講個驚人消息俾大家知,香港已經踏入秋天啦😱!係咪無感覺呢? 天氣依然好熱🥵,但只係表面感覺而已,身體入面已經好敏銳感到轉季而作出反應,例如手腳皮膚乾燥,容易乾咳,成日想飲水等等信號🚨。
海底椰 雪梨湯 在 Macaufoodie Facebook 的最讚貼文
🌿一間主打涼茶的傳統老店能走到今時今日實屬不易 位於竹林寺對面的🍯「余保和」涼茶店是不少人的集體回憶📝 澳門街氣候炎熱潮濕🌞 為食又難戒口嘅我周不時都會過去飲返杯涼茶 但今時今日很多年輕人來到這裡除了喝涼茶 還會買糖水🍭 最近適逢氹仔分店開業一周年🎉 又推出了多款新品 包括圖中的🥤廢水造型卻健康到爆的足料手搖杯 還有🦠防疫推介-「川貝海底椰雪梨湯」、👫男女恩物-「桑寄生紅棗蓮子蛋茶」、🍌排毒要飲-「薏仁紅豆淮山去濕粥」足料又唔貴 仲好好味添😋
「U Bo Wo 余保和」
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海底椰 雪梨湯 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳貼文
【抗疫必飲】9大強肺素湯 9 soups to strengthen the lungs
Of the human organs, the lungs are positioned highest, and they master the body's qi. Strengthening the lungs can improve qi in the body. When there is enough qi in the body, pathogens cannot attack the body easily. Therefore, nourishing lung qi is the first step to improving immune system. The following 9 soups can strengthen the lungs, and are suitable for vegetarians. You can also add meat in as you like. As some of the ingredients are replenishing, you still need to choose the appropriate soup according to your body condition.Those who have heat in the body should first clear heat then nourish the lungs. Let’s make soup for your family to prevent the disease for everyone.
【詳細教學傳送門 Tutorials】
補氣強身人參湯 Ginseng soup to replenish qi and improve immunity http://bit.ly/2tRIrLF
滋陰潤肺雪梨湯 Pear soup to nourish yin and moisten the lungs http://bit.ly/3bt4mJY
健脾潤肺杏汁湯 Almond soup to strengthen the spleen and moisten the lungs http://bit.ly/2SmSmlL
補肺益氣黨參湯 Codonopsis root soup to nourish the lungs and qi http://bit.ly/2ON7FBT
健脾強肺太子參湯 Radix pseudostellariae soup to strengthen the spleens and lungs http://bit.ly/37kYYWb
暢順氣管海底椰湯 Sea coconut soup to relieve respiratory allergies http://bit.ly/2SiQIS4
滋陰潤肺百合海玉竹湯 Polygonatum root soup to nourish yin and moisten the lungs http://bit.ly/2Sk3dwD
清熱潤肺粉葛湯 Arrowroot soup to clear heat and moisten the lungs http://bit.ly/2uvO0zP
健脾益氣強肺湯 Soup to strengthen the lungs and spleen and nourish qi http://bit.ly/37mGynG
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