- 旅行前先諮詢醫生意見,看看是否適合去旅行
- 隨身帶備醫生簽署的懷孕證明書
- 乘搭飛機時,每半至一小時宜起身活動一下手腳
- 每天行程不宜排得太滿,走得累就休息一下
- 美食當前還是忍忍口,不要吃雪糕、刺身等生冷食物和凍飲
- 避免搬抬重物如大件行李
- 避免高強度或有機會碰撞的活動如機動遊戲、滑雪、潛水等
Pregnant ladies should avoid onsens
I'm really looking forward to the next trip to Japan. I'm in my second trimester with stable pregnancy, can I go into onsens?
CheckCheckCin: even though your pregnancy is stable, the temperature of onsens can be quite high which can stimulate blood circulation and stimulate your uterus to contract so we do not recommend onsen for expecting mothers. Try to just take it easy and have a relaxing holiday by sightseeing and eating.
Tips for traveling during pregnancy
- seek your doctors opinion to ensure you are suitable for travel
- bring your doctors verification note on pregnancy
- when flying in an airplane, get up and move your arms and legs every 30 minutes to an hour
- do not pack your itinerary and take a break when you are tired
- avoid ice cream, sashimi and cold drinks
- avoid carrying heavy items like a large suitcase
- avoid difficult activities or activities that you may be hit such as thrill rides and games, skiing or diving
#女 #孕婦