[Keywords / #法式甜點關鍵詞] #解構法式甜點:#類型與組成元素 / Decomposing French pastries: classifications and components (for English, please click "see more")
🍰 你是不是覺得法式甜點種類好多、組成好複雜呢?其實 #法式甜點的邏輯非常清楚明瞭:
📌「一旦將法式甜點從中切開、為其拍攝和繪製剖面圖,就可以發現他們的 #組成邏輯非常相近,從基本的檸檬塔到法式蛋糕、甚至是完全不同類型的泡芙等,大都符合「#pâte(麵糰)搭配 #crème(奶餡),再加上 #glaçage(淋面)和 #décors(裝飾)」的規律。」
而 #法式甜點百變風貌的秘密來自豐富的基礎元素,再「#經由甜點師的巧思創意將不同元素排列組合,法式甜點便擁有無限多種可能。」
本篇文章用淺顯易懂的方式,為你 #拆解法式甜點的奧秘,#幫助你更容易吃懂、#看懂法式甜點,#進一步更自由地創作。
🔖 了解關鍵概念、解析基礎元素:看懂、吃懂法式甜點的入門課:https://ying-c.com/articles/category/F.+Pastry+Fundamentals
🔖 法式甜點關鍵詞系列:https://ying-c.com/articles/tag/French+pastry+keywords
"There's a huge variety of French pastries, and the composition could be so complicated!" Is that what you're murmuring to yourself? Well, to your surprise, the logic of French pastry composition could be very straight-forward and easy to follow.
📌 "If you cut a French pastry and take a cross-dimensional shot, you'd find that in fact, almost all French pastries, lemon tart and mouse cakes alike, even cream puff pastries, are following the very same logic, which is pâte (pastry) + crème (cream) + glaçage (icing) + décor (decoration) ."
📌 "A good amount of essential components arranged by talented pâtissiers renders limitless creations and development in French pastry industry."
The current article tries to decode the secret of French pastries that helps you to understand and enjoy it better. If you're a pastry chef or are passionate about pastry-making, it will also help you to create your own pastries more logically yet more freely.
🔖 Getting to know more about French pastries, its key concepts and essentials: https://ying-c.com/articles/category/F.+Pastry+Fundamentals
🔖 French pastry keywords: https://ying-c.com/articles/tag/French+pastry+keywords
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