凱蒂食記:自從在澳門吃完翠華的海南雞後,一直很想念鮮嫩juicy又清爽的雞肉配上香噴噴的雞汁米飯!唯一的解決之道就是好好的嗑一份文慶雞。平常不愛吃飯的我在這裡配者彷彿帶有黑色魔力的醬汁一口一口無法停止。除了美味腿肉外,每次來比點的還有文慶雞的招聘小菜:香煎豬肝。小小一份,讓一餐豐富度大大提高但有不會面對一人吃不完的困境。Katherine's food diary: after tasting chuehuas resteraunt in Macau, I've been missing the taste of juicy tender hainan chicken. The only solution would be to visit wenqing chicken in taipei! I'm not a rice lover so usually I skip the carbs but at this place I find myself always end up finishing the whole bowl of rice. Perhaps it was the yummy combination of chicken stock steamed rice with the magic black sauce. Another recommendation would be their sautéed pig liver which is great portion for one!