“I Am Greta”: A look at the person and family behind the name, not necessarily the facts of the climate crisis. I think the film really takes you into the psychology of Greta; the focus, the tenacity, the overwhelmingness. Her father Svante is also an awesome character. You watch Thunberg transform from a child looking for answers to an adult who realizes there may not ever be an answer—and the terrible weight of that responsibility. Well, I’m not gonna expound on reducing one’s carbon footprint; I’m just beginning to learn how to do that myself. But I have found that overall just consuming less is a big help, not just to the environment but also to well-being in general. The pressure to consume is like a toxin in the body—it builds up in your system unknowingly and then actually makes you sick when you try to stop it. But, of course, stopping it is the only way to really get a hold on it. It took me a long time to understand that. Good luck to everyone out there. P.S. the skirt I’m wearing came from a clothing swap and I love it!
首先感謝 捷傑電影邀請,真心覺得他們品味很好!《環保少女》出乎預料,重點不是放在驚人的氣候變化數據或恐怖的未來預測,而是在格蕾塔本身與她家人的互動。從心理學的角度來看我覺得電影真的有讓你感受到她的一些特徵,例如因阿斯伯格症而擁有的專注力或者無法與太多人交談或共餐的壓力。她從一個在尋找答案的小孩蛻變成一個扛著巨大的責任的成人。至於勸導過減碳生活什麼的我就不多說,每個人都有自己的想法,我自己也慢慢在摸索中,但我不得不說減少消費與消耗不只對於環境有幫助,對於自己身心靈更是一種治療。消費的就像一種毒素,滿滿的累積在身體當中,等到發現已經來不及,想要停止也很痛苦,但是唯獨停止才能改善,太可怕了!(過來人的分享)P.S. 我昨天發現我整套服裝沒有一件是近3年新買的物品,裙子是二手服裝交換會得來的,而且我最長穿這件裙子!這就叫做baby steps吧...我們一起慢慢學習🌎
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