their good deeds deserve the recognition of the international community.
Furthermore, Taiwan is globally known for its advanced public health system and universal health insurance coverage. We are willing to share our experiences and expertise with the world. But due to our exclusion from the UN system, we can only provide our assistance bilaterally. It is a pity that many countries’ officials don’t have the chance to meet with our experts or have access to our expertise. Taiwan not having a seat in the UN meetings, especially in the global health specialized agency, WHO, is a loss to the international community.
Ladies and gentlemen, Taiwan has done so much, and it can do a lot more. It should be part of the UN. Please help Taiwan to make our voice heard in the UNGA this year. Let the UN and the world know that with Taiwan, we can grow together. Without Taiwan, it will be a loss to us all. Thank you.